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Final Exam Review Power Point December 2013. Questions or concerns, e-mail me at bbybee@powercenteracademy.org , message me through schoology , or come to me between classes or after school during my office hours or scheduled time. Schedule of the Exam.
Final Exam Review Power PointDecember 2013 Questions or concerns, e-mail me at bbybee@powercenteracademy.org, message me through schoology, or come to me between classes or after school during my office hours or scheduled time
Schedule of the Exam • Friday-Monday (12/13-12/16): Oral Portion- Presentation of your Graffiti in Spanish • Tuesday (12/17): Reading and Writing Portion- Mara Salvatrucha Information and Conjugating Verbs in Present and Past Tenses (Preterite and Imperfect) • Wednesday (12/18): Listening Portion- “TúCárcel” by Enanitos Verdes • Thursday (12/19): Make Up Time • Friday (12/20): Video and Make Up Time
Things to Know • The exam is comprehensive of everything that we have covered in class since the mid-term exam. The exam will be broken up into 4 parts (Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking) similar to the Mid-Term Exam.
Information for the Reading Section of your Exam Questions will be asked about the following slides some similar to the pop quiz given in class (which is included)
Reading Exam Overview • Interpret information about the history of the Mara Salvatrucha • Understand the reasons why pandillas form • Understand the life of a pandillero • Analyze the importance of graffiti and señales in the life of a pandillero • Demonstrate a basic understanding of how studying the Mara Salvatrucha relates to our own lives • Know the difference between legal and illegal pandillas
Informacción Clave de MS-13 de Vida y Muerte en la Mara Salvatruchaunanovela: AutorAnónimo
Historia de la MS-13 • Refugiados de El Salvador entraron a los EstadosUnidos en California • Salieron El Salvador por la guerracivíl • FueronamenazadosporotraspandillastalcomoLa Calle 18 • Nacieron de posicionesdefensivas • Una de lasmáspeligrosaspandillas en el mundo
¿Quésignifica MS-13? • Mara: Salvadorian Españollunfardo (slang) para “grupo,” “pandilla,” or “clica” • Salvatrucha: Un debate existetodavia (still) • Refiere a un grupo de soldadosquelucharon en la guerracivíl de El Salvador • También (Also) se sabecomo “inteligencia de la calle” (street smart) • 13:Adoptadoporrespetoporque el “M” es la letra 13 en el alfabeto
El propósito de pandillas(especialmente en Los Ángeles) • Protección • Hermanamiento • Familia
¿Cómoes la pandilla hoy? • Violente y organizadapor el mundo (internaccionalmente) • Estimado 60,000-80,000 miembrosmundialmente • Ganandinerousando el tráfico de personas, armas, y drogas • Tambiénmiembros son empleadoscomomatadorescontratados
La vida de un pandillero • Reglas (Some, not all) • Ganardinero • Buscarnuevosmiembros • Evitarrelacionarse con pandillasconsideradasenemigas • Obedecerlasórdenes de los líderes • Serfieles (faithful) por el resto de suvida • No cooperar con la policía • No cometascrímenes en tupropiovecindario (neighborhood) • Escuelas, Iglesia, Tiendas, y Cines son territorio neutral [aunque no siempre se cumplen]
La Vida Continuada • 3 Maneras de salir • Muerte • Cárcel • Hospital
Propósito de Señales • Identificación y comunicación • Mostrarrápidamentequienes(To quickly show who you are) • Para decir, “Este esnuestra area!” o “Cuidado” • La Mara Salvatrucha señalviene de (comes from) los cuernos del diablousado en bandas de “Heavy Metal”
Propósito de Tatuajes • Identificarsu “clique” • Hacermemoria de los fallecidos (Remember fallen) • Un triángulo se puederefirir a la locavidapandillera (mi vidaloca), o los tresdestinos (muerte, hospital, o la cárcel) • Unalágrimamuestra (shows) que ha perdido un compañero de la pandilla o ha matado a un pandilleroenemigo • Las caras de teatro (feliz o triste) muestratiempo en la cárcel y libertaddespués
Pop Quiz Questions (given during class as a review) • 1. What is the purpose of the señales (signs) • 2. What were the El Salvadorian immigrants called when they came to the U.S.? • 3. How did the MS-13 group originally form? • 4. What does the term MARA mean? • 5. List 3 rules a pandillero follows or should follow
El graffiti • Pandillasusan graffiti paramarcarterritorio • Cada graffiti esdiferente, usualmentecontiene el nombre de la pandilla y un símboloquemuestra (shows) los valoresprincipales • http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=g99e8-UbcLo (examples of graffiti from Art Basel)
Information for the Writing Section of your Exam Section will include the following: conjugating verbs in the present, preterite, and imperfect tenses identification of animals and phrases vioquehabía, se acercó a, y se la (lo) llevó.
Writing Exam Overview • Conjugating Present, Preterite, and Imperfect Tenses using a chart. • Telling the difference between different animals and knowing them in Spanish • Using the phrases: se acercó a, se la (lo) llevó, and vioquehabía
Ejemplos del Presente • Escalomontañas. I climb mountains. • Corren en carreras. I run in races. • Salimos la casa a lascinco. We leave the house at five o’clock.
Conjugate Verbs by following these steps Determine the type of verb by looking at the ending (-AR, -ER, -IR) Drop the Ending Keep the Stem Add the Appropriate Ending
Ejemplos • Escaléunamontaña hoy. I climbed a mountain today. • Salimos de la casa a lascinco de la mañana. We left the house at five o’clock in the morning.
