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Enrollment Presentation

Enrollment Presentation. Table of Contents. You may skip to a specific section of this presentation by clicking on the corresponding topic below. After viewing the selected slides, you will return to the Table of Contents. Logging into Your Account Web Features Overview

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Enrollment Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Enrollment Presentation

  2. Table of Contents You may skip to a specific section of this presentation by clicking on the corresponding topic below. After viewing the selected slides, you will return to the Table of Contents. • Logging into Your Account • Web Features Overview • Begin Enrollment Process – Forms You Will Need • Updating Beneficiaries • Create a Secret Question to Be Able to Retrieve Login Info • Change Investment Elections • Change Contribution Amount • Contact Us • MVP Website – Resources & Tools

  3. To start, go to www.mvpplanadmin.com Manage your account on the go! Instructions for downloading the MVP app for your Droid or iPhone.

  4. MVP Homepage Click “Participant Login” from the menu on the upper right.

  5. Login Screen Enter your social security number (no dashes) as your User ID, unless you have changed it 1111111111 Click “Logon” Enter the last four digits of your social security number as your Password, unless you’ve changed it

  6. Participant eDelivery Preferences When logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to set your eDelivery Preferences, such as entering an email address, receiving notifications of changes, and receiving statements via email. Click “Update Email Address.” Helpful Tip: Use a personal email address so you will continue to receive notifications even if you leave your current employer.

  7. Participant Homepage Once logged in, you will be brought to this homepage.

  8. Main Toolbar From the Main Toolbar, you can navigate the details of your account, create and print reports or statements, download helpful forms, and update your profile.

  9. Before we continue with the enrollment presentation, we’d like to give you a tour of some very useful features on the website.

  10. Other Useful Features Homepage – Quick Links Quick Links are the most commonly used aspects of the website, such as Investment Summary, Transaction History, Realign Your Account, and Change Future Elections.

  11. Other Useful Features Homepage – Account Information – Statement on Demand You will receive quarterly statements, and they will be located under “E-statements and Annual Disclosures.” You can also generate statements within a desired date range. From the “Account Information” menu, click “Statement on Demand.”

  12. Other Useful Features Account Information – Statement on Demand Enter a date range for what data to be displayed in the statement. 1/1/2012 12/31/2012 Or click on the calendar icon to choose a date. Click “Generate” to create a statement.

  13. Other Useful Features Account Information – Statement on Demand Your statement will appear below the date range boxes. You can save the document as a PDF or export the information into Excel by clicking on the corresponding icon.

  14. Other Useful Features Homepage – Investment Information – Performance and Prospectuses Investment Information allows you to review detailed fund performance with a direct link to Morningstar by fund. From the “Investment Information” menu, click “Performance and Prospectuses.”

  15. Other Useful Features Investment Information – Performance and Prospectuses Investment Information lists all the funds available in your plan. The chart provides performance and other information on all of the funds offered in your plan. Click on the “P” to access the Morningstar website Prospectus for more details on a fund.

  16. Other Useful Features Homepage – Transactions – Web History Web History will allow you to view your activity on the website, such as transactions, election changes, or personal information updates. From the “Transactions” menu, click “Web History.”

  17. Other Useful Features Transactions – Web History Use the filter options from the drop box to locate transaction activities. Click “Filter Pending Activity” If you make a change, you have the option to cancel that transaction before it’s processed. The transaction will be processed typically before 4pm each day.

  18. Other Useful Features Transactions – Web History **IMPORTANT – The changes you made will only be processed if you have received a confirmation like the one below.** Please save this confirmation number or print this page for your records.

  19. Other Useful Features Homepage – Transactions – Transaction History Transaction History will allow you to view transactions by date range. From the “Transactions” menu, click “Transaction History.”

  20. Other Useful Features Transactions – Transaction History Enter a date range or choose dates from the calendars. Click “Update.” 1/1/2012 12/31/2012 You can save the document as a PDF or export the information into Excel by clicking on the corresponding icon.

  21. Let’s begin the enrollment presentation!

  22. Main Toolbar – Documents and Forms If you don’t have an Enrollment Form already in front of you, download one from the “Documents and Forms” menu, click “Enrollment Form.”

  23. Enrollment Form Depending on your Internet browser, you may receive a popup box or other message prompting you to click on the downloaded PDF document.

  24. Enrollment Form Continued Pages 3 and 4 are the Participant Internet Notice that provides a brief overview by menu item of what is available to you once you are logged into your account.

  25. Main Toolbar – Documents and Forms You can view plan details such as eligibility, vesting, contributions, distributions and more on the Summary Plan Description (SPD). From the “Documents and Forms” menu, click “View Summary Plan Description.” Depending on your Internet browser, you may receive a popup box or other message prompting you to click on the downloaded PDF document.

  26. Main Toolbar – My Profile From the “My Profile” menu, you can update personal and beneficiary information, change your logon data, or set a secret question. Click “Personal Information.”

  27. My Profile – Personal Information Update your personal information as needed and click “Update” or “Save” where appropriate. **Please update your personal information with the HR Department as well. If your employer uploads a payroll file with old contact information on it, the file will overwrite what you have saved online.**

  28. My Profile – Beneficiary Information We will verify your beneficiary elections to ensure your wishes are honored. We do recommend you review your beneficiary elections on a regular basis. Please know, that in the event of any participant’s death, we will first verify the participant’s marital status.  Then we will review beneficiary elections.  We will compare dated paper elections, any elections the employer might have on file, and the time/date stamped online elections.  Whichever is the latest version is the beneficiary election we will use.  Of course there are exceptions, as in a case where a participant might have elected a beneficiary other than their legal spouse but did not receive consent from the spouse to do so.   In any event, we must perform a thorough review of all forms and the web and verify the marital status of a deceased participant before any benefits are paid. So again, you have two ways in which you can change or update your beneficiary election: #1 Online under the “My Profile”section then choose “Beneficiary Information” #2 Print a paper Beneficiary form which is located under the “Documents and Forms” section.

