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Wikileaks: A country's nightmare A person’s savior

What is “WikiLeaks”???. The man behind the mask. Global impact. Help or hurt. Wikileaks: A country's nightmare A person’s savior. Every day Wikileaks tears apart nations so the people can get to the truth. Is WikiLeaks building knowledge or ripping nations?. Global impact.

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Wikileaks: A country's nightmare A person’s savior

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  1. What is “WikiLeaks”??? The man behind the mask Global impact Help or hurt Wikileaks: A country's nightmareA person’s savior Every day Wikileaks tears apart nations so the people can get to the truth. Is WikiLeaks building knowledge or ripping nations?

  2. Global impact What is Wikileaks? The man behind the mask Help or hurt “WikiLeaks is a non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public. We provide an innovative, secure and anonymous way for independent sources around the world to leak information to our journalists. We publish material of ethical, political and historical significance while keeping the identity of our sources anonymous, thus providing a universal way for the revealing of suppressed and censored injustices.” Quote from Wikileaks Basically, Wikileaks get information from whistle-blowers in the government and in organizations around the world. It is then anonymously posted onto www.Wikileaks.ch where anyone can see it. There are pictures, videos, facts, and statements available to ANYONE!!! If you went onto Wikileaks right now you could see this information. You may think this is bad, but doesn't the government “work for us?” Power words: Whistle-Blower: a person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing. Anonymously: To do something without disclosure of sources Censored: Blocked Regional interest in WikiLeaks

  3. What is “WikiLeaks”??? Power Words: Database: A place where large amounts of files are stored Eccentric: Slightly odd, a little crazy, and outgoing Figurehead: Lacking power in a very high position The man behind the mask Global impact Help or hurt Think: Is Julian Assange doing what's right in a time of need or doing what is wrong because he wants to stir up trouble? Julian Assange is a puzzle. What is he doing to the world? To solve this puzzle we must study Julian by going back in time. In a classroom, in a small school, in Queensland, Australia, there is a desk. One not unlike yours or mine. However behind the desk sits a kid much unlike yourself. He is a hacker. This is childhood Julian Assange. Even at age 9 he would hack into school databases and town files. In his later years, he could hack into larger corporations. But still, who is he? He is the eccentric, elusive founder of WikiLeaks. He is the brains of it all. But now he is more of a figurehead. A powerful one at that. “This is cyber guerrilla warfare,” said Charles Dodd, a consultant to U.S. government agencies on cyber security. “They attack from the shadows and they have no fear of retaliation. There are no rules of engagement in this kind of emerging warfare.”

  4. What is “WikiLeaks”??? The man behind the mask Global Impact Help or hurt Wikileaks is revolutionary. Literally. Wikileaks played a big part in the revolution of Tunisia. The revolution caused so much trouble the president actually fled Tunisia. This shows what the freedom of information can do, But how much did the freedom of information do? Did Tunisians overreact? Wikileaks itself has not physically injured anyone, so how bad are they really?

  5. The man behind the mask Help or Hurt? What is “WikiLeaks”??? Global impact “Yes I do.  Too many governments have been lying to people for far too long.” This is the first answer I got when I asked If people supported WikiLeaks on the website www.blurtit.com . All of the other answers were quite similar. They all said the support Wikileaks. What does this mean? It means the general popular opinion is “Wikileaks is good." In the end, It all boils down to one thing. Who is WikiLeaks affecting? It is affecting the government. They are mad. It is affecting the people. They are happy. It is affecting veterans and military personnel. They are mad. The Freedom of Information Act CLEARLY STATES that information will be disclosed in full or partial form to those U.S. Citizens who ask for it. Amendments have been made, loopholes have been found. Basically, Information is not free. Wikileaks refuses to accept this. Think What is your opinion? Is WikiLeaks a cyber-terrorist organization or a necessary precaution against modern day secrecy? Are all citizens happy with WikiLeaks? NO!

  6. How to learn more and reply to this article To learn more, go to: www.wikileaks.ch www.nydailynews.com/topics/wikileaks.org To reply: Go to the Watson's winner blog

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