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JSU Orientation to Internship Application College of Education & Professional Studies. Ronda R. Ray, Director of Clinical Experiences.
JSU Orientation to Internship ApplicationCollege of Education & Professional Studies Ronda R. Ray, Director of Clinical Experiences
The following slides give pertinent testing information related to the pre-service teaching experience in the College of Education and Professional Studies. There are testing and admission requirements that must be completed. YOU WILL WANT TO TAKE EXTENSIVE NOTES ON THIS MATERIAL!
Test Requirements Prior to Internship for ALL Students: PRAXIS II • Subject specific knowledge and general knowledge (including pedagogical skills) are tested. Take all required Praxis II exams in time to receive your scores before your Internship semester. • Passing scores are required prior to Internship and have been set by the ALSDE. Check the College of Education website to see which tests you must take to satisfy AL certification requirements. Test information is listed on the College of Education website and the ALSDE website as well. • You may purchase study guides on-line on the ETS site (and view “test at a glance”) or purchase a guide on Amazon.com. • Register with ETS at www.ets.org/praxis/register.html. Make sure to have your score report sent to the ALSDE and JSU. • Testing fees range from $115.00 - $150.00 total (this includes a $40.00 registration fee). If you take a multiple subjects test, you must take the full test on your initial attempt. Then if you do not pass one of the subtests, you may take that individual subtest again for a reduced fee. • Students will be required to pass the Praxis II tests according to the ALSDE guidelines in order to intern & graduate.
NEW PRAXIS REQUIREMENT New for Fall 2013 Internship: ALL interns are required to pass the PLT – Principals of Learning & Teaching K-6 OR Principals of Learning & Teaching 7-12 in addition to the previous Praxis test requirements.
PLT Test Codes 0622 or 5622 0624 or 5624 • CLE -- MUI or MUV • ECE -- PE • ECK -- Spanish • ECP All Secondary Fields • EED including CLS
New for Elementary Education and Collaborative K-6 Elementary Education Multiple Subjects is now available and will replace EED: Content Knowledge in September 2013. (Each content area subtest must be passed individually as opposed to an averaged score.) Also in September 2013 Early Childhood: Content Knowledge will replace EED: Content Knowledge for ECE and ECP certification.
Test Requirements Prior to Internship for ALL Students: All candidate score reports will be available online only. Paper score reports are not produced and candidates will not be mailed a paper score report. Candidate score reports will be posted by 5:00 PM EST on the Approximate Score Report Dates and can be downloaded from the ETS website. Candidates are able to view their scores for 45 days after being posted. Score reports must be downloaded, printed, and kept in a safe, accessible place as they may need to be presented for job applications. There will be no fee for this service.
Test Requirements for Graduation for Undergraduate Students ONLY ECE (English Competency Exam) • Taken once you complete English 101 & 102 and have acquired 60 hours. • Register on-line at www.jsu.edu/depart/english/ece • Phone contact # 782-5411 or 782-5412 • The test is administered at JSU by the English Department. There is no testing fee .
Test Requirements for Graduation for Undergraduate Students ONLY College Base Examination (CBASE) • Taken after completing 96 semester hours • Register through Counseling Services online at www.jsu.edu/ccservices/cbaseregistration.html • There is no testing fee
Test Requirements for Graduation for Undergraduate Students ONLY in the Following Majors: Biology (BY), History (HY), English/Language Arts (ELA), Math (MS), Music Instrumental (MUI) & Music Vocal (MUV) IN-FIELD MAJOR FIELD TEST (In-field MFT) • Test taken the semester that you intern, if you are in one of the majors listed above. • Contact your department to find out when the test will be given. This is a requirement for GRADUATION, not internship!! • Register with your department. • Sample test questions/test descriptions can be viewed at the following ETS address: www.ets.org/hea/mft/discipline.html • If this requirement is dropped, you will be notified. Currently, it is required.
Test Requirements for Graduation for Graduate Students ONLY COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAMS • Comps are given through your department the semester that you intern (your LAST semester). • Contact your department for specific dates given. You register online through the Graduate School. • Clinical Experiences Office does not know testing dates, as they differ according to each major & within each department.
Other Requirements for Internship: • For UNDERGRADS -Overall, professional, & teaching field GPAs must be a 2.5 at minimum. • For GRADS –Overall, professional, & teaching field GPAs must be a 3.0 at minimum. • Internship should be the last course for the student • Must have earned a “C” or better in all teaching and professional courses (& have no “I” for incomplete courses) • You will formally apply for the internship one semester before you actually plan to intern. Should you apply & not actually intern for any reason, you will reapply again at the appropriate time.
Application Procedures: • The internship is the LAST course before graduation, and should be the only course you take, unless you are required to take “Classroom Behavior” or “Contemporary Issues” or another course designed to be taken concurrently with internship, according to your department. • You must have completed your application for internship online and bring ALL required materials at the time of your individual check-out. Everything should be turned in at once. Materials cannot be turned in a few pieces at a time. • Completed applications must be on file at the Teacher Service Center. Late applications can delay your placement. • .
