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Joint UNIDO-UNEP Programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Developing and Transition Countries

Joint UNIDO-UNEP Programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Developing and Transition Countries Waste Minimization for Low Carbon Production in Coffee and Rice Sectors. Structure of Presentation. Objectives of the project

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Joint UNIDO-UNEP Programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Developing and Transition Countries

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  1. Joint UNIDO-UNEP Programme on Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) in Developing and Transition Countries Waste Minimization for Low Carbon Production in Coffee and Rice Sectors

  2. Structure of Presentation • Objectives of the project • The potential for RECP in the rice and coffee sectors in Peru and Colombia • Technologies for valorization of biomass from the rice and coffee sectors • Low carbon pilot projects • The next steps

  3. Phase 1: Rice and Coffee sectors in Peru, Colombia, Cambodia and Vietnam Objectives of the project

  4. Aim and Purposes of the Project • Step-reductions in the generation of industrial waste and by-products including organic material and its valorization: • 2 sectors: coffee and rice • 4 countries: Columbia, Peru, Cambodia, Vietnam • Energy recovery and mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions • Reducing energy consumption and increasing energy efficiency • Economic benefits: Resource productivity, better product quality, increasing competitiveness Rice husks Coffee pulp

  5. Project Components, Products and Results Activity 2: Technology assessments and selection Co-processing in industrial furnaces: Cement, power plants, brick kilns In-situ valorization: Pyrolysis, gasification, methanisation waste minimization for low carbon production Activity 1Sector and Context Analysis Coffee and Rice RECP audits in Rice and Coffee sectors 28 Companies Activity 3 Pilot Projects

  6. The potential for RECP in the rice and coffee sectors in Peru and Colombia

  7. RECP opportunities in the rice sector

  8. Present Use of Organic Waste: Rice Husks in Peru/Colombia Compacted and stored, open burning or simply let to decompose. 60 - 90 % Farms ≈ 100% Paddy Rice Mill 20% Husks(weight) Cement, Burning in brick kilns Animal food, Poultry bedding ? % 10 - 20 % Drying

  9. Present Use of Organic Waste: Rice Husks in Colombia and Peru • Rice millers systematically reuse 10 – 20 % of husks quantityfor the drying process • Remaining husk fraction is either : • Disposed of by a service provider (costly) • Dumped in the backyard (decompose, open burning) • Sold for alternative uses • Preferred solutions should provide both energy and material recovery • Need to find technical / financial partners to develop solutions

  10. Rice husks valorization: summary • The potential for material and energy valorization of rice husks is important! • Large amounts of rice husks are concentrated at the rice mills • For most solution, large investment costs are needed. Financial solutions need to be developed for large projects • Key challenges to pick-up: • low weight density of rice husk makes transport costly • High ash:husk ratio. A solution needs to be found for the large amounts of ash that is produced by combustion (high content in Silica)

  11. RECP opportunities in the coffee sector

  12. Present Use of Organic Waste: Coffee Pulp in Peru Compost 85%Smallholders Disposal? Q Pulp? WET PROCESS ? Coperativas Drying and Milling 40% Pulp Fermentation Private Fincas Parchement for Drying Compost Nursery gardenLiquid fertilizer "Agua miel"

  13. Present Use of Organic Waste: Coffee Pulp in Peru and Colombia • Decentralized and seasonal generation of pulp • Pulp used mainly as compost: Important value for farmers, soil improvement, nursery gardensreduces fertilizer use and costs. • “Cascarilla” used partly for drying • Technology for energy recovery open: Energy reuse to be decentralized for on-farm use. • Remote areas: Transport difficult and expensive (esp. in Peru). • Wet process causes large amounts of (organically polluted) waste water. • Wet process “Becolsub” method is reducing the use of water in Colombia. • New opportunities : Processing ”aguamiel" for syrup.

