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This presentation provides an overview of the Department of Military Veterans' (DMV) Annual Performance Plan for 2016/17, including its strategic objectives, financial allocations, and core performance information.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans : Department Of Military Veterans 2016 Annual Performance Plan (APP) & 2016/17 and Budgetary Allocation By the Acting Director-General Dr S.M. Gulube “Together we move South Africa forward” 03 May 2016
PRESENTATION LAYOUT LAYOUT OF THE PRESENTATION • Aim • Introduction Part A: Strategic Overview • Vision and Mission • Legislative requirements for the development of the 2016/17 APP • Updated situational analysis • Performance Delivery Environment • Department of Military Veterans’ performance against EA priorities • DMV’s contribution to the National Development Plan (NDP) • MPAT Improvement Plan • DMV contribution to the implementation plan of the FOSAD • Organizational Environment • Revisions to Legislative and other mandates
PRESENTATION LAYOUT cont`d… • Overall Strategic Objectives of the Department • Budget programme structure • Part B: Financial Allocations of DMV Programmes 2016/17FY • Financial Allocation of the DMV Programme (Overall) • MTEF Allocations Per Programmes: 2016/17-2018/19 • Vote 19: Allocation per main programme 2016/17FY • Vote 19: Allocation per economic classification • Part C: DMV Core Performance Information • DMV Annual Selected Performance Indicators (Estimates of National Expenditure (ENE) and Targets for the 2016/17FY) • DMV Performance Information per Programme • Decisions Required • Conclusions
AIM • To present the overview outlook of the DMV APP for the 2016/17FY as tabled INTRODUCTION • The APP is aligned to the National Treasury Framework for SP and APP. • The APP aligned to the DMV Strategic Plan 2015-2019.
VISION & MISSION Vision "A dignified, unified, empowered and self-sufficient military veterans’ community”. Mission • To facilitate delivery and co-ordinate all activities that recognise and entrench the restoration of dignity and appreciation of the contribution of Military Veterans to our freedom and nation building.
LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE 2016/17 APP • RSA Constitution Act 108 of 1996 • Public Finance Management Act (PFMA), Act 1 of 1999 as amended • Treasury Regulations 5.1.2 • National Treasury Framework for Managing Programme Performance Information (2007) • National Treasury Framework for Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plans (2010) • Chapter 1, Part III B of the Public Service Regulations, 2001 • Military Veterans Act (MVA) 18 of 2011
PERFORMANCE DELIVERY ENVIRONMENT ALIGNMENT OF THE DMV APP WITH THE GOVERNMENT OUTCOMES AND PRIORITIES • Implementation of the Executive Authority’s (EA) strategic priorities • DMV contribution to the National Development Plan (NDP) • DMV contribution to the MTSF Outcomes • DMV contribution to the FOSAD implementation plan • The achievement of DMV sustained/legislative mandate including EA priorities • Improvement in the Management Practices within the department that will ensure effective and efficient implementation of the DMV mandate (MPAT)
DMV’s PERFORMANCE AGAINST EXECUTIVE AUTHORUTY`s (EA) PRIORITIES (1) • Priority 1: Ensure a fully functional Department of Military Veterans with an independent budget vote and systems. • Staff complement of one hundred and thirty one (131) by 31 March 2015 • Priority 2: Provision of immediate social relief of distress to the most vulnerable Military Veterans • In collaboration with SASSA, the DMV has during 2014/15 financial year provided 693 MVs who are eligible for such support. • Priority 3: To provide comprehensive support services to Military Veterans as mandated by section 5 of Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011 • Acquiring of Health Care and Wellness Centre • No progress has been made to accelerate this and the process is still undergoing through the Department of Public Works • Access to health support • During the 2014/15, 6 795 military veterans were provided with healthcare support.
