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Club President's Responsibilities in District 12 Leadership Training

Equip club presidents with tools for effective club operations, communicate Zonta International and District 12 info, and provide mentorship opportunities. Empowering women through service and advocacy.

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Club President's Responsibilities in District 12 Leadership Training

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  1. Club President’s Responsibilities DISTRICT 12 LEADERSHIP TRAINING Sheila Davis 6/13/17

  2. Training OBJECTIVES • Objective 1: To provide club presidents the necessary tools for effective operations of their clubs • Objective 2: To communicate useful information about Zonta International and District 12 • Objective 3: To provide club presidents the opportunity to ask questions and seek advice from district trainers & other attendees

  3. Zonta International • MISSION Zonta International is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. • VISION Zonta International envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential. In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision making positions on equal basis with men. In such a world, no woman lives in fear of violence. • THEME Empowering Women Through Service and Advocacy

  4. Zonta District 12 MISSION Zonta District 12's purpose is to build, develop, and maintain strong clubs through support, leadership and communications in order to further the mission of Zonta International

  5. Flow of Information Zonta International Board International Director Ursula Werner, Germany District 12 Leadership Team Area Director District Committee Chairpersons Club President Club Committee Chairperson

  6. President’s Responsibilities • Review Zonta Club Manual • Fundamentals (Mission, Vision) • Leadership & Goverance (The Roles & Responsibilities of Club President, Club Board & Committees) • Running the Club (Holding Effective Meetings) • Club Calendar – Excellent! • Appendices (Strategic Plans, Biennial Goals) • ZI Website, My Zonta, Governance, Manuals • Review D12 President’s Guide (05-16-2015) • Developed before Zonta Club Manual • Some differences – includes insurance for clubs • D12 Website, Resources, Leadership Training, Club President’s Responsibilities

  7. Planning is Crucial to a Club’s Success • Mission Statement • Club should have a club mission statement that aligns with ZI and District 12 • Club Goals • Aligned with ZI and District 12 Goals • Use Member Surveys/Interest Inventories • Use D12 Club Annual Report & Biennial Goals • Long Range Planning and Goal Setting

  8. Club Operations • Establish Team Ground Rules – D12 website/Resources/Leadership Training/Club President’s Responsibilities • Lead Board Meetings & General Meetings • Templates – D12 Website, Resources, Leadership Training, Club Meeting Tools • Parliamentary Procedure – Robert’s Rules (D12 Website Resources/Leadership Training/Club Meeting Tools) Also in ZI Club Manual • Check email often • Delegate! • D12 Club Annual Report – Done at end of Zonta Year • Reflect upon and showcase your club’s accomplishments • Delegate each portion to the appropriate board member or committee chair • The District Service Award and the District Advocacy Award are given based upon the information in the Local Service & Advocacy sections • Due to Governor in May • Send to all club members • D12 Website, Members Only

  9. Communication • Include upcoming events in all meeting agendas • Develop a Newsletter (monthly, quarterly…) • Consider maintaining a database of “Friends of Zonta” • Ensure club board votes & entire club votes • Encourage members to attend leadership training classes, conventions, conferences, area meetings • Submit short articles & pictures to Share Your Story on ZI website

  10. Mentor for Club Presidents • Your Area Director is your Mentor • Don’t hesitate to call her for assistance – she’s been there! • Put her contact information in your phone. She is your direct line to all the help, information, concerns you might have

  11. Young Professionals Program • Pilot Program from ZI for 2016-2018 to attract Younger Members • Eligibility between 18yrs (most states) & 30yrs • International Dues $43 + $15 New Member per yr • District 12 Dues $21.50 per yr • Club Decides Dues D12 Website, Resources, Leadership Training, Membership ZI Website, My Zonta, Tools, Membership Tools, Related Resources on right hand side, Links

  12. Global Membership Drive • Worldwide Program to Attract New Members April 2017-April 2018 • Previously Voices for Gender Equality – North America • Many Documents to Help!! D12 Website, Resources, Leadership Training, Membership ZI Website, My Zonta, Tools, Membership Tools

  13. Zonta International Website •  Website: www.zonta.org • ZI Home Page Global Impact, International Service Programs/Scholarships Local Action, Local Service & Advocacy, Share Your Story • My Zonta – New Userid & Password April 2017 Governance, Governing Documents, ZI Bylaws, Rules of Procedure, ZI Foundation Bylaws, ZI Resolutions, Biennial Goals Governance, Manuals, Club, District, International, Membership, etc. Forms Zonta Store, middle of page, right hand side

  14. District 12 Website • Website: www.zontadistrict12.org • Home Page: D12 Map, Calendar of Events – Anyone can add events for clubs • Who We Are: Officers and Leadership Team, History, Clubs • What We Do: Advocacy, Scholarship & Awards, Service Projects • Resources: Leadership Training Club President’s Responsibilities 05/18/17 (all docs used in class) Long Range Planning & Goal Setting Club Meeting Tools Membership Training – Young Professionals Program Global Membership Drive • Members Only Area: Directory, Google Calendar Instructions, Club Annual Reports, Rotation of Hosts for District Conferences and Governor’s Seminars

  15. Conclusion • Make use of all the wonderful resources on the D12 and ZI websites. Do NOT re-invent the wheel • Encourage your committee chairs to keep contact info of their D12 counterpart handy as well • Don’t hesitate to email/call someone for help Questions/Concerns not covered?

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