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Learn about costly sea defence methods like concrete groyne, rip rap, and sea walls in Penarth. Understand their impact on the environment and attractiveness to visitors.
Types of Sea Defence These forms of sea defence are very expensive.
Rip Rap is used to protect this building from wave attack Rip Rap or blocks of concrete and rock cost £4,000 per metre.
This is a groyne. It slows down longshore drift. This groyne is built of concrete and cost at least £15,000 to build. It may need to be replaced after 20 years or so
Here you can see sea walls of stone and concrete. They cost up to £10,000 a metre. Concrete is damaging to the environment when it is made.
Sea wall of concrete and stone Concrete groyne
Your views please! • Which forms of sea defence were most attractive to look at? • Has the building of sea defences made Penarth attractive to visitors? • Has the building of sea defences damaged the local environment?