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Officer Emilee Nottestad Viroqua Police Department.
* Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC)* FBI* National Center for Missing and Exploited Children* US Postal Inspectors* Regional and local law enforcement * Wisconsin Department of Criminal Investigations* local law enforcement investigators
* online enticement/“traveler” cases* child pornography manufacturing/possession* responding to missing and abducted children* child sex trafficking
Alicia Kozakiewicz200213 years old“very shy”close family“anonymity of the Internet to take the shyness and fear of everyday lives of teens away”
* befriended 14-year-old “Christine” online* traded secrets, school photos, etc.* “Christine” offers to introduce Alicia to her “friend,” “John”* “Christine” and “John” are both actually 38-year-old Scott Tyree of Herndon, VA
* “John” spent 6 months grooming Alicia over the Internet* “He was interested in me as a person.”* shared her thoughts, goals, etc.* “I could count on him to see things my way.”* “He was always on my side.”
* New Year’s Day 2002* Alicia left the family dinner table to meet “John”*As she left her driveway and approached his car, he grabbed her and forced her into his vehicle.
* Scott Tyree transported Alicia from PA to VA* locked in a cage in his basement* collar and heavy chain* hung her by her arms and beat her repeatedly* clamps with electricity* repeatedly raped her* Posted images of her on the internet
Day 4:* fed her the only meal she ate while with him* “I think I’m getting to like you too much. When I get home we’re going for a ride.”
That day: FBI rescue* Western Pennsylvania Crimes Against Children Task Force (local police, FBI Hi-Tech Crimes Task Force, US Postal Inspector)* Tip to FBI in Tampa, FL by fellow pervert who saw Alicia via webcam
In 2007 there were 500,000 identified individuals in the U.S. trafficking child pornography on the InternetOver 80% of those who possessed child pornography admitted to having at least one “real child” victim during a prison study. Many had hundreds.
What can parents do?* talk openly* keep computer in common area* check privacy settings/screen names/etc.* watch browsing history* learn IM lingo (Google “message abbrieviations”)*utilize parental controls (Windows Vista)* monitor accounts (know that they may have a second account- email, FB, etc.)* beware of dangers associated with Peer to Peer networks and online gaming
Officer Emilee NottestadViroqua Police Department637-2121vpd@mwt.net