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Service Order Screens. Through Utility Billing. Main Menu. Choose option 70 Service Orders to enter the service order entry screen. Service Order’s. Choose option ! Order entry to begin entering the service orders. Which printer?.
Service Order Screens Through Utility Billing
Main Menu Choose option 70 Service Orders to enter the service order entry screen.
Service Order’s Choose option ! Order entry to begin entering the service orders.
Which printer? If a default printer has not been set up in Service Orders, the Order Entry screen ask you to which printer you wish to print your Service Orders.
Deposits If you accept deposits, the Order Entry screen, will ask you to which deposit packet you wish to enter your deposits. The default packet name is DP##, were ## is the line number of the machine you are working. The Line number can be found next to the city at the top of the screen. We recommend using the default packet name.
Service Summary Screen 5 is the service summary screen. This screen displays the service abbreviation, meter number, service ID, status, sales tax, other tax and rate codes as well as the previous reading, current reading and consumption. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the desired service and press enter two times to see detailed service information. The information displayed on the detail screen is determined by the type of service selected.
Service Details The basic information contained on the service detail screen for metered services is the same with a few differences based on the type of service. The water service screen contains additional fields on the right side of the screen to track Pressure System and Section. Options appear at the bottom of the screen: F5 displays service history. F6 displays reading transactions. F7 displays a menu of other options.
Service History Pressing F5 from the service detail screen displays the last 15 months of billing history for the selected service. This screen displays the average consumption, the billing month, days of service, heating/cooling days, reading date, reading, consumption and amount billed including taxes. The column beside the billing month will display an X if a meter change is done and an A if an adjustment is done on the account for the selected month. Extended history can be viewed using F5-Additional History. This is available at an additional software cost.
Reading Trans Pressing F6 from the service detail screen displays the reading transactions for the selected service. Reading transactions are maintained by year. Type in the selected year and press enter to view the transactions. This screen displays the service number, ID number, reading date, reading month, reading, constant, meter number and how read code. The how read codes are: HH for handheld, MR for manual reading entry, FM for file maintenance, N for new service order, F for final service order.
Other Options • Pressing F7 from the • service detail screen • displays the Other • Options menu. • The options are: • Print Form-this option prints the customer name, service address, mailing address, service detail screen and F5 history including extended history. • Meter Inquiry-this option is used only if the New Meter Inventory software is used. This option displays the meter information from Meter Inventory. • Meter Update-this option is used to update info on the meter inventory record.
Gas Service The gas service screen contains the same basic fields that are contained on the water services. Options appear at the bottom of the screen: F5 displays service history. F6 displays reading transactions. F7 prints the service info and history.
Electric Service The electric service screen contains the basic metered service fields but also includes transformer Information. These fields are used to tie the electric service to the New Transformer Management module. The Seal # field seen here is displayed as the Meter ID field on the gas and water metered service screens. Options appear at the bottom of the screen: F5 displays service history. F6 displays reading transactions. F7 displays a menu of other options.
Demand Service The demand service screen is unique from all other metered services. This screen includes the basic tax and rate code information but also includes fields for contract demand, delivery voltage, measured kW, billed demand and ESP usage. Options appear at the bottom of the screen: F5 displays service history (see next page for details). F6 displays reading transactions. F7 prints service info and history.
Demand History The Demand service history includes the billing month and year, the billed kW (the usage on which the bill was calculated, measured kW (what the meter actually read), measured KVA and measured KVAR.
Linked Service Sewer is considered a linked service because it is linked to the water service for billing purposes. The sewer service screen contains the basic service information including tax and rate codes along with billing history. The sewer service also includes field used for special sewer billing including a minimum and maximum bill amount as well as special consumption fields. Options include F5 to view additional history and F7 to print the service info and history.
Flat Service The service detail screen for all flat services is the same. The flat service screen contains the basic service information including tax and rate codes along with billing history. The amounts fields at the bottom of the screen are useful. If an account needs to be billed a flat amount each month until a grand total has been reached, put the grand total in the Goal Amt field and put the amount to bill each month in the Flat Amt field. The Goal Amt is reduced each time the Flat Amt is billed until the Goal Amt is zero and the service auto terminates. Options include F5 to view additional history and F7 to print the service info and history.
ACH Bank Draft The ACH Bank Draft screen is only used if the ACH Bank Draft options are activated. This screen contains the information used to draft the customer’s account when the bills are due. This screen includes the bank account number, account type, and bank number. The Discretionary Data field is not used. The Pending Transactions section is used to let you know if the account has a pending prenote or pending amount transaction to send to the bank. The Final fields are used if the account is disconnected and an ACH record is pending for the final bill amount.
Deposit Screen Screen 7 is the deposit screen. There are two deposit systems available. The screen shown here is from the newer version of the deposit software. This screen allows you to maintain multiple deposits for each service. This account has two water deposits with different deposit dates and deposit certificate numbers. This is not available in the older deposit software that allows one deposit for each service. This screen displays the service abbreviation, certificate number, date and amount. It also displays deposit interest and return information.
