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~You are, But IM ~ Best Practices in Customer Services for Young Adults. Patrick Jones Connecting Young Adults and Libraries http://www.connectingYA.com. The faqs. What is a vision of teen services? What are the ten core values?
~You are, But IM ~Best Practices in Customer Services for Young Adults Patrick Jones Connecting Young Adults and Libraries http://www.connectingYA.com
The faqs • What is a vision of teen services? • What are the ten core values? • What are the ten essential arguments for serving young adults and libraries? • What are the ten trends shaping services to teens? • How well are we doing? www.connectingya.com
The faqs • What is a vision of teen services? www.connectingya.com
New Directions for Library Service to Young Adults • In every school and public library, a well-trained librarian will be dedicated to serving young adults. www.connectingya.com
New Directions for Library Service to Young Adults • Young adults will be working in the library as more than shelvers www.connectingya.com
New Directions for Library Service to Young Adults • They will be volunteering during the summer and they will be, during the school year, working for the library on internships or as community service. www.connectingya.com
New Directions for Library Service to Young Adults • Teens will still be using the library for homework and finding materials which lead to increased achievement, but in addition will find a broader selection of recreational materials, in particular music and magazines and an active selection of customer driven programs. www.connectingya.com
New Directions for Library Service to Young Adults • Each library will have a dedicated and appealing young adult space to use when the library is open, as well as a range of outreach services, after hours services, and web based services which expands the library beyond its normal open hours. www.connectingya.com
New Directions for Library Service to Young Adults • Teens will be savvy about using library technology to solve information problems, and will have developed the skills to locate, use, and evaluate information for a wide variety of sources. • (www.hclib.org/teens) www.connectingya.com
New Directions for Library Service to Young Adults • Finally, every young adult will view their library experience as a positive one and will therefore not only return, but also promote the library to their peers. These positive interactions will contribute to the healthy development of young adults. www.connectingya.com
The faqs • What are the ten core values? www.connectingya.com
New Directions for Library Service to Young Adults • The question is no longer only asking what does a young adult find in a school or public library when they enter it, but also asking what happens to that young adult as a result of checking out a book, attending a book discussion program, spending time as a student assistant, or learning how to locate information on the Internet. www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Youth development www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Circulating books, answering reference questions, teaching information literacy, developing programs, forming youth advisory groups, promoting reading through booktalking, and every other positive action we take supports healthy youth development. These things are not ends; they are means. www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Developmental needs. www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ By respecting the unique needs of teenagers, libraries show that teens are not, in the words of YA advocate Ed Sullivan, “luggage to be handled” but rather than they are customers to be served, readers to be engaged, and human beings to be developed. www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Developmental assets www.connectingya.com
~Teens: Now That They’re Here~ www.search-institute.org • Developmental assets are the building blocks of young people’s successful growth and development • The more assets young have, the more likely they are to grow up healthy and become competent caring adults. www.connectingya.com
~Teens: Now That They’re Here~ ~Connecting Young Adults and Libraries~ • Assets promote actions (aka thriving behaviors): • Succeeding in school • Helping others • Valuing diversity • Maintaining good health • Resisting danger • Exhibiting leadership • Delaying gratification • Overcoming adversity www.connectingya.com
~Teens: Now That They’re Here~ ~Connecting Young Adults and Libraries~ • The more assets a young person has, the less likely he/she is to: • Use drugs or alcohol • Smoke or chew • Vandalize • Get into trouble • Choose violence • Skip school • Become depressed/suicidal • Become sexually active www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Youth advocacy www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Dorothy Broderick, the co-founder of Voice of Youth Advocates magazine, defined a youth advocate as “a person who believes in creating the conditions under which young people can make decisions about their own lives.” www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Youth participation www.connectingya.com
TEEN ADVISORY GROUPS www.connectingya.com
TUTORING www.connectingya.com
TEENS AND TYKES www.connectingya.com
TAPPING TEEN CREATIVITY www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Collaboration www.connectingya.com
Connecting Young Adults and LibrariesPatrick Joneshttp://www.connectingya.com THE PROGRAMMING TAPESTRY • RECREATIONAL • EDUCATIONAL • CULTURAL • BUSINESS • YOUTH SERVING www.connectingya.com
Connecting Young Adults and LibrariesPatrick Joneshttp://www.connectingya.com PARTNERSHIP ROLES • COMMUNICATIVE • COOPERATIVE • COLLOBRATIVE www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Information literacy www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Adolescent literacy www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ http://www.ala.org/yalsa/ www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ What all teen readers have in common is they are developing a relationship with reading. The essential role of the young adult librarian is to nurture that relationship. www.connectingya.com
For your consideration- • Things Change • (Walker and Company, April 2004) www.connectingya.com
“the nail that sticks out farthest gets hammered hardest.” nailed by Patrick Jones April 2006 www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Learning and achievement www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ http://www.ala.org/aasl/resources/achievement.html • Texas • Pennsylvania • Colorado • Alaska www.connectingya.com
~ten core values~ Equity of access/intellectual freedom www.connectingya.com
The faqs • What are the ten essential arguments for serving young adults and libraries? www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 1. YA meets the goals and fulfills the mission of the larger organization. www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 2. Demographics in and outside of the library www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 3. Young adult services is an efficient, and even cost effective method for public libraries to best serve this large user group. www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 4. Community expectations www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 5. Building capacity within organizations www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 6. Creating life long learners www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 7. Return on investment www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 8. Creating an information literate population www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 9. Creating a well educated population www.connectingya.com
~ten essential arguments~ 10. It works www.connectingya.com