  29. My Profile – Beneficiary Information There are two ways to update your beneficiary information: #1 – Online from the “My Profile” menu, click “Beneficiary Information” #2 – Online by downloading the Beneficiary Form located under “Documents and Forms”

  30. My Profile – Beneficiary Information – Option #1 Online Read the instructions on the Beneficiary Information page as different information may be required depending on the plan. To view/edit existing beneficiary data, click “View” next to the name of the person you wish to edit. To edit the percentage of an existing beneficiary, click “Edit Share Percentage” then “Apply Changes” to save. To add a beneficiary, click “Add Beneficiary” and click “Continue” to save.

  31. My Profile – Beneficiary Information – Option #2 Paper Form Download the “Beneficiary Form.” Complete the Beneficiary Form and provide the completed form to your HR Department.

  32. My Profile – Create a Secret Question and Answer Setting a secret question will make retrieving a forgotten password much easier. To do so, go to the “My Profile” menu and click “Create a Secret Question and Answer” Helpful Tip: Creating a Secret Question and Answer will save time if you forget your Password and need to have it reset. No need to wait on customer service to reset you!

  33. My Profile – Create a Secret Question and Answer Create a question Type the answer to your question Retype the answer to your question (exactly as it is above) Click “Submit” to save. Helpful Hint: Save your secret question and answer in a secure location for your records.

  34. Main Toolbar – Transactions From the “Transactions” menu, you can change your deferral, future elections, model a loan (if your plan allows loans), review history, and rebalance/realign your portfolio. Click “Change Future Elections”

  35. Transactions – Change Future Elections To change your investment elections, enter in the desired percentage amounts next to the corresponding fund(s). Your election percentage should total 100%. Note that if you do not want to change an election, enter the same percentage as before. 10 30 Helpful Tip: To see more information about a fund, click on the fund name. 10 Click “Submit Investment Elections” to save changes 50 100.00%

  36. Transactions – Change Future Elections You will be asked if you would like to realign your existing account balance in addition to the future elections. If your plan is new to MVP and the account balances have not yet transferred from your previous provider, you do not have to select the investment transfer realignment option. Your account balance, when received, will automatically be invested according to your current investment elections. If no investment election is made, your balance will be invested in the plan’s QDIA (if applicable). To change only future elections, click “No, change investment election only.” To change existing elections, click “Yes, realign as well.”

  37. Transactions – Change Future Elections **IMPORTANT – The changes you made will only be processed if you have received a confirmation like the one below.** Please save this confirmation number or print this page for your records.

  38. Main Toolbar - Transactions There will be one of two options available to change your contribution amount: Option #1 – Online from the “Transactions” menu, click “Change Deferral Rate/Amount” – if this option is not present, you must use OPTION #2 Option #2 – Online by downloading the Enrollment Form located under “Documents and Forms”

  39. Transactions – Change Deferral Rate/Amount – Option #1 Online You can change your deferral by percent or dollar amount. If you are eligible for a catch-up amount, you can also change that by dollar. Click on the drop box menu and select the desired option. Click “Change Deferral Rate/Amount”

  40. Transactions – Change Deferral Rate/Amount – Option #1 Online Read the information carefully regarding howoften contributions are made and if you are eligible for a catch-up contribution (age 50+). Enter the amount (percentage in this example) of how much you wish to contribute per pay period. Click “Submit Deferral Change”

  41. Transactions – Change Deferral Rate/Amount – Option #1 Online **IMPORTANT – The changes you made will only be processed if you have received a confirmation like the one below.** Please save this confirmation number or print this page for your records.

  42. Transactions – Change Deferral Rate/ Amount – Option #2 Paper Form Download the “Enrollment Form.” Complete the Enrollment Form and provide the completed form to your HR Department.

  43. Main Toolbar – Contact Us You can contact MVP via phone, email, or directly through this website. Contact information for MVP is available under the “Contact Us” menu.

  44. Contact Us Your plan’s Investment Advisor’s contact information will also be listed in this section. For operational questions such as “How do I obtain distribution forms?” contact MVP. For all investment-related questions, please contact your plan’s Advisor. You can also visit www.mvpplanadmin.com for more on MVP, helpful FAQs, the latest in retirement plan news, and retirement calculators.

  45. We’re done with the enrollment process! Once you log out of your account, you will be directed to MVP’s website where you will find more useful features.

  46. MVP Homepage - Participants The Participants section of the MVP website provides an overview of the role MVP plays in your retirement plan, a Resource Center with important forms and informational guides, retirement calculators, and FAQs. Click “Participants” on the main menu bar.

  47. Participants Using the Participants menu on the left, you can access the Resource Center, Retirement Calculators, FAQs, and log into your account.

  48. Participants – Resource Center In the Resource Center, you will find helpful website overviews for when you log into your account and plan forms.

  49. Participants – Retirement Calculators Choose from 5 calculators. Enter your information into the calculator fields… 8% 27 …or click and drag the triangles to change the values.

  50. Participants – FAQs FAQs are organized by topic, ranging from website assistance, to explaining aspects of a plan, to distributions, taxes, and vesting. Click on any topic, then any question within the topic to see answers.

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