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Substitution in Formula

Solve math problems related to market prices and calculations using formulas in Cairo, Luxor, and Giza markets. Practice calculations involving camels and debens in different market scenarios.

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Substitution in Formula

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  1. Substitution in Formula Cairo Market - Prices Camel = 20 Deben Sphinx = 7 Deben Pyramid = 52 Deben Achbar the Egyptian is in the market selling his camels. What will the value of the following be: Remember, you must multiply before adding Deben

  2. How many debens will Achbar have for: Cairo Market - Prices Camel = 20 Deben Sphinx = 7 Deben Pyramid = 52 Deben Deben

  3. A Different Market The prices are different in the market at Luxor Luxor Market - Prices Camel = 15 Deben Sphinx = 10 Deben Pyramid = 45 Deben What will the value of the following be: Deben

  4. Are the pictures necessary? We can write the problem easier without the pictures: Luxor Market - Prices C = 15 Deben S = 10 Deben P = 45 Deben What will the value of the following be: Deben

  5. Exercise Alexandria Market C = 15 S = 10 P = 45 • What will the value of the • following be: • . • . • . • . • .

  6. Subtracting in the Market Giza Market C = 12 S = 20 P = 31 Remember that we can subtract as well as add What will the value of the following be:

  7. Exercise C = 12 S = 20 P = 31 • Calculate the value of: • . • . • . • . • .

  8. Worksheet Answer the questions on the worksheet in your books. Remember to follow the same method as that given in the examples: Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

  9. Worksheet There are more than one answer to some of the following questions: 17. 28. 29. 20. 21. A camel and10 deben is worth 22 deben, therefore:

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