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Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District 2013-2017 Capital Improvements Program. Approach to CIP discussion Revenue Fund Money collected through assessments and/or user fees Equipment Reserve Fund The designated fund to replace equipment
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements Program • Approach to CIP discussion • Revenue Fund • Money collected through assessments and/or user fees • Equipment Reserve Fund • The designated fund to replace equipment • We have a regulation that states we must have $100,000 minimum in that fund • Replacement equipment must come from these funds • The summary sheet for each department is first, followed by the individual details for that department. • This is an initial discussion, no decision will be made today
Revenue Fund Projects Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Cost 2013 $ 15,000 2014 2015 2016 2017 __________ Total Project Cost $ 15,000 Project Title: Accounting Software General Ledger / Payroll Department: Administration Funding Source: Assessments Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements Project Type: Replacement _X_ Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: Current software was purchased approximately 8 years ago. It was a custom written program. Due to problems with the ledger portion of this package we would like to purchase a more “off the shelf” product. Currently payroll is being outsourced. The new software will have a module for in house payroll. The firm doing our audit has suggested the past 2 years that we find a different software provider. Project Status/Scheduling: A volunteer committee working on requirements now and reviewing potential vendors. Need for Hardware replacement unlikely, but not known for sure at this time. Spring, 2013. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: Some cost savings should be realized by shortening the audit on site time and dispensing with the outsource payroll fee. Staff time currently spent on spreadsheets requested from other staff, BOC or FOIA for analysis should be reduced. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Title: District Office Copy Machine Replacement Department: Administration Funding Source: Assessments Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements Project Cost 2013 2014 2015 $8,000 2016 2017 _______ Total Project Cost $ 8,000 Project Type: Replacement _X_ Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: District office copy machine was purchased in 2005; unit is currently under a maintenance agreement, but should be replaced after 10 years as obsolete and/or have reached its serviceable life. Project Status/Scheduling: Spring, 2015. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Title: District Office Carpet Replacement Department: Administration Funding Source: Assessments Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements Project Cost 2013 2014 2015 2016 $ 15,000 2017 __________ Total Project Cost $ 15,000 Project Type: Replacement _X_ Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: Project will replace carpet in high-traffic areas at an estimated cost of $3.75/sq. ft. Project Status/Scheduling: Spring, 2016 Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Title: District Office Emergency Generator/Pad Project Cost 2013 2014 2015 2016 201720,000 Total Project Cost $ 20,000 Department: Administration Funding Source: Assessments Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements Project Type: Replacement ___ Expansion _X_ Project Description, Justification: Purchase and installation of a 35 Kw generator and concrete pad. Generator to be installed at the District Office to maintain telephone and computer systems in the event of an extended power outage. Project Status/Scheduling: Spring, 2017. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Cost 2013 $ 0 2014 TBD 2015 2016 2017 Total Project Cost $ TBD Project Title: Leak Detection Program Department: Water/Wastewater Funding Source: User Rates, Assessments Project Category: Water Project Type: Replacement _X_Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: Staff will be looking into this and I will follow up at a later date on recommendations for budget in 2014. Project includes contracted labor to isolate and locate water line breaks, leaks and service line separations in system to reduce overall water loss. Water distribution system to be divided into several mini-systems to conduct program over multiple years. This project is one of several recommended projects outlined in the 2006 water system master plan. Project Status/Scheduling: Completion projected by end of 3rd quarter each year. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: Effective program will ultimately result in gradual reduction in electrical consumption. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Cost 2013 $ 25,000 2014 25,000 2015 25,000 2016 25,000 2017 ____25,000 Total Project Cost $ 125,000 Project Title: PRV Rehabilitation Program (pressure reducing valves) Department: Water/Wastewater Funding Source: User Rates, Assessments Project Category: Water System Improvements Project Type: Replacement _X_Expansion _X_ Project Description, Justification: Project includes the rehabilitation and upgrade of 1-2 pressure reducing valves (PRVs) per year until entire system is upgraded. PRVs are 30+ years old, with many components obsolete and in need of replacement. Where needed, telemetry components will be added for critical/problem areas to monitor pressure fluctuations. This project is one of several recommended projects outlined in the 2006 water system master plan. Project Status/Scheduling: Completion by end of 3rd quarter each year. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: Rehabilitated PRVs will assist in reduction of pressure problems in water system, and ultimately reduce labor costs due to continual repairs. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Cost 2013 $ 149,938 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Project Cost $ 149,938 Project Title: 9-Hole Booster Tank,Rehab and Paint – Quail Run Tank Department: Water/Wastewater Funding Source: User Rates, Assessments Project Category: Water System Improvements Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__ Project Type: Replacement _X_ Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: Project includes wet sand blasting, priming and painting water tank located at 9-Hole Maintenance Facility. Currently the tank is rusting above the water line. No additional work will be required to complete this project. By using Utility Service Company for this Project we can spread capital upfront renovation cost over multiple years. Project Status/Scheduling: Project to be bid in Spring, 2013, and completed in 2nd quarter, 2013. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: The tank would not be in use while painting is done. If this is not done, rusting will continue, will begin to leak, and become unusable.
