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Making Sport Education Festive

Making Sport Education Festive. Festivity in Sport Education . Integral part of sport. Key feature that defines Sport Education. It surrounds competition. Mostly lacking when sport is taught in traditional physical education classes!!. Makes the experience significant to the participants!!.

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Making Sport Education Festive

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  1. Making Sport Education Festive

  2. Festivity in Sport Education Integral part of sport. Key feature that defines Sport Education. It surrounds competition. Mostly lacking when sport is taught in traditional physical education classes!! Makes the experience significant to the participants!! How is festivity manifested in sport?

  3. Festivity in Sport Education Developing a Festive daily environment for Sport Education Teams (affiliation, sense of belonging) Team Mascots Color National Anthems Team Name Team Cheer Player/Team photos Player/Team profiles Bulletin Board Space Pre-game introduction of players Home base for team practices Team Flags

  4. Festivity in Sport Education Developing a Festive daily environment for Sport Education Awards Fair Play Hard work Duty Team performance Good performance Improvement End-of-season Certificates Role responsibilities Excellence in coaching Excellence in refereeing

  5. Festivity in Sport Education Developing Culminating Events Most festive feature of the season. Type of events: • Graded or inter-division championship games • Team-based skill challenges • Award days w. guest speaker (& a banquet) • Great Game days (view videotape of classic game) • Video highlights day

  6. Festivity in Sport Education Developing Culminating Events Most festive feature of the season. Type of events: (cont’d.) • Visit local sport venue. • Students v. Staff or students v. parents game. • Between class competitions. • School Assembly exhibit.

  7. Festivity in Sport Education Developing Culminating Events Makes it special for students • Can be done during regular class-time or during special times (e.g., lunch hour; assemblies) • Students can (help) organize the event. • Videotape the event. • Excellent program advocacy tool.

  8. Festivity in Sport Education

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