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Integrated Behavioral Health Care: County DMH and Primary Care Collaboration. Sponsored by: the California Institute for Mental Health (CIMH) the California Mental Health Directors Association (CMHDA) and the Integrated Behavioral Health Project (IBHP).
Integrated Behavioral Health Care: County DMH and Primary Care Collaboration Sponsored by: the California Institute for Mental Health (CIMH) the California Mental Health Directors Association (CMHDA) and the Integrated Behavioral Health Project (IBHP)
SHASTA COUNTY MODEL FOR INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE • Doreen Bradshaw, Executive Director, Shasta Consortium of Community Health Centers –Primary Care Clinics 101: A Brief Introduction • Ray Hamby, Rural Healthcare Consultant –Primary Care Clinic Funding Sources and Financial Operations • Marta McKenzie, Director, Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency and Mark Montgomery, Director, Shasta County Mental Health Services – How and Why County Contracts with Primary Care Clinics Were Established
Catherine Camp, Consultant and former Director, California Mental Health Directors Association -Constructing agreements between the County and the Primary Care Clinics: The Devil is in the Details • Lynn Dorroh, Executive Director, Hill Country Community Health Clinic –Putting the County Agreement Into Practice: How It’s Working Out at the Service Delivery Level • Moderator: Mary Rainwater, Director, IBHP
CONTACT INFORMATION: Doreen Bradshaw - 530-247-1560; dbradshaw@shastaconsortium.org Ray Hamby - 530 276-1849; rayhamby@frontiernet.net Marta McKenzie - (530) 225-5902; mmckenzie@co.shasta.ca.us Mark Montgomery – (530) 225-5901; mmontgomery@co.shasta.ca.us Catherine Camp - (916) 446 2488; catherinecamp@earthlink.net Lynn Dorroh - 530 337.6243; ldorroh@hillcountryclinic.org Mary Rainwater – (323) 436-7478 mary@ibhp.org
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