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Warm-Up. Would you describe the attitude of the US at isolationist or interventionist from 1935-1941? Describe 2 points that helped you make your conclusion. WWII. Pearl Harbor, US Enters WW2. Japanese Militarism. Militarism leads to imperialism 1940 FDR places embargo on resources

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Warm-Up • Would you describe the attitude of the US at isolationist or interventionist from 1935-1941? Describe 2 points that helped you make your conclusion.

  2. WWII Pearl Harbor, US Enters WW2

  3. Japanese Militarism • Militarism leads to imperialism • 1940 FDR places embargo on resources • Coal, oil, iron, rubber • 1941 Tojo became PM of Japan • Peace in Pacific coming to an end

  4. Pearl Harbor • Japan’s fleet • 6 aircraft carriers • 360 airplanes • Battleships, cruisers, destroyers and submarines • Goal • Destroy US naval and air ability in Pacific • Allow Japan to expand in Pacific

  5. Pearl Harbor • Attack morning of Dec. 7, 1941 • Results • 8 battleships damaged- “battleship row” • 6 cruiser and destroyers destroyed • 288 airplanes damaged/destroyed • 2,500 dead • Aircraft carriers, subs untouched • Fuel and supply stores untouched

  6. US Declares War • Dec. 8, 1941 • Allied Powers: USA, GB and USSR • Doolittle Raid – Bomb Tokyo (1942) Pearl Harbor Questions • What did the Japanese military leaders hope to achieve by attacking Pearl Harbor? Were they successful? (3 sentences) • Do you believe the US would have entered WW2 eventually IF the Pearl Harbor attack never happened? Explain. (5 sentences)

  7. Mobilizing for War • Military 1941-1942 • Army: 1.2 to 4 M • Navy: 300K to 600K • Marines: 54K to 150K • Over 16 M Americans served in WW2

  8. Minorities and Women • All ethnicities/races enlist to fight • Mexican & Native Am. integrated units • Af. Am. segregated units, support jobs • Women’s Army Corps (WAC) • 1943 • Clerical workers, truck drivers, lab techs • Women Nursing • At home and in combat

  9. Mobilizing Industry • US #1 industrial country – will win the war • War Prod. Board (WPB) • Regulated resources & production • Office of War Mobilization (OWM) • Supervised all war production • Defense spending ends Great Depression

  10. War Production • US companies focus on war production • 1944, US out produces all Axis Powers together. • Ford Motors – 8,000 B-24 bombers • Kaiser Shipping – Builds “Liberty Ships” in 4 days

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