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Child Accounting Data Collected in PIMS

2. 2008-2009 sy Child Accounting. Instructional Time and Membership collected in CAD ApplicationState subsidies paid in June 2010, based on CAD dataPIMS data compared to CAD dataCAD-Child Accounting Database, ePDE Web PortalPIMS-Pennsylvania Information Management System. 3. 2009-2010 sy Child

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Child Accounting Data Collected in PIMS

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    1. 1 Child Accounting Data Collected in PIMS March 18, 2010 Hershey Madeline Rogers, PDE mrogers@state.pa.us

    2. 2 2008-2009 sy Child Accounting Instructional Time and Membership collected in CAD Application State subsidies paid in June 2010, based on CAD data PIMS data compared to CAD data CAD-Child Accounting Database, ePDE Web Portal PIMS-Pennsylvania Information Management System

    3. 3 2009-2010 sy Child Accounting 2009-2010 school year, child accounting membership data collected in PIMS only 2009-2010 school year, No Child Left Behind attendance data in PIMS

    4. 4 Act 80 Requests and Approvals 2009-2010 sy, ePDE Web Portal, CAD Application 2010-2011 sy, PDE web site, My PDE Apps, with similar screens Calendar ID Code, PIMS field

    5. 5 PIMS Templates Child Accounting Domain School Calendar Student Calendar Fact Other templates Student

    6. 6 School Calendar Template A School Calendar is prepared for each unique calendar. School Calendar file can be uploaded before or at the same time as the Student Calendar Fact file.

    7. 7 School Calendar fields Calendar ID (field # 3) Calendar Description (field # 4) Easily identifiable Needed for 2010-2011 Act 80 request

    8. 8 School Calendar fields (cont.) Rotation Pattern Code (field # 7) For any part-time program CTC/AVTS – part-time programs SD, CS - Home portion for votech students SD, CS, IU – Kindergarten program SD, IU – Pre-K and School-age early intervention

    9. 9 School Calendar fields (cont.) Total Days in Session Lost Due to Act 80 (field # 16) Must agree with PDE approved Act 80 days Required days = 180 minus full Act 80 days For School Districts, CTC/AVTS, and Intermediate Units

    10. 10 School Calendar fields (cont.) Calendar Programs Code (field # 8) PIMS User Manual, Vol 2, Appendix R Identify program for subsidies Vocational subsidy Deductions, Institutionalized Children’s Programs Accuracy Certification Statement—resident and nonresident ADM by Calendar Program Code

    11. 11 Calendar Programs Code For School Districts (PIMS User Manual, Volume II, Appendix R) Approved SD operated career and technical education program Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth Home calendar for student in CTC/AVTS Juveniles Incarcerated in Adult Facilities Student placed out-of-state School-age early intervention (new for 2009-2010) Or blank for standard/academic calendar

    12. 12 Calendar Programs Codes (cont.) For Charter Schools (PIMS User Manual, Volume II, Appendix R) Approved CS operated career and technical education program Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth Home calendar for student in CTC/AVTS Or blank for standard/academic calendar

    13. 13 Calendar Programs Codes (cont.) For CTC/AVTS--Required (PIMS User Manual, Volume II, Appendix R) Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth CTE Program type (Full day, Full-time, Part-time) Non-reimbursable program through Secondary CTE Subsidy

    14. 14 Calendar Programs Codes (cont.) For Intermediate Units (PIMS User Manual, Volume II, Appendix R) Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth Institutionalized Children’s Program School-age early intervention (new for 2009-2010) Juveniles Incarcerated in Adult Facilities Or blank for standard/academic calendar

    15. 15 PIMS Calculates Days in Session = Number of Scheduled School Days minus Total Days Lost (Strike, Act 80, other) plus Total Make-Up Days Total Instructional Time = Days in Session times Instructional Minutes in Standard Day minus Total Instruction Minutes Lost Due to Planned Shortened Days

    16. 16 PIMS Calculates Example: 183 Scheduled Days - 5 Total Days Lost + 2 Total Make-Up 180 Days in Session 180 Days in Session x 335 Minutes in Day 60,300 - 425 Minutes lost for Shortened day 59,875 Total Minutes or 997:55

    17. 17 School Calendar--Cognos Validation Report Instructional Time Summary—All Calendars Days in session Total instructional time (hours:minutes) Correct? Meet required days and hours?

    18. 18 School Calendar--Cognos Validation Reports PIMS School Calendar Template Details See uploaded fields in report format Identify errors Communicate to technology expert

    19. 19 Student Calendar Fact Template Associates a student’s days enrolled and days present with a unique calendar. Student Calendar Fact file can be uploaded after or at the same time as the School Calendar file.

