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1815-1830 Putting a Lid Back Opening a Can of Worms Pandora’s Box Slippery slopes Stoking the Fire. Deliberations in Vienna. Main Objectives. Its job was to undo everything that Napoléon had done: Reduce France to its old boundaries her frontiers were pushed back to 1790 level.
1815-1830 Putting a Lid BackOpening a Can of WormsPandora’s BoxSlippery slopesStoking the Fire
Main Objectives • Its job was to undo everything that Napoléon had done: • Reduce France to its old boundaries her frontiers were pushed back to 1790 level. • Restore as many of the old monarchies as possible that had lost their thrones during the Napoléonic era. • Supported the resolution: There is always an alternative to conflict.
Charles Maurice de TalleyrandForeign Minister of France, repeatedly(portrayed by John Malkovich)
Key Principles Established at Vienna • Balance of Power • Legitimacy • Compensation • Coalition forces would occupy France for 3-5 years. • France would have to pay an indemnity of 700,000,000 francs.
Changes Made at Vienna (1) • France territory ->Napoléon. • Russia ->Duchy of Warsaw (Poland). • Prussia ->half of Saxony, parts of Poland, and other German territories. • A Germanic Confederation of 30+ states (including Prussia) <-previous 300, under Austrian rule. • Austria -> recovers land, plus more in Germany and Italy. • The House of Orange ->Dutch Republic and the Austrian Netherlands to rule.
Changes Made at Vienna (2) • Sweden gains Norway loses Finland • Britain gets Cape Colony, South Africa (see Boer War 1898), and other colonies in Africa and Asia. • Sardinia ->Piedmont, Nice, Savoy, and Genoa. • Bourbon Ferdinand I restored -> Two Sicilies. • Slave trade condemned (at British urging). • Freedom of navigation guaranteed for many rivers.
Louis XVIIIKing of France,1814-1824Chamber of PeersChamber of DeputiesEnfranchisement?
Conservatives Europe
Flashpoints • Britain- Liberalism/Radical/Reactionary • Italy-Nationalism- Austrians • Spain-Liberalism- French • France-Reactionary- Louis XVIII/Charles X- Ultraroyalists • German Confederation-Carlsbad • Russia-Decembrists • Belgium- Independence • Greece- Romantic Ottoman Struggle
Uprisings in Italyin the 1820s1820: Naples & Palermo(vs. the Bourbon dynasty)1821: Turin(vs. the ruling house ofPiedmont-Sardinia) and many more…
Cause->Effect Food Prices Rise(Corn Laws 1815->Peterloo->6 Acts
George Gordon,a.k.a. Lord Byron(1788-1824)“Ode on a Grecian Urn”Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness, Thou foster-child of silence and slow time, Sylvan historian, who canst thus express A flowery tale more sweetly than our rhyme: What leaf-fring'd legend haunt about thy shape Of deities or mortals, or of both, In Tempe or the dales of Arcady? What men or gods are these? What maidens loth? What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape? What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy? -John Keats-
The Wartburg Festival of German fraternities(October 1817)Student Associations
1830? Protests, Suppression, Occupation, Nationalism, Liberalism, Radicalism, Reactionary, Romanticism, Where does Europe stand?