  14. Coffee waste valorization: summary • Decentralized and seasonal generation of large amounts of pulp, waste water, in usually remote areas, calls for the development of on-site solutions. • The development of any technical solution should take into account the current use of the pulp (soil amendment, compost) • The development of solutions should be • Cost effective • Adapted to geographical and seasonal constraints • Ideally integrated solutions (pulp + waste water) • The central milling model presents interesting opportunities for economy of scale for the very small farmers

  15. Results from the sector assessment activity • 8-10 RECP reports produced in each country with indicators and recommendations for the producers. • Best practices to be implemented in both sectors • 2 sectorial reports are prepared for a wide distribution across the sectors and relevant agencies. Sector Café Sector Arroz

  16. Technologies for valorization of biomass from the rice and coffee sectors

  17. 22 tecnologias de valorizacion de residuos de biomasa • 2 categorías: recuperación de energía y de materia, directa o indirecta • Recuperación de energía es interesante, considerando el objetivo “bajo en carbono” del proyecto • Tecnologías de recuperación de energía y de materia pueden ser combinadas • Algunas tecnologías de recuperación de materias usan una cantidad muy limitada de materias  no son consideradas

  18. Tipos de residuos valorizados por las tecnologías identificadas

  19. Ranking de las tecnolgias

  20. Results from the technology activity • Review of technologies and 22 factsheets produced with existing case studies • 1 comparative report of technologies discussing 5 families of criteria (economic, social, environmental, technical, problem solving) • Technical guidance documents produced containing implementation procedures for 2 families of technologies: • Co-processing in industrial furnaces (cement kilns, power plants, brick kilns) • On site valorization (Bio-gas, gasification, pyrolysis)

  21. Low carbon pilot projects

  22. Proceso de selección de pilotos PRE-SELECTION PROCESS Revisión de los informes producidos durante el proyecto Lista de inversionistas potenciales Campaña de promoción Documentos de promoción para atraer inversionistas 01.2014 09 10 11 12 Primer taller en Colombia Segundo taller en Perú Forma de identificación de proyectos Apoyo directo a proyectos pilotos Lista larga de proyectos Identificar criterios de preselección Forma de identificación de proyectos preseleccionados Lista corta de preselección de proyectos  proceso competitivo Selección de proyectos

  23. La cáscara de arroz en la recuperación / salidas de energía in situ: energía renovable (electricidad) 5 Molinos de la zona + Cámara de Comercio y Turismo en San Martín– San Martín, Peru Contacto: Jorge Maldonado Pacheco, Gerente de AGROINDUSTRIAS MHIL SAC Contacto: Henry Flores, Gerente de AGROINDUSTRIAS SAN HILARION SAC Your Text Here ENTORNO Perú: 600 molinos, medianos e industriales. Arroz en el Perú =12% del área de cultivo nacional. Incremento de volumen. Marco legal favorable para la valorización de arroz Ley general del Ambiente(28 611), Ley de RRSS (27314) SOCIOS FINANCIEROS Propiosmolinos Otros. SOCIOS TECNOLOGICOS Ankur. SedePerú: proveedor de gasificadoresbiomasa. TITULAR DEL PROYECTO & SOCIOS DIRECTOS Agroindustria MHIL SAC, Molino la Herradura SAC, Piladora San Jorge, Agroindustrias San Hilarión. Camara de Comercio y Turismo San Martín. Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological Report

  24. La cáscara de arroz en la recuperación / salidas de energía in situ: energía renovable (electricidad) Molinera del Pacifico EIRL. Lambayeque, Perú. Contacto: Gustavo Arce Brito. Correo: kaba23_2012@hotmail.com ENTORNO Perú: 600 molinos, medianos e industriales. Arroz en el Perú =12% del área de cultivo nacional. Incremento de volumen. Marco legal favorable para la valorización de arroz Ley general del Ambiente(28 611), Ley de RRSS (27314) SOCIOS FINANCIEROS Molinera el Pacifico Otros. SOCIOS TECNOLOGICOS Ankur. SedePerú: proveedor de gasificadoresbiomasa. TITULAR DEL PROYECTO & SOCIOS DIRECTOS Molinera el Pacifico EIRL CER –Perú.

