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Pre-Participation Examinations Bell Work: grab the sheet of paper Answer the Pre-questions first.

Pre-Participation Examinations Bell Work: grab the sheet of paper Answer the Pre-questions first. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaiLBIrQUy8. http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/teen-collapses-winning-basketball-game-wes-leonard-fennville-press-conference-features-13061417. Objective:.

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Pre-Participation Examinations Bell Work: grab the sheet of paper Answer the Pre-questions first.

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  1. Pre-Participation ExaminationsBell Work: grab the sheet of paperAnswer the Pre-questions first.

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaiLBIrQUy8 • http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/video/teen-collapses-winning-basketball-game-wes-leonard-fennville-press-conference-features-13061417

  3. Objective: • The students will learn the concepts involved in a pre-participation examination • The students will perform a “mock” PPE-acting as a patient AND a clinician. • The purpose of a PPE is to detect conditions that put the purposed athlete at risk for injury or even sudden death • Evaluate a “patients” pre-existing conditions that could contribute to an injury • Observe musculoskeletal issues

  4. Items not covered today • Blood Pressure • Rhythm • Heart: pericardial activity, lungs, abdomen, skin

  5. Pulse-radial site • Using the stop watch to check your patient’s pulse for 10 seconds. Multiple that number by 6

  6. Height & Weight • Make sure patient’s heels are against the wall when measuring. • Use a ruler to correctly measure their height in feet and inches • Weight-use the red ball to correctly calibrate the scale. 2kg=4.4lbs. ~5lbs. • Body Fat % • http://www.healthcentral.com/cholesterol/home-body-fat-test-2774-143.html?ic=2202 • http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/library/blbodyfatcalculator.htm • Using the following website, figure out your body fat %. • Remember to go back to the start when finished for the next client.

  7. Snellen chart Stand 20 ft from diagram, have patient cover one eye. Point to the line for 20/20 and have then patient read each letter. Continue until the patient struggles or cannot correctly answer 50% of the letters

  8. Pupil Check • With the pen light, start on the lateral side of the eye, and slower shine the light onto the eye. There should be a constriction. • Test the other eye. They should both react in a similar fashion. • PEARL-Pupils Equal And Reactive to Light

  9. MUSCULOSKELETAL Have patient: To check for: 1. Stand facing examiner AC joints, general habitus 2. Look at ceiling, floor, over shoulders, touch ears to shoulders Cervical spine motion 3. Shrug shoulders (against resistance) Trapezius strength 4. Abduct shoulders 90 degrees, hold against resistance Deltoid strength 5. Externally rotate arms fully Shoulder motion 6. Flex and extend elbows Elbow motion 7. Arms at sides, elbows 90 degrees flexed, pronate/supinate wrists Elbow and wrist motion 8. Spread fingers, make fist Hand and finger motion, deformities 9. Contract quadriceps, relax quadriceps Symmetry and knee/ankle effusion 10. “Duck walk” 4 steps away from examiner Hip, knee and ankle motion 11. Stand with back to examiner Shoulder symmetry, scoliosis 12. Knees straight, touch toes Scoliosis, hip motion, hamstrings 13. Rise up on heels, then toes Calf symmetry, leg strength

  10. Shoulder Flexibility Test • Follow the directions in the packet found on page 2 • Test both sides • Do Not Assist them.

  11. Groin Flexibility • Follow directions on page 3 in the packet. • You will need a ruler to measure. • The “patient” will measure themselves for comfort ability reasons.

  12. Trunk Rotation Test • Follow the directions on page 2 of the packet • You will need a pencil and a ruler to measure

  13. Sit and Reach Test • Follow the directions in the packet for this test. Record the number in centimeters and find their rating inside the packet.

  14. Gastrocnemius flex. test • Follow directions on page 4 of the packet.

  15. 90/90 Hamstring Test • Goniometer, and a firm table

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