MásInformacción • One form of the preterite tense is the same as the present tense—the nosotrosform. When you read a sentence with the nosotrosform, how can you tell if the verb is in the present tense or the preterite tense? Read the following sentences. Which verb do you think is in the preterite tense? How can you tell? Mifamilia y yoviajamosa España.Mifamilia y yoviajamosa España el añopasado. • EXPLANATION: To form the preterite tense of viajarand all other regular -arverbs, you take the part of the verb called the stem (viaj-) and add these endings to it: é, aste, ó, amos, asteis, and aron. Look for time clues, such as ayer(yesterday), el mespasado(last month), and el añopasado(last year), in sentences with the nosotrosform. They will help you recognize whether the verb is in the present tense or the preterite tense.
Use Pretérito with Finished actions Sequence of events
Practice Activity: Rewrite each sentence, changing the verb to the preterite tense. • Fabiánmonta a caballo. ___________ • Lily y tú reservan la habitación. ___________ • Yovisito el museo. ___________ • Antonia y yotomamos el ascensor. __________ 5. Ellasacampan. ___________ 6. Tú comprasartesanías. ___________ 7. Ustedesmandantarjetaspostales. ___________ • René y Tinoencuentran la llave. ___________
Ejemplos • Salíamos de la casa a lascinco de la mañanacuandoera jovenparallegar a la escuela a tiempo. We left the house at five o’clock in the morning when I was younger to get to school on time.
Use Imperfecto with 1. Habits (used to; would) (cuando era niñotodos los viernes, todos los días, de pequeño) 2. Descriptions (time, weather, age) 3. Incompleted actions (was[happening])
Example of the Imperfect Tense Éraseunavezuna persona de cortaedadllamadaCaperucitaRojaque (vivió / vivía) con sumadre en la linde de un bosque. Un día, sumadre le (pidió / pedía) quellevaraunacesta con frutafresca y agua mineral a casa de suabuela, pero no porque lo considerarauna labor propia de mujeres, atención, sinoporqueellorepresenta un actogenerosoque (contribuyó / contribuía) a afianzar la sensación de comunidad. Además, suabuela no (estuvo / estaba) enferma; antes bien, (gozó / gozaba) de completasaludfísica y mental y (fue / era) perfectamentecapaz de cuidar de sí mismacomo persona adultay maduraque (fue / era).
You should be able to answer this question In Spanish there are 2 ways to use the past tense. They are the preterite and imperfect. • What is the difference between the preterite and the imperfect?
Animales to know • Cabra • Oso • Ballena • Rana • Pato • Vaca • Caballo • Zorro • Ciervo • Perro • Pulpo • Ardilla
Know the following phrases • Vioquehabía • Se acercó a • Se la (lo) llevó • Remember that the video Oktapodi could be used with these terms. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=badHUNl2HXU • Also, Remember the story about María. “Maríavioquehabíaun árbol en la distancia. Se acercó al árbol y pensó, ‘Quierollevármelo,’ peroella no se lo llevóel árbolporquefuegrande.”
Information for the Listening Section of your Exam You will be listening to the song “TúCárcel with the lyrics and you will be filling in the blanks of the lyrics with the correct word. You should be familiar with the song (We have listened to it during class) It is included here.
Listening Exam Overview • The listening exam will be from the song we are listening to in class where you will have to choose the word you hear from the song as it relates to the lyrics.
Music Listening Activity for Exam • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQAKKp6ziD0&authuser=0 TúCárcel- by Enanitos Verdes
Lyrics for TúCárcel Te vas amorSi así lo quieresQuepuedoyohacer, Tuvanidad no tedejaentenderQue en la pobreza se sabequerer. Y quierollorar, Y me destrozaquepiensesasíY másqueahora me quede sin tiMe duele lo quetú vas a sufrir. PerorecuerdaNadiees perfecto Y tu lo verasMás de mil cosasmejorestendrásPerocariñosincerojamás. VeteolvidandoDe estoque hoy dejas y quecambiarásPor la aventuraquetuyaverasSerátucárcel y nuncasaldrás. QuierollorarY me destrozaquepiensesasíY másqueahora me quede sin tiMe duele lo quetú vas a sufrir. PerorecuerdaNadiees perfecto Y tu lo verasMás de mil cosasmejorestendrásPerocariñosincerojamás. VeteolvidandoDe estoquehoy dejas y quecambiarásPor la aventuraquetuyaverasSerátucárcel y nuncasaldrás.
Information for the Speaking Section of your Exam and Overview You will be presenting your graffiti to the class and presenting in Spanish information about the meaning of your personal graffiti you have created.
Rubric: How it will be graded? • Over Fluency, Pronunciation , and Language Use • 5 • High • Outstanding fluency; no hesitancy • Outstanding pronunciation with very few errors • *Excellent variety of sentence structure. *Excellent command of grammar with very few errors. *Excellent range of vocabulary. • 4 • Mid-High • High level of fluency; some hesitancy. • High level of pronunciation with few errors. • *Good variety of sentence structure. *Good command of grammar with a few errors.*Good range of vocabulary. • 3 • Mid • Good range of fluency; hesitant to answer • Good range of pronunciation with occasional errors. (simple vowel sounds are pronounced correctly.) • *Average variety of sentence structure*Average command of grammar with occasional errors. *Average use of vocabulary .
Rubriccontinued • 2 • Mid-Low • Narrow range of fluency; consistent hesitancy • Narrow range of pronunciation with many errors • *Sentence structure is broken *Minimal command of grammar with many errors.*Minimal use of vocabulary • 1 • Low • Poor range of fluency; severe hesitancy or skipped answers. • Poor pronunciation with severe errors. • *Sentence structure interferes with comprehension.*No command of grammar with pervasive errors*Limited use of vocabulary. • 0 • A speaking sample that receives this score may consist of no response within the suggested time length, profanity, or an answer irrelevant to the original question.