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Keystone Elementary School. “Home of the Cougars” 4301 Old Allen Rd. Memphis, Tennessee 38128. Guiding Principles - Beliefs. We believe that all children have value. We believe that all children can learn and achieve excellence.
Keystone Elementary School “Home of the Cougars”4301 Old Allen Rd. Memphis, Tennessee 38128
Guiding Principles - Beliefs • We believe that all children have value. • We believe that all children can learn and achieve excellence. • We believe that all decisions should stem from what is best for the child. • We believe that all programs should come from our dedication to student learning and achievement. • We believe that all students should be provided with an education that will support learning in our ever-changing world. • We believe that school success is directly related to the positive relationships between parents, stakeholders, educators, and students. • We believe that by addressing children’s social, emotional, cultural, and physical needs we can inspire a lifelong love for learning, respect, tolerance, and a sense of self worth. • We believe that children learn best when they are actively engaged in creative, meaningful work that allows them to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways. • We believe that every day presents opportunities for learning and growth. • We believe that children learn trust, patience, empathy, and other valuable character traits through positive interactions.
Mission Keystone Elementary is committed to providing a challenging and meaningful learning environment that promotes academic excellence, builds strong character, and develops social awareness in order to encourage students to become responsible decision-makers and lifelong learners.
Vision We believe that the most promising strategy for achieving the mission of Keystone Elementary begins by providing a positive, inclusive, and caring environment where educators are dedicated to continuous self improvement and to maintaining high expectations for every student.
Blue Ribbon Goals and Objectives • Create a system of accurate reporting of all behaviors and consequences to SMS. • Document student attendance, including tardies and early check-outs, and provide interventions for those students with excessive absences, tardies, and or early check-outs. • Implement a school-wide behavior plan and use it consistently.
Keystone Elementary Blue Ribbon Discipline Committee Worksheet 2007-2008
Blue Ribbon/ Discipline Committee • Data Entry • Discipline data will be entered promptly to enable review of accurate data. • Discipline data will be entered in a timely fashion. • Deadline for 20 day data entry is the Friday following the end of the reporting period. • Team member responsible for data entry: Mr. Smith, Assistant Principal • Committee Meetings/Data Examination • Committee will meet within one week of final data entry for reporting • period. • Data will be examined by location, student, infraction, and teacher. • Team member responsible for data delivery: Mr. Smith, Assistant Principal • Faculty Meeting • Faculty meeting to present and discuss data will be held within a week of • the Discipline Committee meetings. • Team member responsible for presentation to faculty: Karen Vogelsang, • Teacher
Keystone Elementary SchoolRules Keystone Cougar Conduct... • Be Responsible • Be Respectful • Be Safe
How We Teach the Rules & Procedures • Student and Parent Handbook • Behavior Expectations Matrix – classroom delivery • Posted Behavior Expectations Matrix -throughout the school • Title 1 Open House - first two weeks of school • Morning Meetings • Teach in context of location or activity • Modeling and role playing • Lesson Plans
School Procedures – Entering School • Teachers and teacher assistants will sign-in in the office and be on their posts by 8:15 each day. • Teachers and teacher assistants will greet students in the hallway or doorway by name each day. • No child will be dropped off at school before 8:00. • Safety patrol may enter the school at 7:50 through the front doors and be on their posts by 8:00 and remain until 8:25. • Walkers, bikers, and car riders may enter through the front door at 8:00 for breakfast; all others may enter at 8:10. • Cafeteria doors will be closed for breakfast at 8:20. • Duties will be assigned to all teachers on a rotating basis. • Duty teachers are expected to be on their assigned morning duty posts by 8:00 and remain until 8:25.
School Procedures – Entering School • Students will walk on the right side of the hallway and be respectful. • Students will take care of business and be in class before the 8:30 bell rings (book store, breakfast, etc.) • Students who come in after 8:30 should be accompanied by an adult and check-in in the office; an admit-to-class pass will be issued. • Teachers must enter attendance into SMS by 9:00. • Admit-to-class passes will be kept on file in the student’s folder in the classroom for the duration for the year. This will become part of the student folder. • If the classroom door is locked, students will line up in the hall and wait quietly until the door is unlocked.
