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Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview. Charlie McGowan MDM Account Manager. Master Data consists of hierarchies such as Organization, Chart of Accounts, Sales Territory, Product and the associated attributes: Product Organization Accounts

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Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

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  1. Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview Charlie McGowan MDM Account Manager

  2. Master Data consists of hierarchies such as Organization, Chart of Accounts, Sales Territory, Product and the associated attributes: Product Organization Accounts Software Central Sales (+) BI MN Direct (+) Essbase (sku #) FL Partner (+) Training East Cost of Sales (-) What is Master Data? It is not Transactional Data: CompanyEntityAccountSub-AccountDateAmountSales person Hyperion FL 100000 500 8/12/05 $70,000.00 Ralph Collins It is not Meta Data: CompanyEntityAccountSub-AccountDateAmountSales person Text Text Integer Integer Date Field Floating Text 25 Char 2 Char 6 Digit 3 digit MM/DD/YY 8.2 25 Char Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  3. Is hierarchy management challenging? Large Company with many different transaction and storage systems (Avg. 11)? or Many different BPM applications? Or Changing hierarchies: • Management Reorganizations? • Acquisitions? • BPM or ERP Migration? Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  4. Why it Matters? • Master data changes! • ERP, BPM, BI Systems • Enterprise coordination • Different systems • Compliance • Automation Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  5. Accounting Scorecard Marketing Data Warehouse App Files App Files Excel Excel Excel Data Data Excel Bulk: ETL, Custom Transactional: EAI Real time: EII Access DB Access DB v Hierarchy Processes Mapping Processes Metadata Processes Metadata Processes Hierarchy Processes G/L Maps Processes Hierarchy Processes Metadata Processes Hierarchy Processes Hierarchy Processes Hierarchy Processes Excel VSAM File VSAM File Any System Oracle Financial SAP Change Management lacks process control (Spreadsheets, Phone & Email) Profitability BPM Corporate Reports Hierarchies Dimensions Reference Data Fact Data Fact Data Fact Data Fact Data Operational Legacy G/L Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  6. Inefficiency and Inconsistency Limited visibility Lack of traceability Poor controls Latency in decision making Compliance risk Growing maintenance costs Implications of Current State Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  7. Replaced Custom SW with MDM Strong Customer Adoption HI-TECH FINANCIAL EDUCATION OTHER Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  8. Centralized Change Management: What Every Customer Wants IndustryBanking Overview$6.6 billion in 2004 revenues$103 billion in assets - 6/200517 affiliates1,100 banking centers Current EnvironmentEnterprise (moving to HFM) EssbasePlanningData warehouseOracle ODSSAP HR “We had over 2 million data points in our chart of accounts...” “We created one version of the truth…everyone comes to our MDM product to get the financial hierarchy.” Bret FurtwenglerVP Financial Systems Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  9. The Solution: Hyperion Master Data Management Server • Centralized application to Manage Master Data change • Synchronizes hierarchies and attributes across all systems • Automates master data change • Business users become direct contributors Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  10. Current Planning Master Data Flow Manual Outline Maintenance Manual Ref Code Maintenance Manual Hierarchy Maintenance Outlines Hierarchies Essbase Reporting Cubes Global Repository (Oracle) Competitors Planning Cube(s) Planning Data Transaction Data Desired Automation Desired Automation MasterData Transaction Data Planning Data (Oracle) Planning Data Regional Local Repository (Oracle) Multiple Regional Instances Validate Reference Codes Regional AS/400 JDE Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  11. MDM Planning Master Data Flow Hyperion MDM Server Outlines Unbalanced Hierarchies Balanced Hierarchies Essbase Reporting Cubes Global Repository (Oracle) Competitor’s Planning Cube(s) Planning Data Transaction Data MasterData Transaction Data Planning Data (Oracle) Planning Data Regional Local Repository (Oracle) Multiple Regional Instances Validate Reference Codes Regional AS/400 JDE Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  12. Centralized Change-management Environment Other Reporting Tools HFM Hyperion Planning Hyperion Essbase Query & Reporting Business Process ETL EAI DW HyperionMDM Server DM DM Staging ODS iSetup Flat File Tree Mover BAPI / RFCs Custom / ETL Custom Applications Legacy GL Oracle Financials Peoplesoft SAP Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  13. Benefits of Master Data Management Faster, more consistent and accurate reporting ERP Migrations or Acquisitions 50 – 75% cost reduction in monthly reporting change management costs Audit trail and and what-if models 30% savings in Datawarehouse rollout Enforce master data biz policies Business User Change & IT Controls Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  14. Demo Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  15. What are the differences? Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

  16. MDM Features • Configurable export behavior that can filter, subset, combine and transform master data. Includes tranforming recursive ragged hierarchies into flattened generational tables for SQL based reporting. • Configurable attributes and attribute behavior • Customizable validations to enforce business rules, corporate policy or constraints of subscribing systems • Flexible security allowing segmentation and distribution of master data management across a larger team. • Advanced tools for querying, analyzing and comparing structures and attributes • Audit tracking of all structure and attribute changes to track who changed what-when for compliance • Evaluating change over time with version control and version rollback to any point in time • Advanced automated tools to streamline the maintenance and management of master data including importing, blending of changes to structures and attributes. Allows creation of new tailored applications w/o incurring additional maintenance and reconcilation costs. Hyperion Master Data Management Server Overview

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