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Chapter 39 Day 2 End of Empire Aim: How does Africa gain its independence?. Do NOW: Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Why or why not? Write your answer or draw a picture-
Chapter 39 Day 2 End of EmpireAim: How does Africa gain its independence? Do NOW: Do you agree or disagree with the quote? Why or why not? Write your answer or draw a picture- "Common territory, language and culture may in fact be present in a nation, but the existence of a nation does not necessarily imply the presence of all three. Common territory and language alone may form the basis of a nation. Similarly, common territory plus common culture may be the basis. In some cases, only one of the three applies. A state may exist on a multi-national basis. The community of economic life is the major feature within a nation, and it is the economy which holds together the people living in a territory.
How are African boundaries today similar or different than colonial boundaries? Does it matter?
Decolonization in Africa 19th century “scramble for Africa” Legacy of colonial competition Internal divisions Tribal Ethnic Linguistic religious France and North Africa Abandonment of most territories after WWII 1956 Morocco and Tunisia gain independence, 13 other colonies in 1960 But determination to retain Algeria – WHY? Longer period of French colonization 2 million French citizens born or settled in Algeria by WW II
1954 Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) begins guerilla warfare against France WHY? Simmering conflict since French massacre in Sétif, 1945 500,000 French soldiers in war by 1958 War ends with Algerian independence in 1962 Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (1961), manifesto against colonial rule Algerian War of Liberation
Négritude: “Blackness” Influence of “black is beautiful” from USA Revolt against white colonial values, reaffirmation of African civilization Connection with socialism, Communism Geopolitical implications?? Post-Independence Difficulties Pax Romana of European colonists Civil wars in Rwanda, Burundi, Angola Economic hardship Instability of democratic regimes WHY?
Kwame Nkrumah, leader of Ghana Influenced by Gandhi – HOW? Uses non-violence, boycotts, demonstrations, 1957 1st nation to gain independence Celebrated visit of Queen Elizabeth II in 1961, affirmation of Ghanese independence and equality
Kikuyu ethnic group begins attacks on British and “collaborationist” Africans, 1947 in “British East Africa” 1952 state of emergency declared Overwhelming British military response, 12,000 Africans killed vs. 100 Europeans Bloody, but negotiated withdrawal, independence 1962 – 1st Pres. Jomo Kenyatta Difference between Ghana and Kenya??? WHY? Why did Brits resist more? See Algeria Kenya
Decline of democratic regimes, rise of dictatorships Partial reflection of artificial European boundaries Political immaturity of colonies Tarnishing of Independence
Assessment • Create a multiple choice question based on the notes/slides. • Exchange question with your neighbor to assess comprehension of material.