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Formative Assessment

Formative Assessment. What is Formative Assessment?. Formative assessment is a PROCESS used by teachers and students DURING instruction that provides FEEEDBACK TO ADJUST ongoing teaching and learning to IMPROVE students’ ACHIEVEMENT of intended instructional outcome. Popham,2008.

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Formative Assessment

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  1. Formative Assessment

  2. What is Formative Assessment? Formative assessment is a PROCESS used by teachers and students DURING instruction that provides FEEEDBACK TO ADJUST ongoing teaching and learning to IMPROVE students’ ACHIEVEMENT of intended instructional outcome. Popham,2008

  3. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Assessments FOR learning happens while learning is still underway. These are assessments that: • are conducted throughout teaching and learning to diagnose student needs • plan the next steps in instruction • provide students with feedback they can use to improve the quality of their work • help students see and feel how they are in control of their journey to success

  4. ASSESSMENT PROCESS Pre – Assessment Summative Assessment (Assessment OF Learning) Formative Assessment(Assessment FOR Learning)

  5. HOW DO YOU ASSESS? List some ways you typically assess students in your classroom. 1. 2. 3. 4.

  6. The goal of Formative Assessment is to provide feedback to adjust learning, but NOT to assign a grade! 1.Learning Targets-Instructional Goal 2. Instruction- Learning Progressions 3. Measuring-Collect information about student learning 4. Feedback-Promote action to set new goals or re-teach

  7. Formative Assessment Match

  8. Living Organisms • TEKS-5.9A Identify the way organisms live and survive in their ecosystem by interacting with living and non-living elements • BFARM- Bird, Fish, Amphibian, Reptile, Mammals Students will classify organisms into groups such as living/non-living, vertebrates/invertebrates and Students will classify vertebrates based on physical characteristics such as body covering, habitat, warm/cold blooded,… Learning Target: Student understands that organisms can be classified into groups based on individual characteristics that allow them to meet their needs and survive in their environment.

  9. Formative Assessment Concept Map- page 7 Odd One Out- page 9 I have a question, who has the answer? Page10 321 Cards- page 11

  10. Instructional Adjustments • What kind of assessment tool to use? • When to collect assessment evidence. • How many items to include in the assessment. • How to help students more accurately self-assess their understanding. • When to make an instructional adjustment • What kind of instructional adjustment to make.

  11. To Adjust, or Not to Adjust? The teacher: • Identify adjustment occasions-teacher decides when, during an instructional sequence, adjustment decisions should be made. • Select Formative Assessments- teacher chooses the formal or informal assessment procedures to be used for each adjustment occasion. • Establish adjustment triggers- teacher determines in advance, what level of student performance will necessitate an instructional decision. • Make instructional adjustments- re-teach, or go on.

  12. WHEN DO YOU ASSESS? Traditionally, teachers have assessed students at the end of an instructional unit or sequence. However, when assessment and instruction are interwoven, both the students and the teacher benefit.

  13. The Assessment–Instruction Process Pre – Assessment “finding out” Summative Assessment “making sure” Formative Assessment “checking in” “feedback” “student involvement”

  14. PRE-ASSESSMENT • The purpose of pre-assessment is to determine what students know about a topic before it is taught. • Pre-assessment will help the teacher determine flexible grouping patterns and should be used regularly.

  15. Checklist Pre-test KWL Charts Graphic Organizers Pre-test Student Discussions Student Demonstrations Student Products Student Work Samples Show of hands/EPR (Every Pupil Response) Standardized Test Data Teacher Observation Writing Prompts Writing Samples Pre-Assessment Strategies

  16. FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT This Type of Assessment is NOT about accountability… it is about GETTING BETTER!!

  17. Formative Assessment Strategies • Conference • Cooperative Learning Activities • Demonstrations • Exit Card • Graphic Organizers • “I Learned” Statements • Interviews • Journal Entry • KWLs • Learning Logs • Oral Attitude Surveys • Oral Presentations • Peer Evaluations • Problem Solving Activities • Products • Questioning • Quiz • Response Groups • Self-Evaluations

  18. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT This type of assessment is a successful end product and/or the fulfilling of the pre-stated objective.

  19. SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT A summative assessment/evaluation is designed to: • provide information • make judgments about student achievement at the end of a sequence of instruction, (e.g., final drafts/attempts, tests, exam, assignments, projects, performances) It is a means to determine a student’s mastery and understanding of information, skills, concepts, or processes.

  20. Unit Test Performance Task Product/Exhibit Demonstration Portfolio Review Summative Assessment Strategies

  21. Student Self-Evaluation

  22. SOME FINAL THOUGHTS Formative Assessment: • Refers to what happens on a daily basis in the classroom • Provides teachers with information about specific next instructional steps for students: Assessment Drives Instruction. • Students know where they are at instructionally and where they need to go • On-going assessment provides continual feedback that helps students progress over time

  23. Complexity Levels

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