Application Procedures continued… • Liability insurance proof is required! You may not attend your placement school without appropriate coverage. • If you choose SAEA membership for your liability insurance, you will need to purchase that between June 1st and July 30th to get coverage for the 2013/2014 school year. • Proof of insurance must be turned in to Mrs. Kay Coger in the Teacher Service Center by August 1, 2013.
Liability Insurance Information… • If you are employed (or become employed) as a teacher, you will not purchase the student membership. You will get this through your Board of Education and will supply proof that you have it with your application. • Liability insurance coverage may be purchased through any company of your choice, but documentation for coverage in the amount of $1,000,000 with coverage dates must accompany your application. Coverage must last through the end of your internship semester. • Payment may be made by check or money order for AEA/SAEA membership in the Office of Clinical Experiences (RWB 311). Do NOT bring cash. Follow directions on the membership form, and turn in payment & original form to me before taking receipt to Teacher Service Center.
SAEA Membership Online • To Join SAEA Online • Go to myaea.org • Click on “Membership” (on the left) • Click on “Students can click here to Join Online (or download a membership form.)”
Registering for Internship…ED 495/595 & ED 496/596 Currently, Undergraduates register for 1 section of Internship and 1 section of Seminar for a total of 9 hours. You will register for the appropriate Seminar according to your department. Graduatesregister for 1 section of graduate level Internship and 1 section of graduate level Seminar for a total of 6 hours. You will register for the appropriate Seminar according to your department. IF you need 12 hours for financial aid or insurance reasons, consult your advisor for the appropriate recommendations. NO ONE CAN REGISTER FOR INTERNSHIP UNTIL AFTER GRADES POST FOR THE SEMESTER PRIOR TO INTERNSHIP.
Special Approval Designation Summer Trial Schedule • Use your checkout sheet to choose courses you need to take during the summer before Internship. Fall Trial Schedule • Include ED 495/595 and ED 496/596 • Add a course that is still needed according to your checkout sheet.
Special Approval by April 12th If all you need in Fall is Internship and Seminar (and a recommended course to take with Internship), get your advisor’s signature and bring your trial schedule sheets to the TSC. If you need special approval for a course to take during Internship, get signatures from your advisor, department head, and Dr. Barkley and return to TSC.
CHECK, CHECK, & DOUBLE CHECK BEHIND YOUR ADVISOR! • You are ultimately responsible for making sure that you meet all requirements (outlined in your catalog/bulletin) in order to student teach. If you have any questions about this, check your JSU bulletin again or ask questions. Refer to your checkout sheet from TSC! • If you are missing courses, received an “I”, made less than a “C” in a required course, or your GPA does not meet ALL the minimums you will need to have taken care of this prior to internship. • So, please double check to make sure you’re eligible. If you drop a course, you’ll need to take it later before you plan to intern, recalculate your GPA, etc. PLEASE re-check for your own sake & check early!
Importance of Keeping ALL Information Current: • If any information that you submit changes after you submit it, you must notify Clinical Experiences (rray@jsu.edu) immediately. Students must frequently be contacted, and correct, current information is necessary in order to keep you informed. • On your Internship Application, please notice there are two different address listings: one for internship and one for home. On your Blue Sheet, you should list your physical address during Internship. • Information that could potentially change includes: email addresses, phone numbers, physical address, and even name changes, etc. Please notify Clinical Experiences ASAP if you have any information changes. Include your name, major, and semester/year you plan to intern. • Also, if you have a teaching job change between now and internship (5th year students only), you must re-submit new/current/updated information and forms as required on your original application. . L
Notice to Alternative 5th Year Students who are employed as Teachers: • In order to meet internship requirements, you must be employed in your field. If you are BY and employed to teach GS all day, this will not satisfy requirements. You must be full-time employed in the area in which you are seeking certification and within the corresponding grade level(s). • Some students have had to take a leave of absence. • If you are employed in a private school or seek private school placement, the school must meet certain requirements: • must be SACS accredited • recognized by the State
Final information for any Alternative 5th Year Students : • If you secure employment after application, you must contact Clinical Experiences immediately and provide the necessary documentation (a letter from your superintendent and a copy of your current certificate). • If you become unemployed between now and internship, you must notify the office as well. • If you are employed out of field, you will need to secure a leave of absence if you cannot gain employment within field. • If you are employed as a teacher’s aide, you will need to secure a leave of absence from that role.
JSU places interns in some schools in the following AL Counties: • Calhoun • Cherokee • *Clay • Cleburne • *Dekalb • Etowah • *Marshall • *Randolph • St. Clair • Talladega * only portions of these counties This information is subject to change.
