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Understanding The Universe With iJEDI

Understanding The Universe With iJEDI. Presented by Davit Stepanyan Developers: Davit Stepanyan/Jordan Padams Mentors: Elias Sayfi/Jordan Padams Wiki: https://jplwiki.jpl.nasa.gov:8443/display/iJEDI/ iJEDI+Home. Agenda . Concept of iJEDI Users Functionality and support

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Understanding The Universe With iJEDI

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Understanding The Universe With iJEDI Presented by Davit Stepanyan Developers: Davit Stepanyan/Jordan Padams Mentors: Elias Sayfi/Jordan Padams Wiki: https://jplwiki.jpl.nasa.gov:8443/display/iJEDI/iJEDI+Home

  2. Agenda • Concept of iJEDI • Users • Functionality and support • Challenges/Solutions • Future plans • Experience

  3. Beginning of iJEDI Journey • Why would we be interested in iJEDI? • User-friendly mobile application for iPad which is based on JEDI • What is JEDI? • Java EDR(Experimental Data Record)Display Interface • Web application allowing access to planetary data including PDS(Planetary Data System) data • Provides images and data in a predefined slideshow layout • Why not only use JEDI? • Because it’s 2011

  4. Who’s the User? • Science community and general public • What do we need? • Portability • Performance • Accessibility • Why iPad? • Big screen to fit all data and images • Product of Apple • $1 billion in first 30 days • 7.8 million people own an iPad in U.S. http://appleheadlines.com/2011/04/19/ipad-statistics-owners-are-mostly-male-and-have-100k-income/

  5. iJEDI? • Enhanced using Webification API (http://www.webification.org/) • API = Application Programming Interface • Based on REST (Representational State Transfer) framework • JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) over XML (Extensible Markup Language) • URI(URL + URN) over predefined functions • URL = Uniform Resource Locator • URN = Uniform Resource Name • Displays images and related data from planetary data(PDS archive) • Most of the functions are supported by touch gesture • MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture • Easy to use for almost everyone

  6. Functionality • Log in • Create slideshow • View slideshow • Pause/play slideshow • Move images/data • Enlarge images/data • Zoom in/out images/data • Slide from one screen to another • Rotation

  7. Challenges/Solutions • Familiarizing with iOS • iOS = Apple’s mobile Operating System (originally known as iPhone Operating System) • Parsing and rendering JSON • Slideshow animation • Performance (memory leak) • Finding the right source • Reusability

  8. Future Plans • Earth science data • iPhone portable • Ability to use the same slideshow layout from a different platform • Sliding through the image/data

  9. Development Hurdles/Experience • Learn iOS and develop iJEDI from scratch in 10 weeks • Part of the Puzzle • Front end + back end = iJEDI • Support • Xcode • Webificaton API • JSONKit library • ASIHTTP library • Team work • Self confidence • Career

  10. Special Thanks to • Who reads this right now • Elias Sayfi • Jordan Padams • Zhangfan Xing • Entire JPL family Please send an email if you have any more questions: Davit.Stepanyan@jpl.nasa.gov DavitStepanyanCS@gmail.com

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