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Explore the causes of American imperialism during the period of 1890-1913, including the end of the frontier, the need for natural resources, economic factors, competition with European powers, and the influence of prominent figures like Alfred Mahan and Theodore Roosevelt. Discover key events such as the Samoan Islands Crisis, the Venezuelan Boundary Dispute, the acquisition of the Hawaiian Islands, and the Spanish-American War. Also, learn about American imperialism in Asia, including the Open Door Policy in China and the Russo-Japanese War. Lastly, examine the concept of "Dollar Diplomacy" under President Taft.

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  1. AMERICAN IMPERIALISM1890-1913 “The New Manifest Destiny”

  2. Causes of American Imperialism • End of the frontier, 1890 • Expand or explode • Natural resources • Panic of 1893 • Labor violence and agricultural discontent • Foreign trade important to economy • Expansion of markets • Competition with European powers • International prestige • Europeans = 1/5 land, 1/10 population of the globe • “Place in the Sun” for Germany and Italy

  3. Proponents of American Imperialism • Alfred Mahan • “The Influence of Sea Power on History” • Canal Zone • Josiah Strong • “Our Country” • Superiority of Anglo-Saxon • TR and Henry Cabot Lodge • Social Darwinism • Albert Beveridge • “Ordained by God” • “Yellow Journalism” • Hearst and Pulitzer

  4. Pan-Americanism • James G. Blaine • “Big Brother” policy • Pan American Conference, 1889 • Rejected “inter-American” customs • Fear of US dominance

  5. Samoan Islands Crisis • Pago Pago • US versus the Germans (and British) • Naval skirmish, 1889 • American Samoa, included Pago Pago • “coaling stations”

  6. Venezuelan Boundary Dispute, 1895-1896 • Gold between British Guiana and Venezuela • Disputed territory • Violation of Monroe Doctrine? • Cleveland mediation rejected • Boer War forces Great Britain to arbitration • South Africa

  7. Acquisition of the Hawaiian Islands, 1898 • Biggest imperialist debate in Congress • American planters vs. Queen Liliukalani, 1893 • Sugar Tariffs • Cleveland opposes • Use force to unseat Americans? • Public opinion against Cleveland • Need harbor for Spanish American War

  8. Cuban Insurrectos, 1890s • Atrocities in Cuba by Spanish • Cuban workers bore the brunt of Wilson –Gorman Tariff, 1894 • Reconcentrado camps • 100,000 dead between 1896-1898 • “Butcher” Wyler • Yellow Journalism • Hearst and Pulitzer • “You supply the pictures, I’ll supply the war” • Battleship USS Maine • de Lome letter • Explosion of Maine in Havana Harbor • “To Hell with Spain, remember the Maine”!

  9. Spanish-American War, 1898 • McKinley reluctant to go to war • Pushed by public opinion (Yellow Journalism) • Spain agrees to Cuban independence • Teller Amendment • Admiral Dewey victorious at Manila Bay • TR involved as Secretary of Navy • Spanish fleet “hollow” • Emilio Aguinaldo, freedom fighter • Pearl Harbor needed for military use • Annexation of Hawaiian islands • Treaty of Paris, 1898 • Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines, Platt Amendment in Cuba • Insular Cases ****

  10. American Imperialism in Asia • Open Door Policy in China, 1899 • “spheres of influence” • Open trade between European powers • Boxer Rebellion, 1900 • “Foreign Devils” • American indemnity • Russo-Japanese War, 1905 • TR receives Nobel Prize (Treaty of Portsmouth) • San Francisco Schoolboard Incident • Gentlemen’s Agreement • American-Japanese Relations • Root-Takahira Agreement, 1908 • “Great White Fleet” • Lansing-Ishii Agreement, 1917 • “Dollar Diplomacy” (Taft)

  11. The Great War Begins!!!!1914 • What do ya know about The Great War? • Remember your World History…?

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