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What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?. A Model of Organizational Mission. Internal. External. Organizational Philosophy. Product-Market Domain. Where are we going to operate?. What do we want to be?. Mission Statement. Broad. Broad. Narrow. Narrow. Organizational Key Values.
A Model of Organizational Mission Internal External Organizational Philosophy Product-Market Domain • Where are we going to operate? • What do we want to be? Mission Statement Broad Broad Narrow Narrow Organizational Key Values Critical Success Factors • How do we want our people to behave? • What do we have to be good at in this industry? Internal External
Major Areas that should be reflected in a Mission Statement • Stating the organizational philosophy • what do we see as the enduring purpose of our organization, its unique characteristics, and what it wants to achieve? • Specifying the product-market domain • where do we intend to operate and compete, what are out products, what needs do they meet, who are out customers, what technologies will we apply, what are the boundaries of our market? • Defining the organization’s key values • what values, norms, guidelines, do we think are important in our organization, what things do we want people to have in their minds when they make decisions, and carry things out for us? • Identifying critical success factors • what things do we have to be good at to survive and prosper in our market place?
Techniques used to gather data Preliminary Screening or interview Biographical inventory from application bank, resume, or other document record Testing Intelligence Aptitude Proficiency or achievement In-depth interview Verifying biographical data from references Physical Examination Personal Judgment Characteristics to look for Obvious misfit from outward appearance and conduct Lacks adequate educational and performance record Fails to meet minimum standards of mental alertness Lacks specific capacities for acquiring particular knowledge of skills Unable to demonstrate ability to do job Lacks necessary innate ability, ambition, or other qualities Unfavorable or negative reports on past performance Physically unfit for job Overall competence and ability to fit into the firm Techniques for Gathering Information about Potential Employees
A Model of Personal Mission Internal External My Philosophy Product-Market Domain • Where am I going to operate? • What do I want to be? Mission Statement Broad Broad Narrow Narrow Organizational Key Values Critical Success Factors • How do I want to behave? • What do I have to be good at in this industry? Internal External
Direction Setting For A ManagerialCareer Specialist • Be an expert at something Self-reliant • Think of yourself as a business of one Connected • Be a team player Generalist • Know enough of different disciplines to mediate among them • Make Choices Among: • Functions (e.g. marketing, finance) or processes (e.g. distribution) • Applications (industry or sector) • Skills (leadership, communication)
Assume Responsibility For Your Own Career • Think of yourself as if your are a business • Define your product or service • What is your area of expertise? • Know your target market • To whom are you going to sell this? • Be clear on why your customer buys from you • What is your “value added” contribution? • Strive for quality and customer satisfaction • Think of your boss as a customer • Know your profession and what’s going on • What is “best of breed” in your area? • Invest in your own growth and development • What new products or services will you be able to provide • Be willing to change your business (career) or start a new one
Now, Describe Your Personal and Professional Mission or “What I Want To Be When I Grow Up” Your Assignment Is To — 1. describe your mission and 2. evaluate the mission
An evaluation of __________’s mission statement • Criteria • Is it clear what the person stands for (values)? • Is it clear what the person strives to be good at? • Does it clarify what he/she should (and should not) do? • Does it make sense (believable)? • Is it concise, understandable, memorable? • Is it challenging and motivating? Comments: What I liked was… What I disliked was… What I recommend is…