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10 &11th Grade Parent Night

10 &11th Grade Parent Night. September 24, 2012 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM. Go Center Staff:. Erica Denae Ramos Financial Aid Officer Rules of the Go Center:   All students must sign in Be prepared with a USB to save their work   Have a pass if coming from class

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10 &11th Grade Parent Night

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 10 &11th Grade Parent Night

    September 24, 2012 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
  2. Go Center Staff: Erica Denae Ramos Financial Aid Officer Rules of the Go Center:   All students must sign in Be prepared with a USB to save their work   Have a pass if coming from class Current Go Center Hours 7:30am-4:15pm. Monday thru Friday.
  3. 2011-2012 PSJA Memorial Counseling Staff *Dominique Caro 9th Early College Counselor Patricia Guajardo (A – De la Rosa) Roel Guajardo (De Leon – G) Dora Mata (H – Mor) Gloria Gutierrez (Mos – K. Rodriguez) Eric Guerra (L. Rodriguez – Z) Rachel Santillan - Clerk Department Working Hours Time: 7:30AM – 5:00PM Phone: 956-354-2422 * Head Counselor
  4. 3 Graduation Plans 3 Planes de Graduacion Credits required Creditosrequeridos 24 24 27 27 27 27
  5. RecommendedDAP 4 English 4 Math 4 Social Studies 4 Science 1 P.E. ½ year of Speech *3 Foreign Language *Pre-Calculus 1 Fine Arts *5 ½ Electives *4 Measures (at least 2 core) B or better per semester (College Grade) *Obtain Level III Advanced Academic Performance in Eng 3 & Alg 2 STAAR Tests 4 English 4 Math 4 Social Studies 4 Science 1 P.E. ½ year of Speech 2 Foreign Language 1 Fine Arts 6 ½ Electives *Obtain Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance in Eng 3 & Alg 2 STAAR Tests
  6. DAP 4 maneras de obtenerlasmedidas 4 ways of earning measures Tambiendebeobtener 3 creditos de lenguajeestranjero del mismoidioma Obtain Level III Advanced Academic Performance in Eng 3 & Alg 2 STAAR Tests Must also obtain 3 credits of the same foreign language
  7. Important Importante Important Importante Para tenerunaoportunidad de ser parte del diezporciento de suclase, los estudiantestienenquecompletarsusmedidasparadiciembre de su ultimo ano. Dos de lasmedidastienenque ser de clasesbasicas. Las otras dos pueden ser de claseselectivas. Todaslascuatromedidaspueden ser de clasesbasicas. In order to compete for a slot in the top ten percent, a student must complete their four measures by December of their senior year. Two of the measures have to be core. The other two can be from an elective. All four can come out core classes.
  8. Texas Compulsory Attendance Students must attend school every day.(§ 25.085) No credit unless they attended 90% of the classes (§ 25.092) 3 or more days/parts absent within a four-week period, a warning letter may be filed on for criminal truancy charge (§ 25.095) May result incharge with a criminal offense. (§ 25.093) Absent w/o excuse for 10 or more days/partsschool must file criminal truancy charges (§ 25.094)
  9. Excused absence EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITY: (i.e., athletics, UIL competition, band/choir, etc.) MENTOR: (i.e., the student mentoring another student.) RELIGIOUS HOLY DAY: Religious holy day. Includes days of travel. MEDICAID APPOINTMENT: Medicaid-eligible and is participating in the Early & Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Program. ILLNESS: Personal illness or doctor’s appointment
  10. Excused absence cont… COURT: Court proceedings HUMAN SERVICES: Referred to the Texas Department of Human Services for abuse or neglect. PRE-APPROVED REASON: Temporary absence if approved by the principal. REMEMBER, IF A STUDENT IS ABSENT FOR A REASON NOT LISTED ITS UNEXCUSED. NOTES ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL ABSENCES AND SHOULD BE TURNED IN TO ATTENDANCE CLERK WITHIN 48 HOURS.
  11. NGs An NG (No grade) is given to students who are not present 10% or more in each class. Students need to make up absences on Saturdays to receive credit. Keep posted to announcements and our website for further info.
  12. Tutoring NGs All core departments offer tutoring upon request after school Please keep posted to our school website for further info. http://wolverines.psjaisd.us/ An NG (No grade) is given to students who are not present 10% or more in each class. Students need to make up absences on Saturdays to receive credit. Keep posted to announcements and our website for further info.
  13. Progress Reports-Reports Cards Instructional Reporting Periods Progress Reports Report Cards Passing grades (70+) Dual-credit grades (80+)to get DAP measure
  14. Credit Recovery Nova-net – Computer-based Credit recovery for students that have already taken courses and need to recover credits. After-school Saturdays 3:45-4:45 8:00a.m. – 12:00p.m. Credit Recovery – Night School Monday thru Wednesday (5:00-7:30) Coming Soon
  15. Career Pathways Law Business Technology Engineering Health Science Human Services and Agriculture
  16. Law Enforcement Introduces students to professions in law enforcement at the local, state and federal level Preparation for a career in law enforcement Overview of the federal and state court systems
  17. Human Services and Agriculture Livestock Production Investigations through field and laboratory experiences Child Development Personal Care Services
  18. Business Financial Management Principles Create Word Processing Documents Learn about Multimedia Software Help students learn about transition to the workforce and/or postsecondary education
  19. Technology Computer and Technology Applications Focus on fundamental elements and principles of visual arts/design Advertising and Visual Communication Create quality photographs
  20. Health Science Overview of support services and the health care industry Introduce students to medical terms Expose students to numerous health careers Students conduct field and laboratory investigations
  21. Texas Success Initiative In compliance with Texas Success Initiative (TSI) requirements, you must either take a state-approved assessment or be exempt from TSI prior to attending orientation and enrolling in any college-level coursework. Your results will not be used for admission purposes. State-approved assessments include: THEA, ASSET, ACCUPLACER or COMPASS. You are TSI exempt if you submit verification that you have completed one of the following: TAKS (10th or 11th grade scores): 2200 Math and 2200 ELA with a Writing score of 3 ACT: 23 Composite with a 19 English and 19 Math SAT: 1070 combined score (Verbal/Critical Reading and Math) with a 500 Verbal/Critical Reading and 500 Math Testing Information For more information about THEA, ACCUPLACER, ACT or SAT testing dates and fees, contact: University Testing Services (956)-292-7584 or testing@utpa.edu
  22. Concurrent EnrollmentAdmission Criteria