School Procedures– Uniforms • All school personnel will be deliberate and consistent with enforcement of the MCS uniform policy. • From 8:30 - 8:45, students will be required to call a parent to bring appropriate uniform. It is not the responsibility of the school to provide uniforms for the students. Out-of-uniform students will return to the classroom for instruction. • Each out-of-uniform infraction must be written up as a minor infraction by the teacher. • Per MCS Code of Conduct the student’s conduct grade will not suffer for this infraction. • On the third out-of-uniform infraction, teacher will refer student to an administrator using a disciplinary referral.
School Procedures - Hallways • Students will line up according to teacher directions. • Students must walk quietly on the right side of the hallway. • Students not accompanied by an adult must have a hall pass. • Students will be sent back to class unless they have a hall pass. • Hall passes will be color coded by location.
School Procedures - Cafeteria • Cafeteria monitors will be responsible for: - encouraging/maintaining appropriate noise level; - distributing napkins and silverware as needed; - reinforcing good table manners; - attending to specific needs of students (sick, spills, etc.); - supervising students as they clean tables and floor areas; - identifying problem behaviors and separating these students from the rest of the class at the table; - informing classroom teacher of class and individual behaviors on an as needed basis; - dismissing classes for clean-up; and - assigning students to the time-out table and maintaining sign-in log.
School Procedures - Cafeteria • Students may self-select seats at their assigned table unless teacher or monitor directs otherwise. • Silverware will continue to be collected in the baskets at the end of each row of tables at dismissal. • All trash and food must be removed from the table and surrounding floor. • In the disposal area, students will discard their milk and milk cartons and empty their trays into the designated containers. • Students who bring their lunches will dispose of their remaining food items and paper products in the trash can in the disposal area.
School Procedures – Assemblies • Assemblies will be organized according to grade levels (Pre-K-2, 3-5). • Teachers and students should wait until called by the office before moving to the cafeteria or gym. • Classes are to assemble quietly and sit in designated areas. • Students must be taught to understand and respond to the a raised hand signal to designate quiet and attention. • Teachers must remain with their classes and maintain appropriate student behavior during all programs.
School Procedures – New Students • During the enrollment process, new students and parents will be introduced to administrators and the appropriate school counselor. • Each new student will be assigned to a student ambassador by his/her teacher (grades 2-5). • Each teacher will select his/her student ambassadors from the application process. • School counselors will train student ambassadors. • Student ambassadors will share information with new students. • A “Welcome to Keystone” packet will be developed (checklist of information - map, school personnel, school rules, school procedures, etc.).
School Procedures – Closing of School • 3:00 – Students should begin packing-up for dismissal, Safety Patrol should be dismissed, duty teachers should move toward afternoon duty posts • 3:05 bell – Dismissal of walkers, bike riders, & After-Care students • After-Care students will report to the Commons Area. • All teachers should be on their afternoon duty posts by the 3:05 bell. • 3:10 bell – Dismissal of car riders and day care riders to the cafeteria to wait for car lane number to be called. • Students will sit at assigned tables according to car lane number. • Car lane numbers and day car bus information will be radioed into the cafeteria. • Staff will relay car lane numbers to waiting students via sound system and overhead projector. • Bus students will be called by bus color. Students will line up at the front south exit to move to the buses in an orderly fashion.
School Procedures – Closing of School • Students who are not picked up in car lane by 3:30 will move to the hallway outside the office by the front door to sit on the floor and wait for their rides. • Students may call home, if needed, at this time. • Duty teachers will supervise the students who are not picked up by 3:30. Parents must come into the building and sign-out their children using the Late Student Pick-up Notebook. Duty teachers may rotate this duty. • No teacher may leave prior to 3:30 without administrative approval.
Individual Classroom Rules Focus for Development When developing classroom rules, teachers should always: • Be Proactive – Structure classrooms for academic success - means having efficient routines, focused instruction, clear rules and expectations, direct teaching of expectations, and frequent monitoring. • Be Positive – Strive to interact frequently with each student providing non-contingent attention - acknowledgement and positive recognition when students are behaving appropriately. No yelling, no arguing, no humiliating, no sarcasm, no exception! • Teach – View incidents of misbehavior as teaching opportunities and calmly and consistently implement appropriate corrective consequences.
Classroom Procedures • Every teacher must have a plan for all procedures that take place during the day – students asking for help, working in cooperative groups, turning in homework, getting up from seat, heading your paper, writing assignment protocol, lining up, unpacking/packing book bags, etc. • Procedures will be taught, modeled, and reinforced the first six weeks of school and on an as-needed basis.
