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Project of developing new Register of Economic Activities

Project of developing new Register of Economic Activities. Department of Information Society Services Development Janek Rozov. Agenda. About our objective How Register of Economic Activities works today What will be better How w e managed project

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Project of developing new Register of Economic Activities

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  1. Project of developing new Register of Economic Activities Department of Information Society Services Development Janek Rozov

  2. Agenda • About our objective • How Register of Economic Activities works today • What will be better • How we managed project • How Register of Economic Activities will work tomorrow

  3. Objective standardise public services and develop physical and virtual service environment according to citizens’ point of view

  4. Implementation Project of General Part of the Economic Activities Code Act • The General Part of Public Commercial Law Act was passed in March of 2011 • Sets common rules for Estonian public commercial law: • principles, • notices of economic activities, • activity licences, • applying for and proceeding of applications of activity licences, • rules for registers (REA), Register of Economic Activites • state supervision and responsibility. • Concerns directly more than 60 specific laws • Additional rules for activity licences and notices can be set in specific laws

  5. REA Register of Economic Activities General statistics • administrated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (MEAC) • 6 ministries out of 11 have all or some their activity licences or notices of economic activities in REA • 20 government institutions + 15 county governments + 226 municipalities • 18 000 entrepreneurs per year (licence) • 25 000 entrepreneurs per year (notice) • 30 000 entries per year (licence) • 39 000 entries per year (notice)

  6. 11 registers that were not interfaced with point of single contact eesti.ee

  7. 11 registers is interfaced with point of single contact eesti.ee • MinistryofEconomicAffairs and Communications, • Ministry of Social Affairs, • Ministry of Education and Research, • MinistryofAgriculture, • Ministry of Environment.

  8. How it works Data and informationexchangevia X-Road customers

  9. Whatisbetterforentrepreneurs? • Regulationsabouteconomicactivitiesinonegeneralact (ca 60specificlaws) • All informationaboutareas of activity subject to special requirementsassembledinoneplace - eesti.ee (onestopshop) • Submittingapplicationsforactivitylicences and noticesofeconomicactivitiesviasinglepointofcontacteesti.ee (onestopshop) • 123 activitylicences and 20 noticesofeconomicactivitieswithunifiedproceedinglogicinonee-channel • Noticesofeconomicactivitiescanbesubmittedwithoutpayinganystate fees • All informationaboutactivitylicences (184licencesaltogether, see nextslide), noticesofeconomicactivities and proceedingphasesofapplicationswillbeavailableviathesinglepointofcontacteesti.ee (onestopshop) • Thiswillreduceinquiriesaboutproceedingsbyentrepreneurs.

  10. Proceeding phases – client’s view Subject to notification 20 different notices in MTR (50 altogether) Subject to activity licence 123 different licences in REA (184 altogether )

  11. What will be better for entrepreneurs? • Decrease of the number of activity licences from 211 to 184 (27 licences less or 13%) • Considering that entrepreneurs have to confirm their economic activities every year, then reducing the number of activity licences will save 2351 hours of their time (considering that each operation will take at least 6 minutes). • New entrepreneurs are forced to come physically or communicate via e-channel, as a result time saving is 723,73 hours, considering that one operation takes 10,66 minutes in average. Time saving from movement is 4071 hours, considering that a journey takes 60 minutes in average • Time saving for offcials is 407 hours (50,9 working days), considering that each operation takes atleast 6 minutes. • Total time resource save for companies 2351 + 723,73 + 4071 = 7145,73 hours or 893 working days.

  12. Whatwillbebetterforserviceowner? • Possibility to proceed and keep licences issued by different institutions in REA (today 8 notices and 56 activity licences have been added, owners of licences and notices do not have to develop their own e-channel and register. • Ministry of Culture, • Ministry of Internal Affairs, • Ministry of Social Affairs, • Ministry of Foreign Affairs, • Minisrey of Environment. • Administation of licences and notices (adding and deleting) by registrar. Adding a new licence or notice does not need a new development.

  13. Example of a bad service What do I have to do, where to click in order to submit an e-application? Choose application forms?

  14. Step one 1 Example of a bad service E-PDF and e-Word ≠ good e-service

  15. Steps: 1 2 3 4 5 Example of a bad service Let’s start using an e-service that is not PDF or Word

  16. Steps: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Example of a bad service I click on the „Applicationforms“ link again

  17. Steps: 1 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 Example of a bad service I click on the „Activitylicences“ or „Notices“ link • Backinthesameplacewhere I started : • - Made 7 steps • Werein 2 e-environmentAuthentifiedmyself

  18. Steps: Example of a bad service 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 We must todo e- servicebetter We do not see application form… Finally, after making 10 steps, I can choose an appliucation form for a licence

