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Unit 7: Renaissance and Reformation. 1350-1600. What is the Renaissance? When and where does it happen?. Begins in Florence, Italy in the mid-1300s Rebirth in thinking (politically, socially, economically, and culturally)Influenced by Greek and Roman writings
Unit 7: Renaissance and Reformation 1350-1600
What is the Renaissance?When and where does it happen? • Begins in Florence, Italy in the mid-1300s • Rebirth in thinking (politically, socially, economically, and culturally)Influenced by Greek and Roman writings • Old thinking centered on religion; centers on human experience and achievements-humanism
Causes 1.Trade/Crusades 2.Plague and wars made people question church and religion 3.Most citizens were wealthy and well educated 4. Ruins in Rome reminded people of once great civilizations Most historians mark the Renaissance as the beginning of the modern era
What changed during the Renaissance? • Use the handout to help answer this question. • Value and enjoy worldly activities-education, art, curiosity, luxuries • Individualism • Valued talents and take pride in abilities- ‘Universal Man’ • Focused on the Greek and Roman writings- sought guidelines for living • Changes in art- focus on natural world, humans, perspective • Questioning power of the church/state-Rise of Secularism
Leonardo da Vinci • Artist, Architect, Painter, Sculptor, Scientist. • Painted the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, Proportions of Man,
Michelangelo • Painter, ceiling of the Sistine Chapel • Sculptor, David and Pieta • Also designed the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica
Machiavelli • Wrote The Prince, about what it takes to make it politics • Examined how imperfect humans are • Founder of modern political science
Raphael • Studied Michelangelo and da Vinci • Painter-mostly religious scenes and portraits • The School of Athens is his most famous work
Renaissance Spreads • Causes • 1. Trade • 2. Rulers supported arts/universities • 3.Johannes Gutenberg- Printing Press(1450) Used his printing press to print copies of the Bible. • Printing press helped spread new humanists ideas and knowledge to a larger audience.!
Desiderius Erasmus • Asked for the Bible to be translated for all to read • Criticized church’s lack of spirituality , too many ceremonies • Best work, The Praise of Folly • Satirical view of the Church and their practices(fasting, pilgrimages, interpretation of scripture)
Thomas More • Condemned the government as corrupt • Wrote Utopia, which described an ideal society • Executed for not recognizing King of England as head of Church
William Shakespeare • Greatest playwright • Hamlet, Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, etc.
The Reformation Luther Excommunicated • Use Chapter 15, section 3 to complete both sides of the worksheet and complete the pyramid on a separate sheet. • Due Wednesday Left Side-Causes, events leading to Luther’s Excommunication Right Side- Events between Excommunication and New Church Lutheran Church Established
Reformation: Movement for religious reform • Questioned power of the Church • Salvation only possible through the Roman Catholic Church • Church too interested in money • Sold Indulgences- Release from all or parts of punishment of sin • Popes were political leaders and not spiritual, moral leaders • Some were even criminal • Pope moves to Avignon, France • Multiple Popes • Begins in Germany(not unified) • Era is marked with mass violence against the new “protesters”
Martin Luther • To rebuild St. Peter’s, the Pope sold indulgences • Martin Luther, a monk, dislikes this and posted 95 Theses on a church door(1517) • Ideas form the basis of Lutheranism (Protestantism) • Uses printing press to spread ideas
Luther Preached • Salvation through God’s forgiveness requires strong inner faith, not works or deeds • People must repent themselves, have a personal relationship with God • Teachings based on the Bible; church traditions are false (Bible only has two sacraments- Baptism and Holy Communion) • All people in faith are equal, do not need a priest to interpret the Bible for them(bible is the true authority of Christianity, not the church or the pope)
Luther on Trial • Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther, declared a heretic (1520) • Holy Roman Emperor Charles V put Luther on trial to retract his comments, but he wouldn’t • Edict of Worms: Declared Luther an outlaw within the Empire and no one should give him foods or shelter , or print his works
Luther in Hiding and Beyond • Luther hid in a castle and translated the Bible in to German • Established new Lutheran Church • Spreads throughout Germany • Peace of Augsburg- each prince can choose state’s own religion • Luther’s break with the church sets off a time bomb of new sects or Christian groups
Reformation Review Questions • Who was the most important person in the Reformation? • What event begins the Reformation? • What was one of the causes of the Reformation? • How do Protestant beliefs differ from Catholic?
The Reformation in England:King Henry VIII • 1491-1547 • One of the most well known Kings in European history (wives, violence, fat) • Hopes to reconquer land for England(France) • King Henry was married to Catherine of Aragon • Spain/England
Henry VIII • King Henry was married to Catherine of Aragon and they had a daughter, Mary • Henry wanted a divorce to get a son and to marry Anne Boleyn • Henry argued their marriage was against the Church because Catherine was his brother’s widow • Pope Clement VII said no
Henry VIII • Henry fought for 5 years for divorce, lost • So instead, he started a new church, Church of England (Anglican Church-protestant/catholic) • King(himself) was head of the church, not the pope • Catherine was imprisoned in a castle(dies mysteriously) and Henry married Anne (and had one daughter) • Led to war with Catholic Spain
Wife #2: Anne Boleyn Mother to Elizabeth Executed-Beheaded Wife #3:Jane Seymour Mother to King Edward VI Died in child birth Wife #5: Catherine Howard Executed-Beheaded Wife #6: Katherine Parr Survived Wife #4: Anne of Cleves Divorced
Edward VI • Son of King Henry VIII and son of Jane Seymour • King at age 9, so other really ruled and they strengthened Protestantism • At 16, he fell ill and named his cousin as his successor
Queen Mary Tudor • Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon • Married Philip II of Spain to restore Catholicism (and get a Catholic heir) • Killed Protestants- “Bloody Mary” • Died after 5 years as Queen
Queen Elizabeth • Daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn • Took over when Mary died • Restored Protestantism but supported religious toleration • Spanish Armada, led by her brother-in-law Philip II, attacked England and lost
Calvinism • John Calvin • Predestination • Strict Religious rules • Theocracy • Fatalism, Determinism, and Free Will Reading
The Catholic Counter-Reformation-Council of Trent • Catholic Church held a meeting to finalize their response to the reformation • 1. Church’s interpretation of Bible is final • 2. Need faith and good works for salvation • 3. Bible and Church traditions are equally powerful forces in guiding one’s life • 4. Indulgences are valid expressions of one’s faith
Results of The Reformation • 150 years of religious wars • Many different churches • Increased power of national government(kings-queens) • Decreased power of Pope