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Strategies to Achieve Reading Success. Finding Main Idea. Good readers find the main idea by figuring out the most important idea in a reading passage. You already know about main idea because you think about what is most important in the things that happen to you every day. .
Finding Main Idea • Good readers find the main idea by figuring out the most important idea in a reading passage. • You already know about main idea because you think about what is most important in the things that happen to you every day.
Recalling Facts and Details • Good readers recall facts and details in a reading passage by thinking about the main idea. • They know that facts and details tell more about the main idea. • You already know how to recall facts and details because you do it everyday.
Understanding Sequence • Good readers understand sequence by recognizing the order in which things happen or things are done. • You already know about sequence because the things that happen in your life happen in a sequence or time order.
Recognizing Cause and Effect • Good readers know how to recognize cause and effect in a reading passage by thinking about what happens and why it happens. • You already know about causes and effects because they are part of your daily life.
Comparing and Contrasting • Good readers compare and contrast by thinking about how things are alike and different. • You already know about comparing and contrasting because you experience these in your everyday life.
Making Predictions • Good readers make predictions by using details in the passage, along with their background knowledge, to make a guess about what will happen next. • You already know about making predictions because you make many guesses about what is going to happen next every day.
Finding Word Meaning in Context • Good readers know that they can find word meaning in context by using other words or phrases in the reading passage as clues. • Whenever you figure out the meaning of a word without looking in a dictionary, you are finding word meaning in context.
Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences • Good readers draw conclusions and make inferences by using what they read, along with their own background knowledge, to figure out something that is suggested but not directly stated in a reading passage. • You already know how to draw conclusions and make inferences because you often figure
Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion • Good readers distinguish between fact and opinion by thinking about whether a detail can or cannot be proved. You already know about facts and opinions because you hear and tell them every day.
Identifying Author’s Purpose • Good readers identify an author’s purpose by asking themselves whether to entertain, to explain, or to persuade. • You already know about author’s purpose because you recognize it in video games, newspaper articles, and other things that you read and watch in your daily life. • Each author’s purpose provides you with a different perspective.
Interpreting Figurative Language • Good readers interpret figurative language by using other words and phrases in the passage as clues. • You already know about figurative language because it is all around you. • You use it in your favorite expressions, hear it in movies, and see it in books.
Summarizing • Good readers summarize by looking for the most important information in a passage. • You already know about summarizing because you do it in your daily life. • When you briefly tell someone the most important ideas about something that happened, you are summarizing.