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A coupled model system f or shelf seas and marginal seas Hans Burchard (IOW) and many others. Motivation. Climate change. Eutrophication. IPCC BACC. Baltic Assessment for Climate Change. Constructions. Fishery. The B altic Sea estuarine circulation. Air- sea interaction.
A coupled model system for shelf seas and marginal seas Hans Burchard (IOW) and many others
Motivation Climatechange Eutrophication IPCC BACC Baltic Assessmentfor Climate Change Constructions Fishery
The Baltic Seaestuarinecirculation Air-seainteraction Exchange flow Inflows Boundaryand internalmixing Reissmann et al., 2009
Micro- structure- profiles Data: Volker Fiekas (FWG)
Biogeochemistry in theupper Central Baltic Sea Burchard et al. (2006)
Couplingwavesandcurrents GETM Cross-shore Along-shore Currentvelocitiesatcoastalstation (Duck‘94) Moghimi et al. (2013)
Modular System forShelvesandCoasts (MoSSCo) Implementation of Marine Strategy Framework Directive Questions about complex interactions in a variable coastal environment require an integrative model concept.
Modular System forShelvesandCoasts (MoSSCo) atmospheric physics atmosphericchemistry waves water physics riverdischarge cohesivesediments adaptive ecosystem& elementcycles oceanphysics oceanBGC benthic biogeochemistry benthic geoecology
C = Coupled MCT http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mct/ O =Ocean ROMS http://www.myroms.org/ A =Atmosphere WRF http://www.wrf-model.org/ W =Wave SWANhttp://vlm089.citg.tudelft.nl/swan ST =Sediment Transport CSTMS http://woodshole.er.usgs.gov/project- pages/sediment-transport/ Modeling System COAWST Modeling System COAWST Coupled Ocean – Atmosphere – Wave – Sediment Transport Modeling System to investigate the impacts of storms on coastal environments. v 2.6.0 svn 455 v 3.4 v 40.91
MCT MCT ATMOSPHERE Modelsetup Hwave, Lpwave, Tpsurf, Latitude Uwind, Vwind, Patm, RH, Tair, cloud, rain, evap, SWrad, Lwrad LH, HFX, Ustress, Vstress SST WRF wind speed Longitude Uwind, Vwind Hwave, Lmwave, Lpwave, Dwave, Tpsurf, Tmbott, Qb, Dissbot, Disssurf, Disswcap, Ubot ROMS SST MCT SWAN Hsig us, vs, h, bath, Z0 WAVE OCEAN SEDIMENT
SCRIP - grid interpolation http://climate.lanl.gov/Software/SCRIP/ Ocean grid 5 km Atm Grid 6 km 10 GFS data HFLX SST Ocean model provides higher resolution and coupled response of SST to atmosphere. But the ocean grid is limited in spatial coverage so atmosphere model must combine data from different sources, which can create a discontinuity in the forcing. Atmosphere model provides heat flux to cover entire ocean grid. SCRIP interpolations weights needed to remap data fields. Flux conservative remapping scheme
Nor’Ida Nov 2009 wind speed 23 m/s (50 mph) H Wave heights (m) Bodie Island, NC 13thNov L L 11thNov 10thNov Wallops Island, VA Before 9th Nov 8th Nov Before wind speed 40 m/s (90 mph) After http://coastal.er.usgs.gov/hurricanes/norida/ After
WINDS WRF + ROMS WRF DATA WRF WRF+ROMS WRF+ROMS+SWAN WRF + ROMS + SWAN Reduced wind speed with waves coupling. m/s S 0.85 0.78 0.89
WAVES WRF WRF + SST WRF + SST +OOST m WRF + ROMS + SWAN WRF WRF + ROMS DATA WRF WRF+ROMS WRF+ROMS+SWAN Reduced waves with waves coupling. S 0.80 0.74 0.88