  25. La cáscara de arroz en la recuperación / salidas de energía in situ: energía renovable (electricidad) Provincia de Arequipa, Zona Sur del Perú. Contacto: Neils Guzman Correo: neils.quimico@gmail.com ENTORNO Perú: 600 molinos, medianos e industriales. Arroz en el Perú =12% del área de cultivo nacional. Incremento de volumen. Marco legal favorable para la valorización de arroz Ley general del Ambiente(28 611), Ley de RRSS (27314) • SOCIOS FINANCIEROS • Molineras • Otros. SOCIOS TECNOLOGICOS - - - TITULAR DEL PROYECTO & SOCIOS DIRECTOS Molinera EIRL CER –Perú.

  26. Briquetas de cascarilla de arroz: energía térmica renovable (carbón de cascarilla de arroz) LENO’s ALTERNATIVE ENERGY – San Martín, Perú Contacto: Sr. Wagner A. Saavedra Mendoza - bioenergía_sm@hotmail.com ENTORNO FAVORABLE Perú: 600 molinos, medianos e industriales. Arroz en el Perú =12% del área de cultivo nacional. Incremento de volumen. Marco legal favorable para la valorización de arroz Ley general del Ambiente(28 611), Ley de RRSS (27314) SOCIOS TECNOLOGICOS LEÑO proveedores de la tecnologías SOCIOS FINANCIEROS LEÑOS HACER DEFINIDO TITULAR DEL PROYECTO & SOCIOS DIRECTOS Energía Leno’s Alternativa Camara de comercio y turismo Región San Martín

  27. Cascarilla de arrozparaCombustión / Salida: energíarenovable y fertilizantes Compañía: SEMPER. Lambayeque area, Peru Contacto: Estela Assureira eassure@pucp.edu.pe ENTORNO Perú: 600 molinos, medianos e industriales. Arroz en el Perú =12% del área de cultivo nacional. Incremento de volumen. Marco legal favorable para la valorización de arroz Ley general del Ambiente(28 611), Ley de RRSS (27314) SOCIOS FINANCIEROS Molinera SEMPER SAC Otros. SOCIOS TECNOLOGICOS PUCP: UNIVERSIDAD DE FILIPINAS. TITULAR DEL PROYECTO & SOCIOS DIRECTOS Molinera SEMPER SAC PUCP. Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological Report

  28. Nombre del proyecto Productos: Energía renovable, fertilizante de calidad & aguas limpias Finca / región: Finca Tropical Mountains -72 hectáreas– Chanchamayo, Perú Contacto: Thomas Schwegler, tom@tropicalmountains.com ENABLING ENVIRONMENT Café en el Perú = 12% del área cultivada nacional. Café de alta calidad. 30% de café orgánico. Topografía montañosa. Productores dispersos. El marco legal que permite la valorización de residuos Café Ley General del Ambiente (28 611), de Residuos Sólidos (27314) SOCIOS FINANCIEROS Finca Tropical Mountains y creditos SOCIOS TECNICOS Danny Sandoval- Int.Agronomist Prof.Urs Bayer, Umweltbiotechnology Reto Lechman –Hydraulic Deltavolt TITULAR DEL PROYECTO & SOCIOS DIRECTOS Finca Tropical Mountains Rain Forest Alliance Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological report

  29. CompostajeCentralizado de Biomasa de Café / resultado: abonoorgánico de altacalidad COOPARM - más de 650 productores de café afiliadoswww.ccoparm.orgwww.biocafe-cooparm.org ENTORNO PROPICIO Café en el Perú = 12% del área cultivada nacional. Café de alta calidad. Café orgánico :30%. Topografía montañosa. Dispersión de los productores . El marco legal que permite la valorización de residuos Café: Ley General del Ambiente (28 611), de Residuos sólidos (27314) SOCIOS TECNOLÓGICOS COOPARM desarrollaesteproceso de compostajeoptimizado SOCIOS FINANCIEROS COOPARM Pordefinir TITULAR DEL PROYECTO & SOCIOS DIRECTOS COOPARM Cafeicultoressocios Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological Report