Budget Billing Screen 8 is the budget billing screen. This screen is only used if the Budget Billing option is activated. This screen displays the budget amount currently due by service on the left side of the screen. The right side of the screen displays the budget billing history including the actual amount billed, the budget amount billed and the difference between the two amounts. It also displays the year to date budget billing balances.
Comment Screen Screen 9 is the comment screen. This screen is used to record miscellaneous notes about the account. Options include: F5 Insert Line is used to insert a blank line. The line is inserted above the line on which the cursor sits. F6 Delete Line is used to remove a line. Place the cursor on the line to be deleted then press F6. F7 Other Options allows you to delete all comments or append to the comments. Appending to the comments adds comments to the end. If there is more than one screen of comments entered, appending adds new comments to the last screen.
Reading Trans Screen 10 is the Reading Transaction screen. This screen displays reading transactions for all metered services. This is the same information displayed when you press F6 from the service detail screen. The difference is that this screen displays all readings for all metered services on one screen.
Message Screen Screen 11 is the Message screen and is used to display a message at the top of the customer’s account. This message displays any time the account is viewed either through inquiry, cash receipts or service orders. Up to 4 messages may be entered. They display on the top two lines in the left and right corners of the screen. The top section of the screen lists notes on how the boxes display and how the secure and xfer options work.
Service Orders Screen 12 is the Service Order screen. This screen displays a list of service orders entered on the account. A new option has been added to allow you to key in a service order number at the bottom of the screen and view the details regarding the service order. This screen displays the service order number, status, action type, date issued, requested and completed, who completed the order and who entered the order.
Bill Information Screen 13 is the Bill Information screen. There are three options available on this screen: L for Last Bill: This is used to view bills previously issued on the account. I for In Process Bill: This is used to view a bill that has been calculated but has not been updated. M for Manual Calculation: This is used to calculate a bill based on rate codes and usage entered by the user. This is for inquiry purposes only and is not saved on the account.
Bill Information All three options on screen 13 display the same fields including the current and previous reading dates, bill date, due date, net amount, penalty amount and gross amount. The service section includes the service abbreviation, previous and current readings, usage, service amount, tax amount, net amount, penalty amount and gross amount for each service.
Bill History When the L (Last Bill) option is selected, the Bill History screen displays. This screen lists the actual amounts billed on the account broken down by service. A screen print of this screen can be done if a customer needs another copy of what was billed. Options include: F1 to see the previous months’ bills. Continue to press F1 to scroll through the available bills. The number of months of bills kept on this screen is controlled by a parameter in Office Manager. Contact DataQuest support to assistance in increasing this number. F6 to Print the Bill displayed on the screen. If this option does not work correctly, contact the DataQuest Support Center for assistance.
In Process Bill When the I (In Process) option is selected, the Bill In Process screen displays. This screen only displays when the bill for this account has been calculated but not updated. A screen print of this screen can be used to give a customer a copy of their next bill if they want to pay it before it is actually billed.
Manual Bill When the M (Manual Bill) option is selected, a screen asking for additional information displays. “Which Service” is used to do a manual calculation for one service. Leave this field blank to see the calculation for all services. This field is required if the “Enter Codes/Cons Manually” option is selected. “Fuel Adjustment” is used to include a fuel adjustment amount in the manual calculation. This is needed if a fuel adjustment amount is entered when the regular bills are calculated and needs to be included in the manual calculation. Only one of the 4 options below can be selected at a time.
Enter Cons “Enter Consumption Manually” can be used when calculating an adjustment for the service by entering the usage that should have been billed and taking the difference in the amounts that display compared to the original amounts billed. When this option is selected, the bottom of the screen displays each metered service on the account and lets you key in consumption to use in the calculation.
Enter Cons The manual bill calculation screen shows the bill amounts calculated based on the usage entered on the previous screen. In this example, the water usage was entered. The sewer bill is linked to the water usage so the sewer amount was also calculated based on the usage entered. To only display the water calculation on this screen, enter the water service number in the “Which Service” field on the Manual Bill options screen.
Codes/Cons “Enter Codes/Consumption Manually” can be used when calculating an adjustment for the service when the account is originally billed using the wrong rate code and/or tax codes. The service number must be entered in the “Which Service” field to use this option. When this option is selected, the bottom of the screen displays the rate code, sales tax code, other tax code and consumption fields and lets you key in the desired values for each of these fields.
Codes/Cons The manual bill calculation screen shows the bill amounts calculated based on the rate codes, tax codes and usage entered on the previous screen.
Curr Mth Reads “Use Current Month Readings” can be used to calculate the service and tax amounts using the readings, rate codes and tax codes on the service detail screen (screen 5). This is useful if meters have been read but the bills have not been calculated and a customer needs to know their next bill amount to pay in advance.