Student Incentives Attendance • Students who are in school all day M-Th can wear jeans to school each Friday. • Students who have perfect attendance for the entire six weeks can participate in HATTS day (Here All The Time Students) and wear a hat the Friday after report cards. • Weekly percentage class attendance will be posted on hallway bulletin boards. • Six weeks attendance rewards will be issued for highest percentage per grade level.
Student Incentives Behavior and Work Habits • Super Citizen Award – Each teacher will select one student each week who has had a good attitude, been kind to others, or displayed good work habits. • These students will be announced over the intercom on Friday morning and will receive a certificate and pencil from the Principal or Assistant Principal. • A group picture will be taken each week to be displayed on a bulletin board for all to see. • A “Sock Hop” (K-2) & (3-5) will be held in the Playroom - 30 minutes each for students with E’s in Conduct and Work Habits each grading period.
Student Incentives Leadership • Student ambassadors membership (Grades 2-5) • Safety Patrol participation (Grade 5)
Resources for Incentives • Adopters • PTA • Community members • Individual donations • School funds
Classroom Consequences • Individual teachers will develop Classroom Management Plans for administrative approval. • Grade levels should work to establish consistency in plans. • Suggested immediate consequences may include: (1) verbal warning; (2) logical consequence (may include one or more of the following: think sheet, action plan, time-out in room, time-out with a partner teacher, clean-up duties, special seating, loss of privilege such as classroom job, loss of eating lunch with classmates, walking during 1/2 of a 20 minute recess, etc.); and/or (3) phone call and/or note home. • Students can not be held out of enrichment classes (art, music, physical education, library, and computer) as punishment. • If bullying has occurred, follow the No Bullying Policy.
School Procedures - BehaviorMinor Infractions MIRs are filled out only after: • You have verbally corrected or re-directed the student. • You have had a private warning conference with the student identifying the specific behavior, that it is a problem and how it violates the classroom and/or the school rules. • You have used logical classroom consequences (time out, loss of free time, moving a conduct marker, loss of leadership privileges, written apology, using a buddy teacher, etc.). If the behavior continues and a 2nd MIR is written, ask for a parent conference. • Make the conference short and to the point. • Stay focused on the specific misbehavior. • Make a phone call if a conference is not possible. Record in contact log. Consult with the School Counselor. Use the Behavior Intervention Manual. • Be able to document the interventions you have tried from this source as well as other interventions, consultations, and conferences. This will be required information when sending a student to the office after the 3rd MIR is written.
School Procedures - BehaviorDiscipline Referrals - Major Infractions • A completely filled out Disciplinary Referral form MUST accompany any student sent to the office for a major infraction of school policies. Use flow chart to determine major infraction, if necessary. • Complete and submit Disciplinary Referral – Level should be appropriately coded based on MCS Student Code of Conduct. • Submit student statement (dated and signed by student) that will become part of the Disciplinary Referral. This does not have to be written on the Disciplinary Referral; a sheet of notebook paper will do. • Submit Student Folder with Disciplinary Referral – (contains all disciplinary information – notes to/from parents/teacher, late-to-class passes, minor infraction reports, previous disciplinary referral forms, other pertinent information) • Administrator will address the situation and the teacher will receive a copy of the MCS Disciplinary Referral Form with administrator’s action taken.
In-School Suspension Plan • Administrators will assign students to ISS and teacher will be informed. • ISS coordinator will provide initial assignments/reflection package so that students are kept busy. • ISS coordinator will collaborate with teacher who will provide assignments in a timely fashion. • ISS coordinator will provide feedback on student’s status while in ISS using the ISS Behavior Log. • Student must receive satisfactory feedback on ISS Behavior Log in order to earn their way out of ISS and back to the classroom. • The ISS Behavior Log will be kept on file in the student’s yellow discipline folder kept on file in the ISS room. • Student work will be monitored to ensure it is correct and complete. This is not a tutoring session! • The ISS coordinator will place student work at the end of the day in teacher’s mail box. • ISS coordinator will follow-up on paperwork and parent signatures.
In-School Suspension Plan • ISS Rules – (1) Absolutely no talking (2) Stay in your seat (3) Complete all assignments, (4) Lunch in ISS room, (5) Restroom breaks in the clinic, (6) Report to ISS room at 8:30 (7) Dismissal is from ISS room at 3:05 • Student behavior will be reported to counselors and principals, if there is misbehavior during ISS, the suspension will be extended and parents will be notified.
