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Self Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix (SSOM) Data Entry Workflow. What is the SSOM Module? . Before you begin… . Shelter / Housing. Employment. Income. Food & Nutrition. Child Care. Children’s Education. Adult Education. Health Care Coverage. Life Skills. Family Relations. Mobility.
Self Sufficiency Outcomes Matrix (SSOM) Data Entry Workflow
SSOM Data-Entry Made Easy! Follow these steps to complete the SSOM data-entry process from start to finish.
Start by searching for your Client in ClientPoint. If the Client does not yet have a ClientPoint Profile, select the Add New Client with this Information button. • Access a Client Record
WARNING: If you have just created a new Client Profile (in the previous step), please refer to the ClientPoint Workflow document to ensure that you accurately record all necessary Client data to comply with your implementation’s reporting requirements. Questions or concerns should be directed to you ServicePoint System Administrator(s).
Once in a ClientPoint Profile, click the Matrix sub-tab underneath the Client Information tab. • Review Existing Measurement Worksheet(s) Click the Pencil icon next to an existing Point of Measurement to review the Client’s recorded history.
Review Existing Measurement Worksheet(s) (continued) Once in a ClientPoint Profile, click the Matrix sub-tab underneath the Client Information tab. If no SSOM Entries are visible for review, proceed to adding a New Matrix record.
If your Provider has an incomplete (unfinished) Matrix started, click the Add New Point of Measurement button to append a new worksheet to the Client’s file. • Add a New Measurement Worksheet If your Provider has not yet started a Matrix, click the Add New Matrix button to append a new worksheet to the Client’s file.
Add a New Measurement Worksheet (continued) The first Point of Measurement worksheet created within a Matrix will automatically default to an “Initial” Point of Measurement status. (The ServicePoint End User WILL NOT be able to change this designation.) When creating a New Point of Measurement worksheet, you must specify (1) the Provider that should receive credit for assessing the Client’s status, (2) the Point of Measurement, and (3) the Date for which the Point of Measurement was recorded. REMEMBER to backdate worksheets appropriately.
Add a New Measurement Worksheet (continued) The list of data elements associated with a Self Sufficiency Matrix Point of Measurement will appear as soon as a Provider is selected.
Add a New Measurement Worksheet (continued) After each of the data elements have been scored, click the Update button to calculate the Total and Average scores for the Point of Measurement worksheet. Click Save & Exit to officially record the scores.
If you click Save instead of Save & Exit, the scoring selections will be recorded & grayed-out, and you will need to click the Exit button to navigate away from the worksheet. • Add a New Measurement Worksheet (continued) CAUTION:After saving scoring responses, the data CANNOT be changed without deleting & re-creating the Point of Measurement worksheet(s).
Maintain & Update Measurement Worksheets If a mistake is made & a worksheet needs to be corrected, click the Red X button to delete the erroneous saved Point of Measurement worksheet, then re-create the worksheet. As a general rule, deleting & re-creating SSOM worksheets is NOT recommended except in cases of discovered errors in need of correction. Saved Point of Measurement worksheets will be listed by Provider, in chronological order with the most recent record (worksheet) appearing first in the Providers’ lists.
Maintain & Update Measurement Worksheets (continued) Once an Initial Point of Measurement worksheet is completed within a Provider’s Matrix, the ServicePoint User may designate the Point of Measurement type on subsequent worksheets within the same Matrix.
Maintain & Update Measurement Worksheets (continued) Once a “Final” Point of Measurement is recorded within a Provider’s Matrix record set, ALL subsequent Point of Measurement worksheets within the same Matrix record set will automatically default to a “FollowUp” Point of Measurement status.
Maintain & Update Measurement Worksheets (continued) To see all Point of Measurement worksheets recorded within a Provider’s Matrix record set, click the Black Triangle that appears just to the left of the Provider’s Name. Clicking the Black Triangle will expand & make visible the Provider’s list of completed worksheets.
Maintain & Update Measurement Worksheets (continued) After clicking the Black Triangle to expand a Provider’s list of completed worksheets, the saved Point of Measurement worksheets will be listed in chronological order with the most recent record (worksheet) appearing first in the Providers’ list.
Review Summary Information To see a side-by-side comparison & summary of a Provider’s list of completed worksheets within a single Matrix record set, click the Show Summary button.
Review Summary Information Click the Exit button to navigate away from this Summary Information page & return to the overview Matrix page. Click the Print button to print a copy of the side-by-side worksheet summary.
Clicking the Exit button on the Matrix tab will take the ServicePoint User back to the ClientPoint Search screen, allowing the User to continue updating/creating SSOM Point-of-Measurement worksheets within other Clients’ Profiles.
Access a Client Record The ServicePoint User is now free to continue updating/creating SSOM Point-of-Measurement worksheets within other Clients’ Profiles. As always, the User should first Search for a Client before considering creating a new Profile for a Client.