DMV’s PERFORMANCE AGAINST EA`s PRIORITIES (2) • Priority 3: To provide comprehensive support services to Military Veterans as mandated by section 5 of Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011 • Education, Training and Skills Development • The DMV provided training and skills to 2 450 MVs during the 2014/15 period as follows: • 1 100 MVs were workshopped on how to access skills development programme • 368 MVs and their dependents were trained on requirements and processes to follow when applying for skills development programmes in all Provinces; • 138 MVs were trained on cooperatives; • 246 MVs received training in short solar geyser; • 240 MVs received training on variety of short courses; • 101 MVs were trained on construction and maintenance; • 51 MVs were workshopped by ARC and were later on provided with fixed term contracts; • 60 MVs were equipped with driving skills; and • The remaining 146 MVs were approved for accessing skills but have not yet received training
DMV’s PERFORMANCE AGAINST EA`s PRIORITIES (3) • Priority 3: To provide comprehensive support services to Military Veterans as mandated by section 5 of Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011 • Facilitation of Employment Placement In total, 1 696 military veterans accessed job opportunities of which: • 455 military veterans were placed in construction & maintenance with the Department of Water Affairs in Mpumalanga. • 1 100 military veterans were reached during the road-shows for access to employment opportunities; • 37 military veterans identified for security placements; • 12 military veterans were recruited for cleaning at the DMV Head Office and the list has been submitted to DMV HR Division; • 63 new jobs for military veterans
DMV’s PERFORMANCE AGAINST EA`s PRIORITIES (4) • Priority 3: To provide comprehensive support services to Military Veterans as mandated by section 5 of Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011 • Facilitation of or advice on business opportunities • DMV through Empowerment and Stakeholder Management registered 96 cooperatives to benefit the MVs and their dependents. • a draft plan has been developed for visiting provinces to provide training for MVs who have indicated an interest in registering cooperatives (DTI and SEDA to provide the training with the DMV funding training workshops); • Subsidisation or provisioning of Public Transport • There has been a slow progression towards the finalisation of MoU with the Department of Transport. - Housing • The DHS is assisting to facilitate signing-off on outstanding SLAs with the Western Cape and Northern Cape Governments. • A list of eligible dependents have been approved (provided/ compiled) to pave way for the houses to be built.
DMV’s PERFORMANCE AGAINST EA`s PRIORITIES (5) • Priority 3: To provide comprehensive support services to Military Veterans as mandated by section 5 of Military Veterans Act 18 of 2011 Repossessed Houses • 9 houses belonging to MVs were rescued from repossession by the banks in line with the provisions of the Military Veterans Benefits Regulations, 2014, Regulation 14(2). Burial Support • A tender for a comprehensive burial support was advertised during the 2014/15FY. • During the 2014/15FY, the DMV provided 160 burial support to deserving MVs. Pension • Policy framework on Military Veterans Pension has been finalised • During the period under review, a draft pension framework has been finalized for implementation and a service delivery channel has been developed and is ready for testing
DMV’s PERFORMANCE AGAINST EA`s PRIORITIES (6) • Priority 4: Promote empowerment programmes for and of Military Veterans • 78 new service providers providing skills programmes for MVs and 24 new MVs registered as service providers on the DMV SCM database. • Priority 5: Promotion of Military Veterans heritage as well as memorialisation and honouring • The DMV is currently in the process of developing a database of all existing memorial sites around the country • DMV is in discussion with DPW to discuss with regards to repair of the Wall of Remembrance in Kampala, Uganda was held. • Priority 6: Strengthening governance and oversight protocols to give effect to the provisions of the Act • 604 MVs were trained in sewing, welding, driving and the solar geyser training project sponsored by Energy SETA through a private company. • Furthermore, 47 MVs attended training courses organized by the DTI. • A list of 850 MVs and their dependants was made available to the service provider to do shortlisting and submit project plan for their training in various skills programmes.
DMV’s PERFORMANCE AGAINST THE EA`s PRIORITIES (7) • Priority 7: Maintenance of a credible and secure national Military Veterans database • To date 20 752 records for MVs were verified out of 57 344 records. The process to update personal files of the 15 401 MVs listed in the National Military Veterans Database is on-going towards the consolidation of the database. • Approximately 16 000 files have since been updated • The verification process is ongoing • Priority 8: Implementation of a high impact communication and marketing strategy and plan • an integrated communication strategy and plan was rolled out during the 2014/15FY. • Social platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, the Honour Magazine; Utilisation of mainstream media such as adverts and editorial platforms on the SABC TV and radio stations; community based media; use of national and regional print media; steady yet significant progress has been achieved
DMV’S CONTIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (NDP) During the 2016/17 financial year, the DMV will contribute to the National Development Plan as follows: Chapter 3: Economy and Employment • The DMV will contribute to this chapter by further facilitating employment opportunities for military veterans with the support of government, line-function departments, private companies and state agencies Chapter 8: Transforming Human Settlements • Through the Department’s partnership with the DHS, the DMV will facilitate building of almost 1 000 houses for military veterans during 2016/17 Chapter 9: Improving Education, Training and Innovation • The DMV will also conduct Recognition to Prior Learning (RPL) interventions to facilitate credits for learning attained by Military veterans and to enhance transferability of skills attained. In line with the provisions of the Act, education support will also be provided to dependants of military veterans. Chapter 10: Promoting Health • The DMV will contribute to this chapter by further providing health services through the agreement that has been entered into with SAMHS and previously with the Military Veterans Health Practitioner Association (MVHPA) whereby 14 500 military veterans will benefit from this service by 2016/17 cumulatively.