Behavior Referrals – S-Team • Before a referral can be made for student behavior, teacher must have (1) a conference with the student, (2) a conference with the parent, and (3) consult Behavior Intervention Manual for help with providing student support. • If steps 1-3 are unsuccessful, teachers should meet with grade level peers to discuss student behaviors and possible interventions (use Behavior Intervention Manual). • Student is referred to a behavioral support team which may include S-Team members appropriate for the child.
School Procedures Academic Referrals • Before an academic referral can be made to the S-team, teachers must have: (1) documentation of interventions tried (2) student and/or parent conference(s) (3) completed the requirements set forth by the S- Team process (copies of report cards, forms, test scores, etc.)
Day 1: definition Day 2: synonyms Day 3: antonyms Day 4: quote Day 5: sharing experiences about when a child has experienced _____. Day 6: Positive behaviors that incorporate ______. Day 7: Teacher reads a story on topic. Day 8: Write about _______. Day 9: Role play Day 10: Examples of _____ seen at school. Character Education
Harassment and Bullying Prevention • BOE video on Harassment policy will be scheduled for all staff to view within the first semester of school. • Faculty meetings will cover school plans for student bullying and harassment within the first 6 weeks of school. • Second Step K-2 – state-mandated
School Safety Plan • See attached document – Keystone ElementarySchool Emergency Management Plan.
Prevention Programs • Proactive Professional Development • Community Support • Adopt-a-School • PTA • Title One Compact • Counselor support programs • Second Step • Character Ed program • School wide incentives/programs • Greater use of Behavior Intervention Manual
Primary Intervention Strategies • Classroom Management Plan • Consult Behavior Intervention Manual for intervention and documentation • Parent conference • Document efforts, goals, and progress • Grade level meeting/consultation • Group counseling
Secondary Intervention Strategies • Strict Behavior Education program • Daily teacher evaluations • Simple behavioral assessment to evaluate behavior • Rearranging the environment to support and encourage positive behaviors • Intensive social skills training and support through: - Homework club - Manners club - Tutoring - Community service projects • Charts used for incentives and motivations with targeted/grouped students • Active parental involvement - required parent conference to approve plan of action • Parent training and management seminars • Alternatives to suspension such as: - After-school and before-school study hall - Daily check in & out with adult in building • In school mentors • Behavior contracting • Newcomer’s Club
Tertiary Intervention Strategies Tertiary intervention requires a personalized and flexible program which is focused on the individual and the specific circumstances related to him/her. • Before beginning this level of intervention, a Functional Behavior Assessment must be done. The Behavior Intervention Plan should be overseen by an individual support person who is working with the student to provide options for the child to use new skills as a replacement for problem behaviors. • There must be rearrangement of the antecedent environment so that problems can be prevented and new behaviors encouraged. • A safety plan should be part of the BIP. Students must have a place to go and re-group before returning to regular educational setting. Teachers must release students as necessary for this purpose. Activities and behaviors during “down” time must be documented and measurable in it’s approach to re-training. • Tertiary intervention should be used with students who have on-going educational disruptions due to out of school suspensions (after 5 days), or if the student’s behavior is resulting in extended absences from the educational setting (ISS, extended time out, etc.). • Consequences should promote positive behaviors and deter problems. Specify both goals and consequences according to the individual.
Action Steps • Consistent implementation across grade levels of behavior matrix, Keystone Faculty Handbook, Keystone Student and Parent Handbook, Blue Ribbon Plan, Student Code of Conduct, and District Policies • Review and evaluate 20-day data, implementing strategies to address key issues as a result of data evaluation. • Present and discuss findings from data evaluation in faculty and PLC meetings. • Ongoing faculty training in behavior modifications. • Implementation of student/class incentives
Monitoring Process & Evaluation • S-Team • Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) • ISS (In-School Suspension) • Behavior/Academic Data including: - Blue Ribbon website data of office referrals - Cumulative/Special Education Files - Progress Reports/Deficiency Forms/Report Cards - TCAP - STAR - Formative Assessments - Minor Infractions - Disciplinary Referrals • Attendance Conferences • Teacher Communication Logs • Counselor Intervention • Data is reported properly then entered into the system on a timely basis • The committee will review the data at regularly scheduled meetings and adjust the discipline plan as needed.
Parent & Community Involvement • PTA Meetings • Title One Parent Meetings • Adopt-a-School Partnerships • Counselor sponsored educational programs for parents. • Family nights (Math, Science Nights) • Faculty & Community Clean-up Days • After school programs • Back to School Week • Grandparent’s day • Open House • Career days • Read to Me week – volunteers read to classes. • Student community service projects