    Be a high school junior or senior on target toward graduating under a Recommended or DAP Graduation Plan Submit official verification of having met the criteria for concurrent enrollment Meet the Texas Success Initiative Meet UTPA Concurrent Enrollment Application Deadlines
  23. Official Documentation Submit official verification of having met the criteria for one of the programs: Rank in the top 10 percent of your graduating class Have a 90 or above grade point average (based on grades in academic courses such as English, math, natural sciences, social studies and foreign languages) Score a minimum ACT composite of 22 Score a minimum SAT combined score of 1030 (Verbal/Critical Reading and Math)
  24. How to apply for UTPA Concurrent Enrollment? Go to the website online at http://www.applytexas.org and complete the application process. Complete the UTPA paper application that requires parental and school official signatures. Request Official Transcript & Individual TAKS Scores from MHS Registrar's Office. Turn in compiled information to Mrs. Gutierrez in the Counseling Department.
  25. South Texas College Dual Enrollment Program Students remain at their local high school campus, enjoying the benefits of high school participation while earning college-level credit Student must complete his/her sophomore year, few exceptions Admissions Process: Step 1: Complete a Dual Enrollment Admissions Application Apply online at www.applytexas.org Step 2: Provide STC or Ms. Caro (STC Contact) a copy of your high school transcript; including TAKS, THEA or Accuplacer Scores Step 3: Meet with your high school counselor to select and register for Dual Enrollment classes
  26. Testing Requirements Minimum TAKS Scores (11th/12th gr. only) English 2200 Writing 3 Math 2200 Minimum THEA Scores English 230 Writing 220 Math 230 Minimum ACCUPLACER Scores Reading 61 Writing SS80 + E –5 Math 68
  27. RankRango Raw GPA is configured using all the grades a student obtains since his freshmen year up to the fifth six weeks of their senior year and dividing by the number of grades. El GPA escalculadousandotodaslascalificacionesque el estudianteobtienedesde el gradonueve hasta lasquintasseissemanas del ultimo ano y dividiendopor el numero de grados.
  28. Rank with weight Rangocon peso The following weight is added to classes as long as the student took the course for the whole year and earned a grade of a 70 or better. El peso siguienteesagregado a cadaclasesiempe y cuando el estudiantehaigatomado la clasetodo el ano y la paso con unacalificacion de 70 o mas alto.
  29. Weight added to classes Peso agregado a lasclases
  30. TEXAS SCHOLAR REQUIREMENTSREQUISITOS PARA SER TEXAS SCHOLAR MUST: Graduate from high school having completed the Recommended or Distinguished Achievement Program AND Complete at least two courses while in high school eligible for college credit. DEBEN: Graduarse de high school de bajo del plan Recomendado o el Distinguido y Completarpor lo menos dos claseselegiblesparacredito de colegio.
  31. Welcome Back Migrant Students and Parents PSJA Memorial Migrant Department Mr. Jorge Palacios Migrant Director (956) 354-2049 From left to right: Imelda Cadena - Migrant Counselor Iris Flores - Lab Manager Maggie Veliz - Guidance Associate (956) 354-2420 ext# 6383
  32. Services That the Migrant Program Provides Our Students Support Services: Health/Dental/Eye care School Supplies School Shirts Instructional Services UT- Austin Distance Learning for Secondary Students Credit By Exam Dual Credit/ Concurrent Enrollment Academic Assistance Credit Recovery with APEX After School Tutoring Extra Science Instruction with our Migrant Teacher
  33. We pledge to move our students forward into a college ready, college connected, and college complete school year. Thank You for allowing us to serve your children.
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