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Learn about the i-Develop project designed for Risk Management practitioners to assess training needs, access tailored education solutions, and enhance performance. Explore the comprehensive content covering various competencies and development strategies.
i-DevelopTraining Needs Analysis(TNA)Presentation to Risk PractitionersOverview of i-Develop Pilot08 September 2016 Jonas Shai | National Treasury | September 2016
Contents 1. Introduction and Background 2. TNA Concepts 3. iDevelop Demonstration 4. Portal Demonstration 5. Feedback & Close
Development of Competency Assessments Scope Outcomes Competency Framework (TCD) Competency Assessment Financial Accounting • Self Assessment & Supervisor Assessment • All PFM Officers are assessed in all Disciplines and competencies • Each competency is assessed in terms of the job incumbent’s level of proficiency and level of importance in the job role Needs Analysis Management Accounting Competency Development Supply Chain Management • Variance between level of proficiency and level of importance • Curriculum • Formal Training • On the job training • Action Learning • Special assignments • Job rotation • Coaching and mentoring Asset Management Risk Management Internal Audit Internal Control Governance Financial Systems Talent Pipeline Competency Statement Workshop i-Develop
Context: Capacity Development Strategy - CDS • The Capacity Development Strategy for Public Finance Management (CDS) represents National Treasury’s coherent strategy and plan of action to support the development of high performance public financial management. • The CDS is based on a range of diagnostics that amongst others indicated a need for improving PFM practitioner skills and knowledge through targeted education training and development solutions. • There is a strong focus on supporting individuals to achieve their personal and professional aspirations.
9 Disciplines of Public Financial Management • The strategy covers 9 PFM disciplines: functions typically associated with the offices of chief financial officers, as well as internal audit and enterprise risk management. For purposes of the strategy, PFM refers to: • Management accounting (planning and budgeting); • Revenue management; • Expenditure management; • Asset management (movable and immovable); • Financial accounting; • Supply chain management (SCM); • Internal control; • Enterprise risk management; and • Internal audit.
i–Develop: Draft Case for Change • XYZ wishes to support individual development of Risk Management practitioners. In our on-going journey towards achieving this objective, we constantly have to seek out opportunities for improvement. • One such area where we have identified opportunities relates to Risk Management practitioner skills and knowledge. At present, practitioners do not have access to relevant education training and development solutions. To address this, a new initiative called “I Develop” is proposed to assist with conducting individual Training Needs Analysis (TNA). • Using the I Develop tool to identify training needs we will endeavour to bring about improved service delivery through more effective and efficient Risk Management practices. • This will help us achieve XYZs strategic objectives by creating a Corp of Competent, Motivated and high performing Risk Management practitioners. • Ultimately to be successful we will need to assess individual skills needs and provide targeted ETD solutions that address those needs.
i–Develop: Draft Project Objectives The overall objective of the project are: • Identify the knowledge, skills and attributes (KSAs) that Risk Management practitioners have, and gaps identified for development purposes, thereby enabling an organisation to channel resources into the areas where they will contribute the most to employee development, enhancing morale and organisational performance. • To direct and advise participants on relevant education, training and development (ETD) solutions available and to prioritise the ETD solutions based on research and consultation, and linked to organisational, team and individual objectives. • To implement the iDevelop toolkit for Risk Management practitioners in all Public Entities.
How does this project benefit the Risk Management practitioner? Risk Management Practitioners: • will self assess their training and development needs • will have access to targeted training and development solutions • will have RM development solutions included in Training Plans • will be able to track their development progress- • will be able to develop their career paths
iDevelop – What You Need to Know • The project will have support of RM Managers • RM practitioners will complete self-assessments and supervisors will also assess practitioners. Scores will be agreed. Training needs agreed • iDevelop is hosted within the NT PFM Portal. • Draft assessments developed in recent August workshops will be finalised and loaded into the iDevelop tool
Achievement of competence is classified along the following 6 Levels (described in more detail in the following slide) • Achievement of competence is classified along the following 7 Levels (described in more detail in the following slide) Level 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Aligning to the desired outcomes • ASSESS • (Proficiency ≥ 3 • Importance < 3) • HR strategy: assess importance of the skills & competencies for the future • Assess need for redeployment / transfer • MAINTAIN • (Proficiency ≥ 3 • Importance = 3) • To be developed through stretch assignments • Potential pool of coaches, mentors & trainers that may require non-technical training Proficiency and importance work together to produce the needs analysis 5 Outcomes 4 Competency Development • Curriculum • Formal Training • On the job training • Action Learning • Special assignments • Job rotation • Coaching and mentoring Level of Proficiency 3 • MONITOR • (Proficiency < 3 • Importance <3) • No immediate action required • HR strategy: monitor evolution of job roles, technology and structure in the long term • TARGET • (Proficiency <3 • Importance= 3) • Requires immediate attention; priority areas for developmental activities in the short & medium terms • May require a mix of learning approaches 2 1 1 2 3 Level of Importance Competency Statement Workshop i-Develop Talent Pipeline