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Check out OpenACC's highlights in February featuring the launch of PGI 2017, 3 Steps to More Science, top articles, and upcoming hackathons.
OpenACC is a directives- based programming approach to parallel computing designed for performance and portability on CPUs and GPUs.
PERFORMANCE PORTABLE PROGRAMMING MODEL FOR HPC LSDALTON Simulation of molecular energies ARM Add Simple Compiler Hint PEZY main() { POWER Big Performance CCSD(T) Module, Alanine-3 Titan System: AMD CPU vs Tesla K20X Quicker Development <serial code> Sunway Lines of Code Modified #pragma acc kernels #pragma acc kernels 11.7x Speedup vs CPU <100 Lines x86 CPU { <parallel code> # of Weeks Required x86 Xeon Phi } 1.0x 1 Week NVIDIA GPU } CPU GPU Portable Simple Powerful
NEW PGI 2017 Parallel Fortran, C, C++, OpenACC Compilers and Tools OpenACC 2.5 for Tesla P100 GPUs and multicore CPUs; CUDA 8.0 support OpenPOWER CPU performance enhancements of 5-10% Comprehensive C++14 support GNU 6.2 interoperability Additional tuned numerical intrinsic functions for Haswell and Broadwell DOWNLOAD NOW
3 STEPS TO MORE SCIENCE TUTORIAL Simple tutorial designed to help scientists to start with GPUs using libraries and OpenACC directives. 3 Tutorial Videos: 1. Step 1: Analyze: Use a profiler to identify hot spots 2. Step 2: Parallelize: Expose Parallelism 3. Step 3: Optimize: Manage data movements Free PGI Community Edition WATCH NOW
PAPERS Acceleration of Element-by-Element Kernel in Unstructured Implicit Low-order Finite-element Earthquake Simulation using OpenACC on Pascal GPUs “OpenACC porting approach enables high performance with relatively low development costs. When comparing eight K computer nodes and eight NVIDIA Pascal P100 GPUs, we achieve 23.1 times speedup for the element-by-element kernel, which leads to 16.7 times speedup for the 3 x 3 block Jacobi preconditional conjugate gradient finite-element solver.” DOWNLOAD NOW
ARTICLES AND BLOG POSTS Oak Ridge National Lab on OpenACC being a user-driven standard: Longtime User Requests Added to Next Version of OpenACC READ NOW Five Hackathons in 2017 to Train a New Generation on GPU Accelerated Computing READ NOW
CALL FOR PAPERS EVENT DUE DATE LINK GPU Hackathon at Brookhaven National Lab March 15th, 2017 https://www.bnl.gov/gpuhackathon/. 2ndInternational Workshop on Performance Portable Programming Models for Accelerators http://www.csm.ornl.gov/workshops/p3 ma2017/ April 3, 2017
UPCOMING HACKATHONS LOCATION DATE LINK Forschungzentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany https://indico-jsc.fz-juelich.de/event/32/ March 6th- 10th Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY June 5th– 9th https://www.bnl.gov/gpuhackathon/. For complete list of Hackathons visit: https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/training-event/2017-gpu-hackathons/