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Team Members. Hwa O’Brien Amy Menheere Jean Campbell. Project Goal. To improve parental understanding of the question regarding testes in order to obtain more accurate responses.
Team Members Hwa O’Brien Amy Menheere Jean Campbell
Project Goal • To improve parental understanding of the question regarding testes in order to obtain more accurate responses.
1st Why Why is the response to Question 14 in the School Entrant Health Questionnaire poor within the Western Region?Because there is a lack of understanding of Question 14 both in language and anatomically.
2nd WhyWhy is there a lack of understanding of Question 14 both in language and anatomically?Because there is a high level of Non-English Speaking population and limited education standard of many parents within the Western Region.
3rd WhyWhy is there a high level of Non-English Speaking population and limited education standard within the Western Region?Because there is high migrant population and areas of poor socio-economic groups.
4th WhyWhy doesn’t the information offered regarding Question 14 meet the needs of these groups?Because the information provided is in English only, it does not meet the needs of Non-English Speaking people and those who have poor literacy skills.
5th WhyWhy has this not been addressed before?Because of the very high cost of translation to multiple languages.
Data collection • SEHQ’s from a small cross section of schools within the Western Region were used. • Simple questionnaire to school nurses within other regions
School Cross-section • Covers schools from both low and high ethnic populated areas. • Equal number of government and non-government schools
Response Breakdown • Total SEHQ checked was 437, with 228 being for boys. There were 6 responses to testes question for girls. • Only 68% of responses to question 14 were “yes” • 22% of parents responded with “don’t know” or “no”
Nurses response when question 14 isn’t answered • Of the 42 responses to the school nurse survey from other regions, the majority of nurses send the information sheet on testes, or initiate parent contact or both. • 4 nurses indicated no action taken or failed to answer the question.
Nurses who receive responses when the child is a girl • Only 26% responded no or not applicable. • 48% of nurses receive responses for girls sometimes or rarely. • 26% of nurses answered yes
Nurses response when answer is “no” or “don’t know” • Majority of nurses respond by provision of the testes information letter and/or parent contact • 2% ignored the question
Nurses who would be interested in using a visual tool • 48% of nurses responded no. • 19% of nurses responded yes • 14% of nurses responded maybe, or rarely. • 17% responded not often.
Development of Visual Tool • Needed to be small and portable. • Needed to be cost effective. • Needed to cross the barriers of both language and literacy difficulties. • Anatomical model decided on • Discussed and experimented with different media and materials.
Consultation with Professor Hutson - RCH • Reaction generally favourable. • A boy can develop undescended testes related to growth. • Suggested that the question 14 of the SEHQ be divided. • Suggested the bead used be increased in size.
Prof. Hutson described positioning of testes with a simple sketch. • Testes sitting low in scrotum is normal • Testes sitting in mid to high scrotal area need to be monitored by a doctor. • Retractile testes should reappear within 15 to 20 seconds.
Trial of Visual Tool • Used 4th term 2000 by nurses involved in project. • Beneficial as an educational tool both during prep information sessions and in face to face contacts.
Costing • No actual cost incurred to develop prototype and subsequent samples. • Recycled materials were used to make the models. • Laminating available at regional office. • Fits in the ‘information for schools’ folder.
Results • Reduced subsequent parent contacts. • Seen as an educational tool. • Immediate understanding by parents. • Reduces time needed for ethnic Teacher aide assistance
Acknowledgements • Professor Gay Edgecombe, Clinical Chair, Community Child Health Nursing. • School Nurses throughout the state. • Lorraine Anthony – Computer skills • Professor Hutson, Director, Department of General Surgery, Royal Children’s Hospital. • Migrant Resource Centre,Inner Western Region.