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Origins of Sociology

Origins of Sociology. By: Abbey Cameron. social sciences. The study human behavior and institutions is called social sciences. Examples of social sciences are: Anthropology Psychology Economics History Political Science. Sociological perspective.

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Origins of Sociology

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  1. Origins of Sociology By: Abbey Cameron

  2. social sciences • The study human behavior and institutions is called social sciences. • Examples of social sciences are: • Anthropology • Psychology • Economics • History • Political Science

  3. Sociological perspective • To look at social life in a scientific and systematic way instead of relying on media and tradition for explanation. • By adopting a sociological perspective, you can look beyond commonly held beliefs (often prejudicial) to the hidden meanings behind human actions.

  4. Examples of sociological perspective • http://youtu.be/akbCmxb_w8s • The traditional or common explanation of this behavior is what? • What do you think the sociological explanation of this behavior could be?

  5. Sociological Imagination • The sociological perspective can help you view your own life within a larger social and historical context. • This ability to see the connection between the larger world and your personal life is what C. (Charles) Wright Mills called the sociological imagination.

  6. Example of sociological imagination • Raise your hand and give an explanation using the “Mean Girls” paradigm of social imagination.

  7. Careers • Baccalaureates in Sociology- Four year degree from accredited College or University: • Social Services • Counselors • Psychologists • Clerical support in government agencies related to field • Teachers • Librarians • Activists • Politicians • Other

  8. Careers • Post graduate degree in sociology: • Full Professor • Associate Professor • Government employee and researcher • Politician • Consultant

  9. The History of Sociology • Sociology was born of the industrial revolution. • Industrialization led to booming urban populations and eventually serious urban problems. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5DwnNPHVAU • Examples of these problems: • 1. Crime • 2. Poverty • 3. Exploitation

  10. French philosopher considered the father of sociology and coined the term “sociology” (1837) Among the first scholars to apply the methods of physical sciences to the study of society “Cerebral hygiene” limited his work. Auguste Comte

  11. English female who made a living off of her writings on the subject of sociology. Wrote “Society in America” Her detached style of writing became the standard for objectivity in research. Spoke out on religious intolerance, women's rights and the abolition of slavery. Harriet Martineau

  12. Trained as a civil engineer, Spencer applied the principles of biology to society. Spencer was heavily influenced by the works of Charles Darwin and used some of Darwin’s principles to explain the nature of society. Social change and unrest is a natural occurrence during societies evolution. The best principles of society survive over time leading to an improvement of society. Coined the term “Survival of the fittest” and “social Darwinism” Herbert Spencer

  13. Structure of society is based upon economics. Two classes: the bourgeoisie and the proletariat Emphasized the role that conflict plays in social change and advocated revolution to speed up change. Wrote “the poverty of philosophy” and “Communist Manifesto” Karl Marx

  14. Described society as a set of interdependent parts, with each part serving a specific function. Fascinated by the function of religion as a social control. Believed sociologists should focus on observable phenomena. Published a study on suicide in 1897 Emile Durkheim

  15. Weber was interested in separate groups within society rather than society as a whole. Weber also wanted to use sociology to uncover people’s feelings and motivations. Weber called this Verstehen (fer-SHTAY-en) –the attempt to understand meanings individuals attach to their actions. Max Weber

  16. American sociologist that created “Hull House” in 1889 on the Westside of Chicago. She offered welfare, educational services for urban poor Jane Addams

  17. The first African American to earn a doctorate at Harvard. Published “The Philadelphia Negro” and many other papers addressing race in America. Founded the NAACP in 1909 W.E.B. DuBois

  18. Resources • “Sociology: The study of Human Relationships” Holt McDougal • “Mean Girls” • “Gangs of New York”

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