  30. Pirólisis de pulpa de café - Tecnología Mobile / Producto: la energía térmica renovable y regenerador de suelo (biochar) IMSA, proveedor de tecnología - Lima, Perú / CER / Finca Mountain Villa Rica, Junín, Perú (piloto) http://www.imsacafe.com/ - Contacto: Sid Sara, Erik Schuler ENTORNO PROPICIO Café en el Perú = 12% del área cultivada nacional. Café de alta calidad. Los productores se encuentran dispersas en zonas remotas, algunos condificultades de acceso a la red eléctrica. El marco legal que permite la valorización de residuos de café Ley General del Ambiente (28 611), de Residuos sólidos (27314) SOCIOS TECNOLÓGICOS IMSA es un proveedor de tecnología SOCIOS FINANCIEROS IMSA Pordefinir • TITULAR DEL PROYECTO & SOCIOS DIRECTOS • IMSA • CER, Finca Mountain Villa Rica Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological Report

  31. TratamientoOptimizado de lasAguasResiduales Café y Pulpa / productos: efluentetratado y fertilizantes RAINFOREST ALLIANCE (ONG) - 500 caficultoresinvolucrados://www.rainforest-alliance.orgContacto: Gerardo Medina M. Coordinador Perú ENTORNO PROPICIO Café en el Perú = 12% del área cultivada nacional. Café de alta calidad. 30% de Café orgánico. Topografía montañosa. Productores dispersos. El marco legal que permite la valorización de residuos de café. La erosión del suelo. Ley General del Ambiente (28 611), de Residuos sólidos (27314) SOCIOS TECNOLÓGICOS Tecnología EM: BIOEM Orientación: 2 agrónomos SOCIOS FINANCIEROS Rainforest Alliance Peru Opportunity Fund USAID-ICAA TITULAR DEL PROYECTO & SOCIOS DIRECTOS RAINFOREST ALLIANCE 500 productores de café, coordinador del proyecto Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological Report

  32. Rice Husk Co-Processing / Outputs: renewable heat energy and ashes rich in silica Cement Company ARGOS - Sabanagrande Plant, Atlantico, Colombia http://www.argos.co - Contact: Laguirre@argos.com.co ENABLING ENVIRONEMENT + Large sized rice millers + Legal framework enabling rice waste valorization + Biomass competitiveness increases (trend) - Colombian rice sector: difficult access to finance / few international cooperation schemes FINANCIAL PARTNERS ARGOS Co-financing: to define TECHNOLOGICAL PARTNERS Argos detains already industrial furnace Diverse additional equipment providers PROJECT HOLDER & DIRECT PARTNERS ARGOS RICE MILLERS: Arroceradel Litoral, ArroceraSierra, InversionesLache y CIA, ArroceraOlímpica Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological Report

  33. Coffee Husk Co-Processing / Outputs: renewable heat energy and ashes rich in silica Cement Company ARGOS - Cairo Plant, Antioquia, Colombia http://www.argos.co - Contact: Laguirre@argos.com.co ENABLING ENVIRONEMENT Colombia: strong historical market position, high quality coffee, 20% national cultivated area. Legal framework enabling coffee waste valorization Biomass competitiveness increases (trend) - FINANCIAL PARTNERS ARGOS Co-financing: to define TECHNOLOGICAL PARTNERS Argos detains already industrial furnaces Diverse additional equipment providers PROJECT HOLDER & DIRECT PARTNERS ARGOS COFFEE PROCESSORS fromSanta Barbara, Fredonia, Montebello, Abejorral Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological Report

  34. Integral valorization of coffee biomass on site / Outputs: renewable energy and qualitative fertilizer Cooperativa de Andes - 4000 members - South West Antioquia, Colombia http://www.cooperandes.com Contact: Juan.rendon@cooperandes.com ENABLING ENVIRONEMENT Colombia: strong historical market position, high quality coffee, 20% national cultivated area. Legal framework enabling coffee waste valorization Sector restructuration is a trend: replicable project FINANCIAL PARTNERS Cooperativa de Andes Nespresso (?) To be defined TECHNOLOGICAL PARTNERS Cenicafé PROJECT HOLDER & DIRECT PARTNERS Cooperativa de Andes 4000 Coffee farmers