Curr Mth Reads The manual bill calculation screen shows the bill amounts calculated based on the rate codes, tax codes and usage from the service detail screen. This option displays the current and previous reading dates from the service detail screen as well.
Hist Mth Reads “Use History Month Readings” can be used to calculate the service and tax amounts using rate codes and tax codes on the service detail screen (screen 5) and using readings from the service history screen. When this option is selected, the bottom of the screen asks for the History Month to Use. When looking at screen 5, F5 history, the first line of history is month 01, the second line of history is month 02, the 15th line of history is month 15. “History Month” is actually the history occurrence number on that screen.
Hist Mth Reads When looking at screen 5, F5 history, the first line of history is month 01, the second line of history is month 02, the 15th line of history is month 15. “History Month” is actually the history occurrence on that screen. In this example, history months are: May 2002: Month 01 Apr 2002: Month 02 Mar 2002: Month 03 Feb 2002: Month 04 Jan 2002: Month 05 Dec 2001: Month 06 Etc.
Hist Mth Reads The manual bill calculation screen shows the bill amounts calculated based on the rate codes, tax codes from the service detail screen and the history occurrence selected.
Ctrac Records Screen 14 displays the Ctrac records related to the account. This screen only displays if the Ctrac software has been installed.
Logging Info Screen 15 displays the logging information for the account. If Logging Codes have been installed, this screen tracks changes that are made to the information on the account. This screen displays the logging code, description, old value, new value, date/time entered, user name logged in when the change was made, the workstation ID number at which the change was made and a comment regarding the change, if required. A separate presentation discusses logging codes in detail.
Parcel Info Screen 16 displays the Owner/Parcel Information. This screen is used to link the account to a GIS mapping system. It is also used for stormwater billing. This left side of the screen displays the service address (from screen 1), the footprint number, electric meter link ID, water meter link ID, parcel ID, owner name, property address, E911 link, and E911 address. The right side of the screen displays the stormwater information including the GIS #, square footage, # of ERU’s, yearly rate and date last updated.
ImageEase Screen 17 offers viewing of images and documents filed in the ImageEase software. Only the bottom line of the screen changes when this screen is accessed. Options include scanning new images or viewing existing images. ImageEase is a scanning and filing system that links images and documents to utility accounts in the DataQuest software. For additional information on ImageEase, contact the DataQuest Sales Department.
ImageEase Screen 17 offers viewing of images and documents filed in the ImageEase software. Only the bottom line of the screen changes when this screen is accessed. Options include scanning new images or viewing existing images. ImageEase is a scanning and filing system that links images and documents to utility accounts in the DataQuest software. For additional information on ImageEase, contact the DataQuest Sales Department.
ImageEase Screen 17 offers viewing of images and documents filed in the ImageEase software. Only the bottom line of the screen changes when this screen is accessed. Options include scanning new images or viewing existing images. ImageEase is a scanning and filing system that links images and documents to utility accounts in the DataQuest software. For additional information on ImageEase, contact the DataQuest Sales Department.
ImageEase Screen 17 offers viewing of images and documents filed in the ImageEase software. Only the bottom line of the screen changes when this screen is accessed. Options include scanning new images or viewing existing images. ImageEase is a scanning and filing system that links images and documents to utility accounts in the DataQuest software. For additional information on ImageEase, contact the DataQuest Sales Department.
ImageEase Screen 17 offers viewing of images and documents filed in the ImageEase software. Only the bottom line of the screen changes when this screen is accessed. Options include scanning new images or viewing existing images. ImageEase is a scanning and filing system that links images and documents to utility accounts in the DataQuest software. For additional information on ImageEase, contact the DataQuest Sales Department.
ImageEase Screen 17 offers viewing of images and documents filed in the ImageEase software. Only the bottom line of the screen changes when this screen is accessed. Options include scanning new images or viewing existing images. ImageEase is a scanning and filing system that links images and documents to utility accounts in the DataQuest software. For additional information on ImageEase, contact the DataQuest Sales Department.
ImageEase Screen 17 offers viewing of images and documents filed in the ImageEase software. Only the bottom line of the screen changes when this screen is accessed. Options include scanning new images or viewing existing images. ImageEase is a scanning and filing system that links images and documents to utility accounts in the DataQuest software. For additional information on ImageEase, contact the DataQuest Sales Department.
ImageEase Screen 17 offers viewing of images and documents filed in the ImageEase software. Only the bottom line of the screen changes when this screen is accessed. Options include scanning new images or viewing existing images. ImageEase is a scanning and filing system that links images and documents to utility accounts in the DataQuest software. For additional information on ImageEase, contact the DataQuest Sales Department.
Completing Service Orders Through Utility Billing
ImageEase Screen 17 offers viewing of images and documents filed in the ImageEase software. Only the bottom line of the screen changes when this screen is accessed. Options include scanning new images or viewing existing images. ImageEase is a scanning and filing system that links images and documents to utility accounts in the DataQuest software. For additional information on ImageEase, contact the DataQuest Sales Department.