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Tandem l&ll

Tandem l&ll. Lars H. Backer Statistics Sweden and the Tandem consortium. The Task. From the Commission’s Quest to improve the comparability of statistics across the EU To the Tandem C onsortium’s Design for a system of small area statistics Based on a system of small statistical areas

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Tandem l&ll

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tandem l&ll Lars H. BackerStatistics Sweden and the Tandem consortium

  2. The Task • From the Commission’s • Quest to improve the comparability of statistics across the EU • To the Tandem Consortium’s • Design for a system of small area statistics • Based on a system of small statistical areas • To liberate statistics from administrative areas

  3. 3 Questions • Why: A question of meeting ”User needs” • What: A question of Products and Services • How: A question of a Method for Development

  4. WHY • How to describe ”User Needs” • Deductive method • Inductive method • Based on the inductive method • A Case Study • A Network of Processes • A Critical Path

  5. Sustainable Spatial Development • Sustainability • The current Paradigm for the Development of the EU? • To integrate: • Natural Information • Artificial Information • Socio-Cultural and Economic Information

  6. A Network of Processes

  7. A Critical Problem • Proper descriptions depend on functional and structural: • Outer delineations • Inner differentiations • Of urban areas • Residential • Work • Civic life • Recreation • Access

  8. WHAT • A practical solution • The sandwich method • To integrate • Descriptive information • Analytic information

  9. Data Capture & Spatial Analysis • A Production Process involving • Data • Features • Method

  10. Features: Points and Areas

  11. Area-based Analysis • Clustering (on irregular tessellations) • AZM (Automatic zoning method)

  12. Area-based delineation

  13. Point-based Analysis • Isarithms (on regular tessellations) • Fixed Krieging

  14. Point-based outer Delineations

  15. Point-based inner Differentiations

  16. HOW • Step1:A well founded proposal for discussion • Tandem l • Tandem ll • Step 2: A prototype for benchmarking • Step 3: A product for implementation

  17. The Proof of the Apple is in the Eating • Utility • Theoretically argued • Empirically founded • Logically consistent • Open to public discourse (Repeatability) • Accumulative

  18. End Visions without action are daydreams, Actions without visions are nightmares

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