Note on the CountiesJSU Serves… • This is just the “geographic” area • There are many different systems within each of these counties listed that we serve. • For example: The Calhoun County area consists of five different school systems: • Anniston City, Calhoun County, Jacksonville City, Oxford City, Piedmont City
Rules Related to Internship Placement: • You may NOT intern where you have any family attending or employed. Please don’t ask! This information must be disclosed on the application for internship. Give accurate information, please! “Family” is defined as (but not limited to) the following:spouse, child, grandchild, brother/sister, aunt/uncle, grandparents, niece/nephew, cousins, sister-in-law/brother-in-law, mother/father, etc.
You mayNOT intern where you attended high school unless it has been more than ten years. Do not list this as a requested choice for placement on your application for internship. This helps give you a diverse placement/setting. • You may intern where you completed your Practicum when both parties agree to it. • If you are EED, you must have clinical experience at both upper (4-6) and lower (K-3) levels. If you are ECP, you must also have had K placement specifically.
Students should NOT contact Boards of Education or schools to ask for placement. All placements come through the Office of Clinical Experiences. 6. Applications that are incomplete or not legible will NOT be processed and will delay placement. Be sure you indicate the grade level and school name of ALL practicum experiences.
If you have extenuating circumstances related to legitimately needing special consideration with regard to making your placement… you must let Clinical Experiences know upfront and include a written explanation of your circumstances detailing why you might need special consideration with your application.
If you absolutely must go outside of JSU’s internship supervision coverage area: • If circumstances, such as employment (or a move) force you to intern outside of JSU’s defined supervision area, you might be eligible to complete the internship through a “courtesy” or “transient” placement. • You will need to go to the Placement Policy section of the Clinical Experiences website and follow the Steps for Completing Courtesy (or Transient) Placement. • All requests for such placements must be typed & addressed to the Director of Clinical Experiences. They will be given to your department head for approval and then to theDean for final consideration. Reasons must be valid and necessary. Such requests must be made at the time of application.
If you absolutely must go outside of JSU’s internship supervision coverage area… • You will be required to secure your own supervision at your own cost. This is usually several hundred dollars ($500.00 + mileage). • You will go through another NCATE accredited institution, or pay a university supervisor from JSU to supervise you.
APPLICATION DEADLINE • The sooner you get your application in the better. • First date for checkouts: Monday, February 18th , 2013 DEADLINE: Friday, March 22nd , 2013 No checkouts will be completed March 22nd-April 26th to allow Teacher Service Center to process graduation requirements. • Applications that are not turned in within established deadlines cannot be guaranteed a spot for internship. Last minute placements are not always able to be accommodated as they are an inconvenience to the schools, and there are hundreds of teacher candidates seeking placements each semester. • DO NOT WAIT TO CHECK OUT UNTIL YOU HAVE PRAXIS II SCORES OR COMPLETE A PARTICULAR CLASS – YOU MUST CHECKOUT FROM FEBRUARY 18TH – MARCH 22NDTO BE ASSURED AN INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT.
Special Permission • If you need special permission to take a course during Internship, you will be required to fill out a trial schedule with the course information to verify that the course does not conflict with Internship hours. • This trial schedule must be signed by your Advisor, Department Head, and the Associate Dean of CEPS before it is returned to Ms. Trammell or Mrs. Gaddy in the Teacher Service Center. • Placement information will not be released to you until the OCE has clearance for special permission and all passing Praxis II scores.
Special Approval Deadline A copy of your approved Trial Schedule must be received in the Teacher Service Center by April 12th. Students without appropriate special approval by April 12th will be dropped from the Internship Application Process.
Placement Information Can Change: • I do not assign interns to teachers. This is left up to the boards of education and principals. • Much goes into placing you & assigning supervision. For this reason, it is rare that changes on JSU’s end will be made after the fact, unless it is an emergency. • Because changes in placement sometimes happen before the semester actually begins, placement information is not released until approximately one week before internship begins.
Placement Letters INTERNSHIP PLACEMENT INFORMATION: Intern: Jane Black-PE Placement: Jones Middle School/ Smith Elementary School Cooperating Teacher: Sally Johnson/John White Your Internship Start/End Dates: August 12, 2013/November 22, 2013 Latest Internship Start/End Dates: August 21, 2013/December 3, 2013
Should you be forced to withdraw/drop from the internship prior to the start of it: • It is O.K. if something comes up after you register, and you are forced to withdraw/drop, but you must not only drop the course, you must also notify Clinical Experiences and do so immediately upon dropping it. • If you simply drop the course and do not notify the Office of Clinical Experience, there is no way of knowing that you withdrew. Schools will then be expecting you to come, and teachers will have made plans to have you in their rooms. • REMEMBER THAT YOU WILL NEED TO REAPPLY AGAIN AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME AND TURN IN A NEW APPLICATION FOR DEGREE!
Also… • Should you turn in a completed application for internship and then decide (before actual registration) that you will not be able to intern (for any reason), PLEASE notify me via email or phone and let me know so that I don’t place you. ( rray@jsu.edu (256) 782-5854) • YOU WILL NEED TO COME TO THE NEXT APPROPRIATE REGISTRATION MEETING AND REPEAT ALL STEPS • THANK YOU! I will greatly appreciate that!