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CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION 2013-15 CJC Grant Program Webinar. November 13, 2013. Webinar agenda. Introduce grantees to the CJC team, regions and program Overview the updated Grants Management Handbook Overview our new Site Monitoring process and plan

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  1. CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION 2013-15 CJC Grant Program Webinar November 13, 2013

  2. Webinar agenda • Introduce grantees to the CJC team, regions and program • Overview the updated Grants Management Handbook • Overview our new Site Monitoring process and plan • Overview new Civil Rights obligations – applicable only to federally funded grantees • Present our Peer Review process and plan • Questions and Answer

  3. CJC Grant Program Team • Paul Egbert – Grants Program Manager & (Northeast region) • Lorin Dunlop – Grant Coordinator (Northwest / Metro region) • Greg Lay – Grant Coordinator (Southern region) • Tiffany Koss – Executive Support & Payment Specialist • Beverly Miller-Asbury – Reporting Specialist

  4. Paul Egbert Lorin Dunlop Greg Lay

  5. Updated Grant Management handbook • Organized into 4 major sections • Introduction • General Provisions • Program & Fiscal Monitoring • Federally Funded Grants

  6. Introduction Section • Three primary grant programs • Specialty Courts Program • State Funded – General Fund or Asset Forfeiture funds • Federally Funded - Byrne Justice Assistance Grants (JAG) • Oregon Justice Reinvestment Program • Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Grant • Other miscellaneous grant programs • Statewide Discretionary Drug Court Program • State Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) • Sex Offender Registration & Notification Act (SORNA)

  7. Introduction - 2013-15 Specialty Courts grant program • Plan for the program during 2013-15 was to only use state funds and award for a 2 year period. • To get agreement on HB 3194, the Governor targeted $5 million JAG dollars to the Justice Reinvestment Account, increasing it to $15 million. • Since our drug court grantees were familiar with federal reporting and requirements, CJC sought a budget note giving us greater flexibility in using our funds. I targeted the federal funding to our specialty courts program. • CJC awarded all 34 applications received. Awarding was based on a two-tiered approach, 90% or 80% of the requested amount based on the scored application. • CJC divided the biennium into two grant periods.

  8. Introduction section • Oregon Online Grant System (OOGS) • Web-based system • Incorporates applications, progress reporting and financial reporting (Requests for Reimbursements). • www.cjcgrants.com • OOGS help desk for additional support (1-800-820-1890)

  9. Introduction section • OOGS User Manual can answer most end user questions My Training Materials Link to Manual

  10. General provisions section • New grant award agreement template • Grant amendments – requires prior approval of CJC and must be requested in writing. • CJC will handle requests on a case-by-case basis. Not every request requires an amended agreement. • Modifications must be made in OOGS following CJC approval. • Grant award agreements and applications outline the requirements grantees are subject to. • Federally funded grants have additional requirements explained in a later section.

  11. Program & fiscal monitoring • Quarterly Progress & Financial Reporting • Desk monitoring • On site monitoring…piloting now • Peer Reviews…piloting now

  12. CJC Progress reports • Due on the 20th of the month following the end of the quarter. The grant agreement has the timelines; Jan 20, April 20, July 20 & Oct 20. • Requests for reimbursements will not be approved until a progress report is submitted and approved. • Any extension requires approval in writing • Consequences: • Delays your payment • Could impact year two funding • Could impact 2015 application • Suspension / termination of your grant

  13. Financial reports “rfr’s” • Due dates are the 20th of the month after the end of the quarter. Jan 20, April 20, July 20 and Oct 20. • Requests for Reimbursements are submitted in OOGS. • A detailed spreadsheet must be uploaded as supporting documentation. • Back up documentation, i.e. timesheets, invoices, travel charges, incentives, other receipts need to be kept in the local file and made available upon request. • Administrative costs may not exceed 10%

  14. Financial Reports

  15. Incentives guidance • CJC believes incentives are a needed component of drug courts • DOJ is considering eliminating the use of federal funds for any incentives. CJC has adopted the current federal restrictions on entertainment and food/beverage costs. • Non entertainment items under $25 and accessible to all are allowed. • Food and beverage costs are restricted, including gift cards for restaurants, coffee shops, fast food, etc… • OJP advises allowable incentive must be low per participant. CJC recommends $5.00 - $10.00 increments. Amounts over $25.00 are not allowed. • Consider using matching or other support funds instead

  16. Federally funded section • Pages 12-23 • Civil Rights Compliance • Performance Reporting • Fiscal Compliance

  17. Federal funded section - Civil Rights • Civil Rights Law Compliance (new CJC policies & forms) • Employee Discrimination policy • Client Discrimination policy • Complaint Form • Training – to be completed by December 1

  18. Federal funded section - reporting • In addition to the CJC Progress Report in OOGS, federally funded grantees are required to complete Federal Performance Measurement questions quarterly. • Grantees will access the website directly to answer the questions. Grantees will no longer upload the questionnaire into OOGS. Federal site (PMT) is accessed at: http://www.bjperformancetools.org/UUM/ • CJC Grant staff will provide grantees with a User ID and Password for initial sign in. • CJC will review reports for accuracy and completeness and then submit on behalf of the grantee. • Failure to report timely results in federal funds being frozen

  19. Federal funded section – Fiscal Compliance • Fiscal Requirements are substantial! • Tools to help with fiscal compliance: • OJP Financial Guide serves as the primary reference manual • Code of Federal Regulation (CFR’s) • Office of Management and Budget Circulars

  20. Federal Funded section – Fiscal Compliance Continued… • Includes guidance for the following: • Procurement • Sub awarding • Program Income • Travel Reimbursements • Allowable and Unallowable cost categories • Supplanting • Matching Funds • Accounting and Auditing Requirements • Publicity and Publications

  21. On-Site monitoring • CJC’s monitoring approach is to build relationships, provide technical assistance and emphasize quality improvement. • Several factors will be considered when selecting a court for on-site monitoring including: source of funds, court size, multiple grants, past performance, peer review recipient, new program to CJC, etc… • At least two CJC staff will conduct the on-site visit. • Process includes answering a pre-site questionnaire, review of documentation, observation of staffing and court, interviews with key team members. • A monitoring report will follow the review and will include program strengths and weaknesses, recommendations and when applicable, corrective actions and timelines.

  22. Peer reviews • CJC has drafted a set of standards that are research-based and organized on the foundation of the 10 Key Components of Drug Courts. • CJC has developed a peer review process to assist in the alignment of Oregon specialty court programs with national best practices. • “Peers” will be trained in how to conduct the peer review and will assess another program and provide feedback about the program’s alignment with Oregon specialty court standards. • Programs will have the opportunity to learn about innovative and successful practices that have been implemented in other programs. • Only Adult Courts will be reviewed at this time.

  23. Questions?

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