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Adaptation. Ch 15 section 2. Natural Selection. Results in adaptation – a population becomes better suited to its environment Adaptation can also refer to a derived trait, one that has come about by natural selection. inherited characteristic. chance of survival. ADAPTATION. VOCAB

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  1. Adaptation Ch 15 section 2

  2. Natural Selection Results in adaptation – a population becomes better suited to its environment Adaptation can also refer to a derived trait, one that has come about by natural selection.

  3. inherited characteristic chance of survival ADAPTATION VOCAB Any ___________________ that increases an organism’s ______________ = _____________ http://www.wildlife-traps.com/skunks.html http://www.atomtigerzoo.com/photos/images/20060421233733_duckfeet.jpg http://www.3kitty.org/travelrama/Photos/123-21-4x6.jpg

  4. Camouflage-the ability to belnd in with your environment Allows organisms to become almost invisible to predators

  5. Mimicry-one species evolves to resemble another species

  6. Plant adaptations • Tropisms- a plants growth response to an external factor. • 3 types • Phototropism • Gravitropism • Thigmotropsim

  7. Phototropism • Plant growth in response to light

  8. Gravitropism Plant Growth in response to gravity

  9. Thigmotropsim • Growth/movement in response to touch • Ex:vines

  10. Sources of Variation • Mutations or genetic changes occur infrequently in a cell but frequently in a population, particularly a large one. • Genetic recombination through sexual reproduction, including crossing-over during meiosis.

  11. Pages 438-441 Speciation and Patterns in Evolution

  12. http://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=What+do+you+get+if+you+cross+a+mouse+with+a+mangohttp://app.discoveryeducation.com/search?Ntt=What+do+you+get+if+you+cross+a+mouse+with+a+mango

  13. Speciation: The Formation of a new species

  14. Speciation • When some members of a population become separated from the group and change so much that they can no longer mate with members of the original population. • 2 Types: 1. Allopatric Speciation 2. Sympatric Speciation

  15. Allopatric Speciation • A physical Barrier divides a population which gives rise to a new species. • Takes a LONG time • Most common

  16. Sympatric speciation • A new species forms without a physical barrier. • Usually occurs in plants

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