    20. 20 Student Calendar Fact Fields Homebound Instruction Minutes (field # 12) new for 2009-2010 sy numeric field start and end dates in Programs Fact template

    21. 21 Student Calendar Fact Fields Sending Charter School Code (field # 13) new for 2009-2010 sy LEA contracting with a Charter School for education of a Charter School student

    22. 22 Student Calendar Fact Fields (cont.) Percentage of Time Enrolled For Calendar (field # 10) Full membership = 100 Full membership in Part-time K program = 100

    23. 23 Student Calendar Fact Fields (cont.) Percentage of Time Enrolled For Calendar Part-time membership less than 100% Half-day vo-tech student = 50 Part-time nonpublic taking one course = 14 (225 min per week / 1650 total min per week) IU plus Mainstreaming equals 100%

    24. 24 PIMS Calculates Equivalent Days Attendance = Days Present times Percentage of Time Enrolled for Calendar Equivalent Days Membership = Days Enrolled times Percentage of Time Enrolled for Calendar

    25. 25 Student Calendar Fact Fields District Code of Residence (field # 5) School district of parent/legal guardian Funding District Code (field # 6) School District that is financially responsible Parent’s district, Foster district, or Host district depending on non-resident category

    26. 26 Student Calendar Fact Fields Residence Status Code (field # 7) PIMS User Manual, Volume 1, Version 3.0, page 12-13 Pay Subsidies Basic Education Funding to Resident School District Tuition for Orphan’s Subsidy for foster or wards of the state (School Code Section 1305, 1306)

    27. 27 Examples of Residence Status Code Code A: Resident District Code of Residence = Parent/legal guardian Funding District Code = Parent/legal guardian Basic Education Funding is paid to the resident school district. If you have a foster student who has no district of residence, use PA State Code.If you have a foster student who has no district of residence, use PA State Code.

    28. 28 Examples of Residence Status Code Code B: 1305, Non-resident (resident foster parent) and Code C: 1305, Non-resident (non-resident foster parent) District Code of Residence = Parent/legal guardian Funding District Code = Foster parent’s SD Tuition for Orphan’s Subsidy is paid to the foster school district. If you have a foster student who has no district of residence, use PA State Code.If you have a foster student who has no district of residence, use PA State Code.

    29. 29 Examples of Residence Status Code (cont.) Code D: 1306, Institutionalized Ward of State and Code E: 1306, Institutionalized Ward of State — Detention District Code of Residence = PA State Code Funding District Code = Host SD Tuition for Orphan’s Subsidy is paid to the host school district.

    30. 30 Examples of Residence Status Code (cont.) Code F: 1306, Institutionalized Nonresident, Acknowledged SD Educating District Code of Residence = Parent/legal guardian Funding District Code = Parent/legal guardian CTC or IU Educating District Code of Residence = Parent/legal guardian Funding District Code = Host SD

    31. 31 Examples of Residence Status Code (cont.) Code G: Non-resident District Paid Tuition District Code of Residence = Parent/legal guardian Funding District Code = Parent/legal guardian Codes F and G—Basic Education Funding paid to the resident school district.

    32. 32 Examples of Residence Status Code (cont.) Code H: Non-resident Parent Paid Tuition and Code I: Non-resident Tuition Waiver In-State District Code of Residence = Parent/legal guardian Funding District Code = Host SD ??? No Basic Education Funding paid.

    33. 33 Examples of Residence Status Code (cont.) Code J: Non-resident Out-of-State District Code of Residence = Out-of-State Code Funding District Code = Host SD No Basic Education Funding paid.

    34. 34 Examples of Residence Status Code (cont.) Code K: Non-resident, Act 6 – specifically Philadelphia SD District Code of Residence = Out-of-State Code Funding District Code = Host SD Tuition for Orphan’s Subsidy paid to Philadelphia SD.

    35. 35 Reporting School-Age Early Intervention, 2009-2010 school year School Calendar Multiple Calendars if multiple programs Enter 180 days in session Enter daily minutes as 150 for half-time program, 300 for full time program Calendar Program Codes EI-H for half-time program (450 total hours) EI-F for full time program (900 total hours)

    36. 36 Reporting School-Age Early Intervention, 2009-2010 school year (cont.) Student Calendar Fact Days Enrolled and Percentage of Time For example, Student receives 270 hours of instruction or 108 days in half-time program (270/2.5 hrs = 108) Either enter total days with percentage of time 180 @ 60% = 108 days Or enter equivalent aggregate days enrolled with 100 % of Time Enrolled for Calendar 108 @ 100% = 108 days

    37. 37 Student Calendar Fact--Cognos Validation Report Instructional Time and Membership Report Similar to CAD Instructional time, attendance and membership by grade level Resident and Nonresident membership

    38. 38 Student Calendar Fact--Cognos Validation Report Students with Multiple Calendar Fact Records Membership by calendar Student’s total membership More than 1.000 ADM ADM – Average Daily Membership

    39. 39 Student Calendar Fact--Cognos Validation Report Validation of Residence Status Code for School District Comparing Residence Status Code, District of Residence and Funding District Revisions needed Correct subsidy to your district and nonresident districts