  35. Coffee biomass alcoholic fermentation / Outputs: renewable energy (Bioethanol) CENICAFE – World renowned coffee R&D center - Chinchina, Colombia http://www.cenicafe.org - Contact: Nelson.Rodriguez@cafedecolombia.com ENABLING ENVIRONEMENT Colombia: strong historical market position, high quality coffee, 20% national cultivated area. Strategy 2008/2012 of National Coffee Federation: focus on environmental opportunities like biofuels production. FINANCIAL PARTNERS Cenicafe Cooperativa de Andes (?) Nespresso (?) To be defined TECHNOLOGICAL PARTNERS Cenicafé is an innovation center / large range of technological partners PROJECT HOLDER & DIRECT PARTNERS Cenicafe Cooperativa de Andes – 4000 farmers

  36. Coffee waste-water and pulp optimized bio-digestion / Outputs: renewable energy and qualitative fertilizer CENICAFE – World renowned coffee R&D center - South West Antioquia, Colombia http://www.cenicafe.org - Contact: Nelson.Rodriguez@cafedecolombia.com ENABLING ENVIRONEMENT Colombia: strong historical market position, high quality coffee, 20% national cultivated area. Strategy 2008/2012 of National Coffee Federation: focus on environmental opportunities like biofuels production. FINANCIAL PARTNERS Cenicafe Cooperativa de Andes (?) Nespresso (?) To be defined TECHNOLOGICAL PARTNERS Cenicafé is an innovation center / large range of technological partners PROJECT HOLDER & DIRECT PARTNERS Cenicafe Cooperativa de Andes – 4000 farmers Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological Report

  37. Coffee biomass pyrolysis / Outputs: renewable energy and soil strengthener (Biochar) CENICAFE – World renowned coffee R&D center - Chinchina, Colombia http://www.cenicafe.org - Contact: Carlos.Oliveros@cafedecolombia.com ENABLING ENVIRONEMENT Colombia: strong historical market position, high quality coffee, 20% national cultivated area. Strategy 2008/2012 of National Coffee Federation: focus on environmental opportunities like biofuels production. FINANCIAL PARTNERS Cenicafe Cooperativa de Andes (?) Nespresso (?) To be defined TECHNOLOGICAL PARTNERS Cenicafé is an innovation center / large range of technological partners PROJECT HOLDER & DIRECT PARTNERS Cenicafe Cooperativa de Andes – 4000 farmers Sources : Project description form / UNIDO-UNEP programme on Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production (RECP), Industrial Waste Minimization for Low Carbon production, Sectorial Report & Technological Report

  38. Potential Support to the Pilot Projects • PILOT PROJECTS IMPLEMENTATION: • Co-financing: direct monetary intervention in a pilot project (Co.Fin) • Business Model / Business Plan: support in Business Model and Business Plan generation (Bus. Mod) • Leveraging funds with financial institutions: Match-Making with a relevant blend of financiers (Lev.Funds) • Technical expertise: support from a technological strategy perspective (Tech.Exp.) • Sourcing relevant service providers: support in identifying relevant partners • STREAMLINING RECP PROJECTS: • “RECP” Promotion Investment Campaign: to raise awareness among the financiers • “Pilot Projects” Promotion Investment Campaign: to foster replication of these pilots.

  39. Next steps

  40. Competitive process for the selection of pilot projects • Selection of projects with high implementation probability based on • Project description forms • Direct discussions with project proponents, financial institutions • Definition of the needs and the type of support that is needed • Immediate technical support • Development of a detailed business plan • Leveraging of funds: facilitation of contact with financial organizations • Development of a road map for implementation for selected projects • Promotion of all opportunities in project documents

  41. Gracias por su atención!

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