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Ancient Israel: Kings and Real Estate Wars

Explore the historical battles over Canaan, the homeland of Jews and Palestinians, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, and the impactful Diaspora event. Learn about legendary figures like King Saul, David, and Solomon in this fascinating ancient history journey.

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Ancient Israel: Kings and Real Estate Wars

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  1. Ancient Israel: Kings

  2. Prime Real Estate A. Canaan was frequently fought over because: 1. it was an important trading route and marketplace due to its location on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. 2. it included fertile plains, grassy slopes, rocky hills, and arid deserts

  3. I. Two Claims to Ancient Israel/Palestine A. Homeland of both the Jews and Palestinians B. The original Jews came from Mesopotamia 1. Believed that God had given them this “Promised Land” for living by his laws • The original Palestinians, known as “Philistines,” arrived at around the same time from Greece 1. Philistine means “invader from the west” in Hebrew D. The two sides fought often 1. Example: David (Hebrew) defeats Goliath (Philistine) 2. Eventually, the Jews were able to established the Kingdom of Israel

  4. II. Golden Age OF ISRAEL A. King Saul-1020 BCE 1. First king of mmIsrael 2. Battled the mmPhilistines but mmcould not defeat mmthem B. King David 1. Shepherd boy mmdefeated Goliathand mmbecame a hero 2. Second king of Israel a. Unified 12 tribes into 1 nation b. Made Jerusalem the mmcapital city and religious mmcenter 3. Writes the psalmsmm(poems & hymns worshiping God) C. King Solomon ruled 961-922 BCE 1. 3rd king, son of David 2. Built great temple for Jehovah 3. Known for mmbringingpeace & mmincreasing trade 4. Considered very wise

  5. III. Kingdoms of Israel & JudAH A. After Solomon, the kingdom divides (922 BCE) 1. Israel in the NORTH a) Conquered by the New Assyrians in 721 BCE and 10 tribes mmmmdisappeared forever 2. Judah (or Judea) in the SOUTH a) c. 580 BCE - Conquered by the Neo Babylonians and taken to Babylon b) c. 540 BCE- Jews (people of Judah) returned to Judah. About 600 years later they will once again be conquered, this time by the Romans

  6. Iv. It’s all in a name • The term Hebrew refers to the descendents of Abraham • When Jacob (Abraham’s grandson) wrestles with God his name gets changed to Israel • Jacob’s descendents are then referred to as Israelites • When the kingdom splits people in the northern kingdom (Israel) are called Israelites and people in the southern kingdom (Judah) are referred to as the Jewish people. • After the 10 tribes disappear, they are no longer really referred to as Israelites

  7. V. The Diaspora A. In 73 CE, the Romans brutally put down a Jewish uprising in Judah. 1. Many Jews were killed or enslaved. B. Many of those that survived the Roman attack fled the land to safer regions. This is known as the “Diaspora.” C. Romans burn the Second Temple

  8. 1. The Wailing Wall, the only remains of the Second Temple left by the Romans

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