    40. 40 Other PIMS Templates Student A student record must be submitted prior to the Student Calendar Fact upload. Programs Fact 2007-08 and 2008-09—Homebound Instruction and School-Age Early Intervention (PIMS User Manual, Volume II, Appendix F-Program Codes) Programs Fact—see appendix F—Program Codes, vol II of PIMS User ManualPrograms Fact—see appendix F—Program Codes, vol II of PIMS User Manual

    41. 41 Reporting a Full-time Student School Calendar file Standard calendar for school or grade No Calendar Program Code All academic kindergarten, elementary or secondary

    42. 42 Reporting a Full-time Student Student Calendar Fact file Days enrolled: 180 Days attended: 176 Percentage of time enrolled in calendar: 100% Equivalent aggregate days used to pay Basic Education Funding or Tuition for Orphan’s Subsidy

    43. 43 Full-time student enrolled in school district or charter school operated CTE program School Calendar file Separate School Calendar Mirror high school days and hours Calendar Programs Code: ACTP for approved career and technical education program operated by school district or charter school

    44. 44 Full-time student enrolled in school district or charter school operated CTE program Student Calendar Fact file Days enrolled: 180 Days attended: 176 Percentage of time enrolled in calendar: 100% Equivalent days enrolled used to pay Basic Education Funding or Tuition for Orphan’s Subsidy Actual Days Enrolled used to pay Secondary Career and Technical Education Subsidy

    45. 45 Part-time student enrolled in school district or charter school operated CTE program Student Calendar Fact file Days enrolled: 180 (equivalent 45 days) Days attended: 176 Percentage of time enrolled in calendar: 25% Equivalent days enrolled used to pay Basic Education Funding or Tuition for Orphan’s Subsidy Actual Days Enrolled used to pay Secondary Career and Technical Education Subsidy

    46. 46 Part-time CTC Student School Calendar file Rotation Pattern: H for Half Day Calendar Program Code CTC use CTE-PT CS or SD use CTE-PT-H Instructional Minutes in a Standard Day: actual instructional time at LEA

    47. 47 Part-time CTC Student (cont.) Student Calendar Fact CTC w/ 180 days in session Days enrolled: 180 (90 equivalent days) Days attended: 174 (87 equivalent days) Percentage of time: 50% District w/ 178 days in session Days enrolled: 178 (89 equivalent days) Days attended: 177 (88.5 equivalent days) Percentage of time: 50%

    48. 48 Part-time CTC Student School Calendar file Rotation Pattern: S for Semester About Calendar Program Code CTC use CTE-PT CS or SD use CTE-PT-H Instructional Minutes in a Standard Day: actual instructional time at LEA

    49. 49 Part-time CTC Student (cont.) Student Calendar Fact CTC w/ 90 days in session Days enrolled: 90 Days attended: 88 Percentage of time: 100% District w/ 92 days in session Days enrolled: 92 Days attended: 88 Percentage of time: 100%

    50. 50 Other Part-time Students Non-public or home education student who is taking one or two classes at the district. Secondary student who is taking college courses and district courses. College courses are paid for by student/parent. 13th year student taking a course to complete graduation requirements.

    51. 51 Other Part-time Students (cont.) Student is taking two 45 minute classes per day (450 min/1650 min = 27% per week) Student Calendar Fact Days enrolled: 180 (48.6 equivalent days) Days attended: 176 (47.5 equivalent days) Percentage of time enrolled in calendar: 27%

    52. 52 Part-time IU/Mainstreamed Student (with same schedule all year) IU Student Calendar Fact Days enrolled: 175 (140 equivalent days) Days attended: 170 (136 equivalent days) Percentage of time: 80% SD Student Calendar Fact Days enrolled: 175 (35 equivalent days) Days attended: 170 (34 equivalent days) Percentage of time: 20%

    53. 53 Part-time IU/Mainstreamed Student (with mid-year schedule change) Student was enrolled 180 days 38 days enrolled 3 days = 8% regular education 35 days = 92% special education 142 days enrolled 31 days = 22% regular education 111 days = 78% special education

    54. 54 Part-time IU/Mainstreamed Student (with mid-year schedule change cont.) Create one record and calculate one percentage for the year IU Student Calendar Fact IU record 180 days @ 81% (35 + 111 = 146 equiv days/180 total days = 81%) SD Student Calendar Fact SD record 180 days @ 19% (3 + 31 = 34 equiv days/180 total days = 19%)

    55. 55 Report district paid/contracted non-public education Student who is educated by a school that does not report in PIMS. Student record School Calendar record Student Calendar Fact record

    56. 56 Questions??? PIMS Information Help Desk: 1-800-661-2423 PDE web site: www.education.state.pa.us Programs, PIMS-Pennsylvania Information Management System Child Accounting Information Division of Subsidy Data and Administration Phone: 717-787-5423 Email: ra-cad@state.pa.us

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