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MEi:CogSci in Vienna

Explore the rich history of cognitive science in Austria, from its inception to the vibrant interdisciplinary platform it is today. Discover the impact of Austrian scholars in psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, and more.

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MEi:CogSci in Vienna

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  1. MEi:CogSci in Vienna www.univie.ac.at/meicogsci

  2. History of cognitive science in Austria Long tradition in psychology, behavioural biology, philosophy & neuroscience K. Lorenz, S. Freud, E. Mach, K. Bühler, K. Popper, etc. Cognitive Science in Austria/Vienna

  3. 1995: Foundation of Austrian Society for Cognitive Science (ASoCS) Austria-wide platform for CogSci Interdisciplinary & inter-institutional platform Scientists & universities Students “uncover” the cognitive science activities spread & “hidden” all over the country Making cogsci publicly visible Cognitive Science in Austria/Vienna

  4. ASoCS Activities Regular lectures (national & international speakers) 3 international New Trends in Cognitive Science Conferences “lobbying work” www-platform (www.univie.ac.at/cognition) Student activities Curriculum development Cognitive Science in Austria/Vienna

  5. Dept. for Philosophy ( http://homehobel.phl.univie.ac.at/,http://www.univie.ac.at/Wissenschaftstheorie/ ) Markus F. Peschl Middle-European roots of cognitive science Implications of different philosophical approaches (analytical, phenomenological, constructivist) on theory and methodology of cognitive science The theory and practice of interdisciplinarity: cognitive science as a case study Theories of knowledge: knowledge representation in natural and artificial systems Knowledge creation, Knowledge management, and innovation Knowledge didactics Philosophy

  6. Dept. for Philosophy ( http://homehobel.phl.univie.ac.at/,http://www.univie.ac.at/Wissenschaftstheorie/ ) Markus F. Peschl Distributed cognition and collective knowledge Cognitive science and education Applied cognitive science: from knowledge management to computer-supported cooperative work Embodied cognitive science: grounding cognition in perception and action Design Thinking Philosophy

  7. Dept. for Linguistics ( http://www.linguistics.at/ ) Wolfgang Dressler, Martin Prinzhorn, Chris Schaner-Wolles Neuro-, Psycho-, Patholinguistics Language Acquisition – theories and mechanisms Connectionist modelling of language acquisition Linguistics

  8. Dept. for English and American Studies ( http://www.univie.ac.at/Anglistik/ ) Margarete Rubik, Nikolaus Ritt Cognitive Poetics Language and Cognition (historical and linguistic perspective) Connectionist models of language understanding Cultural aspects of language Linguistics

  9. Dept. for Neurobiology and Behavioural Sciences(http://www.bnc.univie.ac.at/ ) Ludwig Huber, Axel Schmid, Thomas Bugnyar Social cognition: theory of mind, empathy, imitation and social learning Technical cognition Evolution and development of cognition Visual categorisation Visual systems and visually guided behavior Sensory systems of evertebrates Behavioural Biology

  10. Associated Research Institutions: KLI Altenberg (http://www.kli.ac.at/ ) KLIVV ( http://www.oeaw.ac.at/klivv/ ) KLF Grünau ( http://www.univie.ac.at/zoology/nbs/gruenau/ ) Behavioural Biology

  11. Dept. for Anthropology / LBI for Urban Ethology (http://www.anthropology.at/, http://evolution.anthro.univie.ac.at/institutes/urbanethology/ ) Karl Grammer, Elisabeth Oberzaucher Human nonverbal behaviour: expression of emotions, pheromones, embodied communication Human behaviour in urban environment Evolution of cognition Sex, gender and cognition Evolutionary aesthetics Behavioural Biology

  12. Faculty for Psychology ( http://www.univie.ac.at/Psychologie/fakultaet-verwaltung/ ) Claus Christian Carbon, Rainer Maderthaner Design, aesthetics and innovation Face recognition and processing Spatial cognition E-Learning Quality of life and wellness Ecology & psychology Cognitive aesthetics Psychology

  13. Institute of Medical Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence (IMKAI), MUW ( http://www.ai.meduniwien.ac.at/ ) Robert Trappl, G. Dorffner, P. Petta, W. Horn, E. Buchberger, H.Trost, A.Flexer Connectionist modelling of language acquisition Models of Language Processing Models of Personality and Emotions Knowledge based systems, Expert systems Cognitive Neuroinformatics Machine Learning & Music Artificial Intelligence

  14. Center for Brain Research, MUW ( http://www.univie.ac.at/brainresearch/ ) Werner Sieghart, Michael Kiebler, Jürgen Sandkühler Signal Processing in Nervous Systems Molecular Mechanisms of Learning and Memory Pain research Neuroscience

  15. Dept. of Psychiatry, MUW (http://www.medizin-medien.info/dynasite.cfm?dssid=4263 ) Rupert Lanzenberger, Christian Windischberger PET (Positon Emission Tomography) and fMRI Research on schizophrenia, depression and anxiety disorders Neuroscience

  16. Cooperation: Interlingua — MEi:CogSci Interlingua Language Services ( http://www.interlingua.at/ ) Topics: What makes machine translation different from natural language? Encouraging Open Innovation among Customers Contact: Trisha Kovacic-Young | t.kovacic@aon.at

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