  19. Increasingclientssatisfaction: serviceissimple, Prefillingdata and displayingproceedingphases: undestandable, transparent Reducingadministrativeburdenforclients: notburdensome Harmonisationofadministration: effective General regulationinoneact(ca 60specificlaws): understandable E-environmentthathas a unifiedproceedinglogicforlicences and notices (ca 20institutions):cost-effective, safe Singlepointofcontacteesti.ee „onestop shop“(11 registers, 184 licences, 50notices):effective, safe

  20. How we managed it? (1) • Directive of the minister of economic affairs and communications (MEAC administrates the REA) • 1 leading working group (representatives of ministries concerned, designation of the members of other working groups, guaranteeing the process on general level) • External developer (represented by the workers both in the leading and other working groups) • 3 cross-field working groups (functional, legal, IT) • Functional (content, proceeding logic, testing and responsibility)

  21. How we managed it? (2) • In project involved more than 50 people

  22. Applications of all activity licences (184) fit into one proceeding logic, that consists of 10 steps (1) • 1. State fee • 2. General information • 3. Person in charge • 4. Place of activity and/or technical equipement requirement • 5. Other certificates or accreditations • 6. Guarantee or insurance • 7. Plans and documents confirming financial state • 8. Limitation of activity perios • 9. Undertaking in foundation • 10. Using activity licence in a subsidiary undertaking 1 2 3 8 4 5 6 7 9 10

  23. Applications of all activity licences fit into one proceeding logic, that consists of 10 steps (2) 50 different notices of economic activities 184 different activity licences Different steps include special fields. Asmuchaspossibleprefilleddata Nextstep Previousstep Save

  24. Only the information that concerns enterpreneurs activity is displayed 5 steps Järgmine samm Eelmine samm Salvesta

  25. Main rules in development process • Proactivity • All documents can be submitted electronically in one place and at once • Prefilled data in e-application • Prohibition on requering paper documets (possibility to upload e-documents) • Personal view in an e-environment • Document blanks: shape, colour, number of cells are must not be fixed in a law or regulation, in regulation composition of the data must be described instead • Prohibition on requiring information twice. • Process-based logic not authority structure based logic • Developing process owner • We should not compare e-services with paper world services • We should compare good e-services with services that we have.

  26. Enterprise view Enter activity licence Enter notification Latest messages Latest applications no messages no applications Activity licence Notification no notification no activity licence Prohibitions Prescriptions no prescriptions no prohibitions

  27. Enterprise view Enter activity licence Enter notification Latest messages Latest applications Show all Activity licence Notification Show all Show all Prohibitions Prescriptions Show all Show all

  28. Main view 1 Aactivity licence for provision of television service withconditional access - submissionofapplication 2 3 4 5

  29. Main view (1) • Person who is logged in is the representative of the entrepreneur • Nameoftheundertaking • Choice of language

  30. Main view (2) Aactivity licence for provision of television service withconditional access - submissionofapplication

  31. Main view (2) • Number of steps (in that example 8 steps) • „red“ point shows mandatory fields

  32. Main view (3) Aactivity licence for provision of television service withconditional access - submissionofapplication

  33. Main view (3) activity licence for provision of television service withconditional access Application Name • General information about the company Companyregistration number Address Phone E-mail Fax Provision of television service with conditional access Activity EMTAK code

  34. Main view (4) Aactivity licence for provision of television service withconditional access - submissionofapplication

  35. Main view (4) The proposed date of commencement of operations Date of expiry of license Therepresentativeoftheentrepreneur Companyinfoundation

  36. Main view (5) Aactivity licence for provision of television service withconditional access - submissionofapplication

  37. Main view (5) Back Save and fill in later on Nextstep Submit previousstep • Moving directly by steps • Moving indirectly by steps • Stop the process and start again later from the place where you stopped • Submit

  38. Process view Aactivity licence for provision of television service withconditional access - submissionofapplication Click on whatever step

  39. Process view Aactivity licence for provision of television service withconditional access - submissionofapplication • Currentstepisdarkgreen • Currentstepisprecededbymandatoryfieldsthathavenotbeenfilledin • Currentstepisfollowedbymandatoryfieldsthathavenotbeenfilledin

  40. Main rules • Proactivity • All documents can be submitted electronically in one place and at once • Prefilled data in e-application • Prohibition on requering paper documets (possibility to upload) • Personal view inan e-environment • Document blanks: shape, colour, number of cells are must not befixed in a law or regulation, in regulation composition of the datamust be described instead • Prohibition on requiring information twice. • Process-based logic not authority structure based logic • Developing process owner • Our e-service comparable with good e-services. Enter activity licence Enter notification Latest posts Latest applications no posts no applications Activity licence Notification no notification no activity licence Prohibitions Prescriptions no prescriptions no prohibitions

  41. Thank you for your attention Janek.Rozov@mkm.ee

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