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Purchase Cards Kent County Council

Purchase Cards Kent County Council. Nick Vickers Head of Financial Services. KENT. Kent County Council. 4 star CPA rating 3 star Social Services Revenue Budget £1.8bn Capital Budget £368m Goods & Services expenditure £854m 40,000 staff. The Drivers. Social Care specific issues AND

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Purchase Cards Kent County Council

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  1. Purchase CardsKent County Council Nick Vickers Head of Financial Services

  2. KENT Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  3. Kent County Council • 4 star CPA rating • 3 star Social Services • Revenue Budget £1.8bn • Capital Budget £368m • Goods & Services expenditure £854m • 40,000 staff Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  4. The Drivers • Social Care specific issues AND • eProcurement Strategy Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  5. Social Care Drivers • Promoting independence • Community leadership • Branding of KCC • eAgenda • Efficiency Savings Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  6. What is Domiciliary Care • 36,000 clients helped to live at home – 9,500 receiving care packages at any one time. • Older people, learning disability, physical impairment, mental health difficulties. • Care Managers within KCC commission the care from private sector providers. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  7. The Projects • Transaction Data Matching (TDM) • Kent Card Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  8. Transaction Data Matching

  9. Payments to Domiciliary Care Providers • 70 care providers in Kent. • 24,000 invoices • Manual invoice checking and certification process. • Payment delays • Supplier frustration • Compliance with Government Payment Directives. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  10. What is TDM? • Outsourced, automated payment and data matching solution. • Developed with RBS and PCCL. • Electronic process. • Embedded OGC/Visa card. • £3-4m per month being transacted. • Fully implemented. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  11. TDM Process Supplier KCC Electronic invoice file Care management orders 3rd party matching process by PCCL Management information to KCC Payment to supplier KCC pays bank Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  12. Kent County Council Benefits • Only 1 invoice per month. • Efficiency savings - £700k per annum. • Streamlined purchase – to – pay process. • Increased level of control. • Meets eGovernment targets. • Meets Government payment requirements. • Environmental benefits. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  13. Supplier Benefits • 2-4 day payment – better cashflow. • No queries / hold up in payments. • Administratively simpler. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  14. Issues • Commitment from the top within KCC. • Commitment of partners. • Winning over care providers. • Merchant Service Charge. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  15. Kent Card

  16. Background • 1996 Direct Payment Act gave LA’s the power to offer cash payment to clients to secure their own support. • 2003 duty imposed to increase use of Direct Payments. • Very low take up nationally – Kent 700 clients. • Department of Health promoting use of purchase cards. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  17. Why • Reducing dependancy. • Giving individuals greater choice. • Technology as a means to and end. • Ambivalence of UK banking sector to client group. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  18. What is Kent Card? • Pre-loaded corporate card. • Visa badged and KCC branded – developed with RBS. • Allows for individual top-up and internet facility. • Card available for Kent residents who receive Direct Payments from KCC. • Clients pay electronically for services from Visa enabled organisations. • Clients can draw cash. • Serviced by 24/7 KCC Contact Centre. • Target 5,000 clients. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  19. Benefits • Ownership by the individual. • Empowering the individual. • Easier administration for the individual. • Available to more vulnerable clients. • Reducing Adult Services administration. • Better value purchasing? • Meeting Government targets. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  20. Issues • Technology. • Compliance with Financial Services Authority requirements. • Customer service support. • Training. • Merchant Service Charge. • Wider applicability. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  21. General Purchase Cards

  22. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  23. eProcurement Strategy • Directorate business systems – transacting business electronically. • Oracle iProcurement – for general expenditure. • Purchase Cards. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  24. Usage • Replacement of imprest accounts. • Use by senior officers. • Business usage – low value, low frequency transactions. • Schools. • Alternative to Officers Expenses for miscellaneous expenditure. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  25. Issues • Single process. • Good back office system. • User friendly. • IT not complex. • Cheap. • Empowering. • Branding of KCC. • VAT reclaim. • Basic coding. • Possible misuse. Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  26. Key Contacts Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

  27. Questions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Nick/2006/Manchester Purchase Card Presentation.ppt

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