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Title: Lift Station RehabilitationProgram Department: Water/Wastewater Funding Source: User Rates, Assessments Project Category: Wastewater Project Cost 2013 $ 62,500 2014 TBD 2015 TBD 2016 TBD 2017 ___ TBD Total Project Cost $ 62,500 Project Type: Replacement _X_Expansion _X_ Project Description, Justification: The District’s wastewater collection system has a total of 27 lift stations – 11 above-ground, 15 below-ground, and 3 with submersible pumps. The controls for these lift stations are 20-30 years old and are prone to regular maintenance problems; controls for most below-ground stations are also located in the wet-well, and are damaged when power loss occurs and the well floods. Replacement components are often hard or impossible to obtain. Installing up-to-date controls and relocating above ground will make the units more energy efficient and help reduce labor and materials costs. Funding recommendations will allow the District to rehabilitate 1-2 lift stations per year (depending on size), beginning with the most critical stations completed first. Project Status/Scheduling: Installation of new equipment to replace Haddock Creek Lift Station with 3 submersible pumps and Controls this being one of the critical lift stations would begin 2nd quarter, 2013. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: Possible significant savings in labor; repair savings for pumps, motors, seals, as monitoring would detect problems much earlier. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Title: Satellite Fire Station, New Construction Department: Fire Protection Funding Source: Assessments, (1/3 of cost) Rural Dues, & Possibly Lady’s Auxiliary Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements 2013 $ 45,000 2014 2015 2016 __________ Total Project Cost $ 45,000 Project Type: Replacement ___Expansion _X_ Project Description, Justification: Project calls for the construction of a two (2) bay fire station in the area of Stateline and Sun view. This station would mainly house tanker equipment, as these vehicles are historically the most dangerous to drive due to the weight and motion of the water. This area’s water supply is by 4 inch mains, which does not supply enough water for some structure fires. The only option to this problem is the use of tanker trucks. This station would also give better distribution of equipment, which will help with ISO ratings. The location would also help the Rural Department and would give the auxiliary some needed storage space. Project Status/Scheduling: This project would hopefully be started in the spring of 2013 if funding can be arranged. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: There would be a slight increase in utilities, but this could be offset by participation from the Rural Department and Lady’s Auxiliary. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Title: Heating / AC Unit Department: Recreation Center Funding Source: Assessments Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements Project Cost Total Project Cost $ Unknown Project Type: Replacement _X_Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: The air condition part of the heat pump is working fine but when it has to heat the recreation center it will freeze up and not work properly. This was discovered during the winter when we were only open on a limited basis. Project Status/Scheduling: Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__ Effect of Project on Annual Operations:
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Title: Re-surface both Pools Department: Recreation Center Funding Source: Assessments Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements Project Cost 2013 2014 2015 TO BE DETERMINED Project Type: Replacement _X_ Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: Upon opening the pools this season, it was noted that several places on the bottom are flaking and peeling more than normal. We have also had a couple of visitors scrap the bottom of their feet. Project Status/Scheduling: Pool needs to be drained to determine condition and cost. Can probably hold off for another year or two. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Small Pool-Decking Rubaroc Surface 2015 $ 38,500
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL West Tennis Court Resurface 2016 $ 70,000
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Playground Equipment 2017 $75,000
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL • Project Cost • $11,025 • 2014 11,575 • 2015 12,200 Project Title: Flotation Replacement Department: Marina Funding Source: Assessments and/or user fees Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes __X__ No ____ Project Type: Replacement _X_ Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: In February, 2008 the US Corps of Engineers issued flotation standards requiring all commercial marinas to replace all Styrofoam floatation with specified encapsulated floatation (1) when annual inspections reveal that the lowest part of the dock structure falls below a minimum of six inches above the waters surface; and (2) full compliance (complete replacement) by 2033. Flotation replacement at the Holiday Island Marina is currently estimated to be 40% complete. Priorities established each year based on condition and buoyancy. Project Status/Scheduling: Spring of each scheduled year Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Slip addition 2014
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Dry Dock Storage Addition 2016 $125,000
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Cost 2013 $ 10,500 2014 2015 2016 2017 ________ Total Project Cost $ 10,500 Project Title: Cart Path Improvements Department: 18 Hole Golf Maintenance Funding Source: Assessments Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__ Project Type: Replacement _X_ _Expansion ____ Project Description, Justification: The District has not conducted a systematic repair/replacement of cart path surfaces at either course for 15+ years. Project will replace paths for 1-2 holes per year, prioritized based on condition. Staff will conduct an initial evaluation to determine the most cost effective surface between asphalt and concrete. Project Status/Scheduling: Spring, 2013. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None.
