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Remembering 9/11

Remembering 9/11. A Day to Remember…. The Day Everyone started the day like any other. The usual hustle and bustle in the morning. People drinking huge mugs of coffee. Until, something unusual happened, two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center.

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Remembering 9/11

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Remembering 9/11

  2. A Day to Remember… The Day Everyone started the day like any other. The usual hustle and bustle in the morning. People drinking huge mugs of coffee. Until, something unusual happened, two airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center. The whole city froze for a second. The whole world froze for a second. Now everything is different. Jack, Grade 4, Manhattan Bebe, Grade 5, Brooklyn "Hope is that source of strength, That feeling that gets you through the day …It's what helps us overcome the obstacles that we face.” Charles, Grade 10, Manhattan

  3. A World Worth Creating? Imagine a world that’s all the same Of one color, one race, and even one name.Where March is like May and day is like night, And content is like angry and prideness like fright. A world full of people, but no one to speak Because no thoughts are special, nor feelings unique. Is that a world that’s worth creating? Where day by day our lives keep fading Our differences make us who we really are So let’s stop the fighting and let’s stop the war! Emerita, Grade 8, Brooklyn Sulfikar, High School, Queens

  4. “On the morning of September 11, 2001, many of our New York City students saw, heard, smelled and felt things that none of the grown-ups were prepared to explain. Our students, as well as students throughout the United States, picked up their pens, pencils, crayons, markers and paintbrushes, and attempted to make sense of this most incomprehensible act. They attempted to use their words and their art to wrap their arms around tragedy and to offer condolence, comfort others and bear witness.” Shelley Harwayne, 02 Messages to Ground Zero Children Respond to September 11th By Shelley Harwayne, Founding Principal, The Manhattan New School, NY, Superintendent of NY School District #2, New York City Board of Education Available through Heinemann Publishers or Borders.com Proceeds from the sale of this book will go to the Fund for the Public Schools, New York City. The donations are earmarked specifically to benefit children who lost a parent in the tragedy or were forced to evacuate their schools. All donations must assist one of three activities with regard to each child: academic support, support for participation in after-school programs, or support for counseling.

  5. Please take a moment to reflect in your own way. Chad, 10, Winnipeg, Canada Amanda, Teresa and Tanya, grade 6, Manhattan

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