DMV’S CONTIBUTION TO THE NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (2) Chapter 11: Social Protection • All legislated socio-economic support services for Military veterans seek to ensure social protection for these remarkable citizens of South Africa. The challenge for the DMV is to deliver on its mandate and the obligation of service delivery agencies. Chapter 13: Building a capable state • The DMV is working towards being an employer of choice by ensuring that recruitment for both the top management and junior staff level is based on experience and expertise that will ensure efficient delivery on the Department’s mandate. Chapter 14: Promoting accountability and fighting corruption • The DMV will ensure that procurement processes are transparent and in line with Government legislation. Leadership will be taken as an essential part of service delivery. Chapter 15: Transformative society and uniting the country • The work done by the DMV in righting the wrongs of the past will be through the provision of socio-economic and empowerment support to military veterans
DMV MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IMPROVEMENT PLAN • The DMV will continuously utilise MPAT as a tool that provides visibility on the weak areas that the department need to focus on in terms of management practices and governance. • During the 2016 fiscal year, the DMV will focus on ensuring that there is improvement in main areas of concern which are amongst other things: • Critical importance of management and leadership; • Importance of accountability and consequences; • Persistent poor service delivery mechanisms; • Inability to implement Corporate Governance of Information, Communication, Technology (CGICT); • Poor management of diversity; • Inability to manage and finalise disciplinary cases on time and • Non-payment of suppliers within 30 days as prescribed by PFMA and Treasury Regulations.
DMV CONTRIBUTION TO THE FOSAD IMPLEMENTATION PLAN • The following priorities set out by FOSAD will be implemented and monitored by the Department: • Ensure that the performance agreement of the Accounting Officer is signed by the Executive Authority and submitted to the Office of the Public Service Commission (OPSC). • Develop, approve, effectively implement and monitor the Service Delivery Improvement plan for the Department and submit to DPSA on time. • Ensure that feedback on all cases from the National Anti-corruption Hotline is provided and all cases are concluded within the stipulated period determined by OPSC; • Maintain the current status of obtaining unqualified audit outcome with no matters; • Ensure that all financial disclosures of senior managers are concluded and copies are filed with OPSC. • Ensure that cases from the Presidential Hotline are resolved. • Submit the exception reports on 30-day payment to suppliers to National Treasury according to the Instruction Note issued in November 2011.
REVISIONS TO LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES During the 2016/17 financial year, the DMV will focus on the finalisation and approval of the following major service delivery policies amongst others: • The Amendment of theMilitary Veterans Act 18 of 2011;and • The Amendment of theMilitary Veterans Benefits Regulations of 2014.
OVERALL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2016/17FY • Recognise and honour Military Veterans in life and memorialise them in death for their sacrifices on behalf of the nation; • Ensure a smooth and seamless transition of Military Veterans from active military service to civilian life; • Restore the capability of Military Veterans with disabilities to the greatest extent possible; • Improve the quality of life for Military Veterans and that of their dependants; • Provide a comprehensive delivery system of benefits and services for Military Veterans; • Ensure that Military Veterans as a resource to enhance the national work force and contribute to the prosperity and development of the country; and • Contribute towards reconciliation and nation building.
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATIONProgramme Purpose : Provide management and strategic administration support to the ministry and overall management of the department
PROGRAMME 2 : SOCIO-ECONOMIC SUPPORTProgramme Purpose: Develop and monitor the implementation of legislation, policy framework and service delivery cooperation agreements on the compensation for injury in Military services, Counselling, Education, Healthcare, Public transport, Pension and Housing Benefits to Military veterans eligible for such support.
PROGRAMME 3: EMPOWEREMENT AND STAKEHOLDER MANAMAGEMNT Programme purpose : Manage and facilitate the implementation of military veterans empowerment and stakeholder management programmes
DMV SPENDING FOCUS OVER THE 2016 MTEF PERIOD • The bulk of the department’s budget over this period will therefore go towards spending in the Socio-Economic Supportand Empowerment and Stakeholder Management programmes. • The projected increase in expenditure in the Socio-Economic Support programme over the medium-term is expected to deliver houses, bursaries and health care services to military veterans and their dependents. • The projected increase in expenditure in the Empowerment and Stakeholder Management programme is expected to deliver access to training and skills development and to form partnerships with private sector companies and other organs of state to ensure that jobs are provided for the military veterans . • The department had 131 filled posts filled as at 31 March 2015. As a result, personnel numbers are projected to grow from 131 in 2016/17 to 152 in 2017/18.
CONCLUSIONS • It is believed that through the strategic budgeting provided herein, qualitative delivery on the Military Veterans mandate will be realised. • Such delivery will further make a case for improved allocative efficiency to fast track the comprehensive delivery of the long awaited socio-economic rights of Military Veterans.