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Egyptian Civilization

Egyptian Civilization. World History I. Geography. The Nile River’s yearly flooding allowed for excellent farming in Egypt. The Nile was also the fastest form of transportation. Egypt was surrounded by deserts and bodies of water. This made Egypt difficult to invade.

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Egyptian Civilization

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  1. Egyptian Civilization World History I

  2. Geography • The Nile River’s yearly flooding allowed for excellent farming in Egypt. • The Nile was also the fastest form of transportation. • Egypt was surrounded by deserts and bodies of water. • This made Egypt difficult to invade. • The area by the Nile Delta is called Lower Egypt, and the area to the south is Upper Egypt.

  3. The Course of Egyptian History • Egyptian History is divided into three major periods. 1. 2. 3. • These were periods of long-term stability, freedom from invasion, strong leadership, and intellectual activity. • Egyptian history began around 3100 BC, when Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt under a single dynasty. • Dynasty – family of rulers whose right to rule is passed on within the family.

  4. The Old Kingdom (2700-2200 BC) • The Old Kingdom was an age of prosperity. • Ruled by a monarchy with a single leader known as a pharaoh. • Pharaohs had absolute power, but they needed help in ruling, leading to the development of a bureaucracy. • Bureaucracy – An administrative organization with officials and regular procedures. • Especially important was the vizier, a government official who was in charge of the bureaucracy.

  5. The Pyramids • The building of the pyramids took place during the old kingdom. • They were dedicated to the dead and were part of a larger complex of buildings. • Egyptians believed that there were two bodies – a physical one and a spiritual one called the ka. • They believed the ka could continue living after the physical body died. • To preserve the physical body, the Egyptians practiced mummification, a process of slowly drying the body after death. • Pyramids were tombs for mummified pharaohs.

  6. Images from inside Egyptian Pyramids.

  7. Left: Chamber inside an Egyptian Pyramid. Below: This is a layout of Egypt’s Great Pyramid at Giza.

  8. Left: Mummy believed to belong to Pharaoh Ramses II (about 3,000 years old) Below Left: Mask encasing King Tut’s mummy. Below: another Egyptian mummy, identity unknown.

  9. The Middle Kingdom (2050-1652 BC) • The Middle Kingdom was a period of stability in which Egypt expanded. • They conquered Nubia, which was to Egypt’s south. • Traders were sent to Kush, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Crete. • The role of the Pharaoh changed in the Middle Kingdom. • Once seen as a god-king far removed from the people, the Pharaoh was now a leader responsible for the peoples’ well being. • The Pharaoh now built public works and provided for the welfare of his people.

  10. The New Kingdom (1567-1085 BC) • The Middle Kingdom came to an end when Egypt was taken over by the Hyksos. • Pharaohs used new weapons to drive the Hyksos out. • The New Kingdom was a period of Egyptian military dominance. • Egypt became the most powerful state in Southwest Asia. • Religious controversy under Akhenaton led to loss of faith in government and loss of Egyptian territory. • The new kingdom collapsed in 1085 BC, and over the next thousand years Egypt was controlled by a variety of people. • In the first century BC, Egypt became a province in the Roman Empire.

  11. Society in Egypt

  12. More about Egypt • Writing in Egypt emerged around 3000 BC. • Hieroglyphics used a combination of writing and pictures. • Mainly used for writing on walls and in tombs. • Record keeping was done with a simplified version called hieratic script. • Egyptians made major strides in art and science. • They used geometry to survey land. • Developed a 365 day calendar. • Embalming led to advances in human anatomy.

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