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MSE508/L SP08 In-Class Assignment Week-8 Members of the group: Vanga Sandeep Reddy Sriram Dhulipudi Srinivas Kasaramoni Naga Chary Noulla. Integrated application of CAD/CAM/CAE and RP for rapid development of a humanoid biped robot .
MSE508/L SP08 In-Class Assignment Week-8 Members of the group: Vanga Sandeep ReddySriramDhulipudiSrinivasKasaramoni Naga Chary Noulla
Integrated application of CAD/CAM/CAE and RP for rapid development of a humanoid biped robot The hardware development of a mid-size humanoid robot, Bonobo, focusing on the use of an integrated application of CAD/CAM/CAE and rapid prototyping (RP) for the rapid development of the robot's outer body parts. Most parts were three-dimensionally designed with 3D CAD, which enables effective connection with CAE analyses, the basis of which lays in kinematic simulation and structural analysis. To reduce the lead time and investment cost of developing parts, RP and CAM are selectively used to manufacture master parts for the body.
Integrated application of CAD/CAM/CAE and RP for rapid development of a humanoid biped robot • Body design using 3D CAD and Design verifications using CAE analyses. • Rapid manufacturing of the robot body-Selective application of CAM and RP for the master models Reference: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TGJ-4MS9R4Y10&_user=521393&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000059568&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=521393&md5=64237faee74549e00ca6a8595bcd753f#secx1
Three-dimensional design and replication of silicon oxide nanostructures using an atomic force microscope Atomic force microscope (AFM) based local anodic oxidation of metallic and semiconducting layers has emerged as a powerful tool for nanoscale fabrication. A unique nanoscale patterning technique has been created that couples computer aided design (CAD) with the lithographic capabilities of the AFM. Target nanostructures to be deposited on a silicon substrate are rendered as a three-dimensional model. Using AFM based local anodic oxidation on a silicon substrate, the features are duplicated at the nanoscale using voltage bias, probe speed, and humidity modulation, as prescribed by the model. The work presented herein highlights the advantages when three-dimensional modeling is linked with nanolithography; nanoscale features can be precisely replicated from a design plan.
CAD-CAM for nanotechnology manufacturing • A team of U.S. researchers has used a computer aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM) process to guide an atomic force microscope (AFM). According to them, this automated technique is ‘paving the way for a nanotechnology’s industrial revolution.’ And their results look very promising. If they’re confirmed — and adopted by the industry — this suggests that ‘the nanotechnology factories of the future might not operate so differently from existing manufacturing plants.’ In fact, using CAD-CAM tools already mastered by today’s engineering workforce would probably be very beneficial to the emerging nanotechnology industry • “When you manufacture, it doesn’t matter if you can do it once, the question is: Can you do it 100 million times and what’s the variability over those 100 million times” Is it consistent enough that you can actually put it into a process • If you can take prototyping and nanomanufacturing to a level that leverages what engineers know how to do, then you are ahead of the game,” “Most engineers with conventional training don’t think about nanoscale manipulation. But if you want to leverage a workforce that’s already in place, how do you set up the future of manufacturing in a language that engineers already use to communicate” That’s what we’re focused on doing here.”
References Manufacturing Field http://blogs.zdnet.com/emergingtech/?p=649 Entertainment Field http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TGJ-4MS9R4Y10&_user=521393&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000059568&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=521393&md5=64237faee74549e00ca6a8595bcd753f#secx1