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Title: Painting – Inside and Out Department: Pro Shop / Clubhouse Funding Source: Assessments Project Category: Facility and Other Improvements Project Cost 2013 $ 23,000 2014 2015 2016 2017 __________ Total Project Cost $ 23,000 Project Type: Replacement _X_ Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: Paint all inside walls at Clubhouse. Paint exterior of building . Project Status/Scheduling: Spring, 2013. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule Campground No Capital Improvements for 2013 Normal Maintenance will be included in the operating budget.
Equipment Reserve Fund Reminder • The designated fund to replace equipment • We have a regulation that states we must have $100,000 minimum in that fund • Replacement equipment must come from these funds
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule Equipment Reserve Fund Projects
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule Equipment Reserve Fund Projects
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule Equipment Reserve Fund Projects
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule Equipment Reserve Fund Projects
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Title: Ladder Truck Replacement Department: Fire Protection Funding Source: Assessments Project Category: Vehicles Project Cost 2012 2013 2014 2015 $ 95,000 2016 __________ Total Project Cost $ 95,000 Project Type: Replacement _X__ Expansion __ Project Description, Justification: This project is to replace our existing Ladder Truck, which is a 1976 model. This vehicle was moved from our second out unit status to strictly high-rise fires and areas needing very large volumes of water. This move has relieved the necessity to replace the truck earlier, but the truck is experiencing a few problems here and there. All equipment will transfer to another truck, which will reduce some of the expense. Project Status/Scheduling: Project is only in the planning stage and hope to complete in the fall of 2015 Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None, since it is a replacement project and a better unit, it should reduce the burden on OEM Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule Equipment Reserve Fund Projects
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Project Cost 2013 $ 19,000 2014 2015 2016 2017 __________ Total Project Cost $ 19,000 Equipment Reserve Fund Projects Project Title: Greens Mower Department: 18 Hole Golf Maintenance Funding Source: Equipment Reserve Fund Project Category: Vehicles and Equipment Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__ Project Type: Replacement _X _Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: Need to replace 3 mowers, put one in 2013 budget. Project Status/Scheduling: Spring, 2013 Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None.
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Equipment Reserve Fund Projects Project Cost 2013 $ 37,000 2014 2015 2016 2017 __________ Total Project Cost $ 37,000 Project Title: Roughs Mower Replacement – Unit # 1809 Department: 18 Hole Golf Maintenance Funding Source: Equipment Reserve Fund Project Category: Vehicles and Equipment Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__ Project Type: Replacement _X_ Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: Need 3 - replace 1 in 2013. Unit # 1809 is a 2002 Toro 300D with 4,600 hours. The mowing deck is worn out, engine life is non-existent, and the transmission is in poor condition. Project Status/Scheduling: Spring, 2013. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None.
Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramComprehensive Detail Schedule
HOLIDAY ISLAND SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT2013-2017 Capital Improvements ProgramPROJECT DETAIL Equipment Reserve Fund Projects Project Title: Fairway Mower 2@ $49,000/mower Department: 18 Hole Golf Maintenance Funding Source: Equipment Reserve Fund Project Category: Vehicles and Equipment Project Cost 2013 2014 $ 98,000 2015 2016 2017 __________ Total Project Cost $ 98,000 Project Type: Replacement _X_ Expansion ___ Project Description, Justification: Unit 1811 has 4,800 hours. Unit is beginning to wear out and is starting to experience hydraulic and engine problems. New unit to be used at 18-hole course and rotate older unit to 9-hole course. Project Status/Scheduling: Spring, 2014. Effect of Project on Annual Operations: None. Is Project Mandated by the State or Federal Government? Yes ____ No __X__