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The Response to Luther. The Pope’s Threat. Rebellious monk who needed to be punished More popular made church more nervous Pope Leo X-threatened him with excommunication unless he took back his statements Refused and burned so he was excommunicated. The Emperor’s Opposition.
The Pope’s Threat • Rebellious monk who needed to be punished • More popular made church more nervous • Pope Leo X-threatened him with excommunication unless he took back his statements • Refused and burned so he was excommunicated
The Emperor’s Opposition • Charles V-opposed Luther • Summoned Luther to worms and told him to recant
Luther says NO!!!!!!!!!!Hiersteheich. Ichkannnichtanders. Gotthelfemir. Amen." ("Here I stand. I can do nothing else. God help me. Amen.") He is excommunicated from church and forced into hiding for the rest of his life
Edict of Worms • Imperial order • Declared Luther an outlaw and heretic • No one was allowed to give him food or shelter • All books burned
Prince Frederick the Wise of Saxony • Disobeyed the emperor and let him stay in his castle • Luther translated the New Testament into German • Returned to Wittenberg-where his ideas were placed into action • NOW-Luther and his followers had become a separate religious group
The Peasant’s Revolt • Apply ideas to society • Demanded end to serfdom • Bands of peasants went about the countryside raiding monasteries, pillaging, and burning. • LUTHER was HORRIFIED • Revolt was crushed and 100,000 people killed • Peasants rejected Luther’s religious leadership.
Germany at WAR • Princes supported Lutheranism • Saw as an excuse to seize Church property and to assert their independence from Charles V • Some princes remained loyal to the pope. • Others signed a protest against that agreement-AKA Protestants- • Christians who belonged to non Catholic Church
Peace of Augsburg • Charles V went to war against the Protestant princes • Defeated them but failed to force them back into the Catholic Church • 1555, tired of fighting ordered ALL princes to assemble in Augsburg • Princes agreed that each ruler would decide the religion of his State
Henry VIII of England • Wished to divorce Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn • Wanted the pope to annul marriage-Pope refused • Called Reformation Parliament to pass laws that ended the pope power in England.
Act of Supremacy-1534 • Called people to take an oath recognizing the divorce and accepting Henry, not the pope, as the official head of England’s Church. • Met opposition! • EX: Thomas More
Consequences of Henry’s Changes • Henry finally got male heir on third child and wife. • After his death England was in religious turmoil. • Edward VI-too young and bad advisors • Mary-Catholic-returned rule of the pope-executed Protestants
Determined to return to Protestantism • Church of England (Anglican Church) • Only legal church of England • Wanted to please both Protestants and Catholics