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Southeast District President’s Forum

Southeast District President’s Forum. Kc. Kasserman, CPIM, CIRM, CSCP, Fred Tolbert, CPIM, CSCP, CPM. Welcome!. Indeed – Welcome to Raleigh, NC and your Southeast District APICS meeting!. A few particulars out of the way…. Everybody know where you are? Housekeeping Forum Agenda

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Southeast District President’s Forum

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  1. Southeast DistrictPresident’s Forum Kc. Kasserman, CPIM, CIRM, CSCP, Fred Tolbert, CPIM, CSCP, CPM

  2. Welcome! Indeed – Welcome to Raleigh, NC and your Southeast District APICS meeting!

  3. A few particulars out of the way… Everybody know where you are? Housekeeping Forum Agenda BOK Sessions today Weekend Highlights Hospitality Tonight

  4. Weekend Highlights Friday BOK Sessions: Supply Chain Security – former FBI director Joe Ford Tractors and the Internet – very own Rich Shubbert Casino Royale hospitality/networking event Saturday Sessions: Seven (7) different chapter sessions Dr. Robert Vokurka as guest APICS speaker Dedicated Chapter Highlights session

  5. District Director Fred Tolbert, CPIM, CSCP, CPM

  6. District Director Summary • General Board of Director Topics: • Presence of at-large BOD members a major plus • Strategic plan is a breathing document, not • gathering dust on a shelf • Executive staff bench strength • Priorities in 2007 – 2008 have been office move • and governance • Priorities in 2008 and beyond are on execution

  7. District Director Summary • Society is on sound financial footing • Office move is coming in under budget • Society membership • Current 43,500+ • 2008 year-end target: 41,450 (mainly due to dues increase) • Product Rollout Schedule • Strategic Priority: Product life-cycle study being initiated • New products in 2008 • CPIM updates in 2009

  8. District Director Summary • Collaboration Issues: • IBF / APICS Sales and Operations Planning Seminar – Huge success!

  9. District Director Summary • BOD Governance Motions: • Changed length of term for executive offices from 2 years to 1 year • Length of term for Directors at Large from 2 years to 1 year • Specifies that the Chair-Elect automatically succeeds to the office of chair • Members of the society Nominations Committee will be recommended by the Governance Committee

  10. Staff Reports Arrangements: Wilson Programs: Arvil Chapter Management: Alma Finance: Randell Strategic Management: Dwaine Communications: Scott Secretary/Web: Deb Education: Jerry

  11. Arrangements .. Wilson Grab

  12. Arrangements Clarion Chattanooga – “Doubletree” Chattanooga October 17 – 18, 2008 Phone 423-756-6947 Room rate $110 S/D Parking $7/self and $8 valet

  13. Programs Arvil Sexton

  14. Programs • BOK Sessions – continue • Breakout Sessions – • 3 sessions – 2 chapters presenting • 3 sessions – single presenters • Strategic Planning • Robert – APICS • 2 Chapters – “How to” sessions • Marketing APICS products • CPIM marketing • APICS marketing – Jane Pearson

  15. Programs Chattanooga – Theme: Volunteer Chapter Leadership More/New Chapters involved Highlight Chapter Success

  16. Chapter Management Alma Ballard

  17. SPRING TO DO LIST • Update Board Roster for 2008-2009—Deadline: As Soon as Available • Whether you are an outgoing chapter president or planning to continue in your role, please be sure to update your chapter’s board roster using the My Chapter database management tool. You must update your chapter roster term before the term end date or you will lose access to My Chapter. Note: The ability to make updates to the My Chapter Board Management function is restricted to chapter presidents.  District and designated chapter officers have view only access.

  18. CMS/C-BAR • Chapter Benchmarking and Reporting (C-BAR) Program—Deadline July 31 • APICS chapters are required to report their annual compliance with Chapter Minimum Standards (CMS) to their district manager/district staff for evaluation.  Chapters in compliance with CMS are also encouraged to participate in the Chapter Benchmarking and Reporting (C-BAR) awards portion of the program.  If you have questions please contact your appropriate district representative.

  19. Section 1-E5 Minimum Standards • Did at least one BOD member attend one officer training session? • Great News – Participation in the District Monthly Webinars will count. The District will provide confirmation of attendance. • Will not count if you register and do not attend.

  20. CMS/C-BAR TIMELINE • July 31 – Submissions sent to the assigned district staff person • August 3 – District Rep will send Chapter confirmation that submission has been received. • August 30 – Copies of the entries are sent to the District Manager. • September 1 –Chapter’s are notified about status. Evaluator responses and comments are included. • September 1 – APICS Chapter Relations notified about each chapter’s status.


  22. Finance Randell Eldridge

  23. Form 990 and 990EZ • File Current forms for 2007-2008 • New forms for 2008-2009 • To be filed in 2009 • New Requirements • Some differences • 2 years data • Preliminary information available • GET INFORMATION NOW

  24. APICS Exemption • April 8, 2008 • Listed are the documents necessary for coverage of a chapter in the APICS' group exemption. • A statement requesting coverage in the APICS group exemption program.  (A simple one- line statement on chapter letterhead is sufficient - signed by a current officer of the chapter, with title included.)  • The chapter’s employer identification number ora copy of the completed IRS Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number (only for chapters who do not have an IRS employer identification number.)  The chapter should mail the original form to the IRS as directed in the instructions; APICS needs a copy for proof of application.  • A declaration of purposes and activities, including sources of receipts and nature of expenditures  • A copy of the chapter bylaws, or other chapter governing instrument • The complete set of documents should be forwarded to the attention of the Finance division, at APICS corporate officers. • If you need any help in this process, please do not hesitate to call. I can be reached at (703) 354-8996, extension 2245. • Sincerely, • Cecilia K. Howland, CIA • Assistant Controller & Internal Auditor

  25. Group Commercial General Liability Insurance Opportunity • Review liability insurance offer • Memo dated April 28, 2008 • Deadline June 16, 2008 • Effective July 1, 2008 • Every chapter should have liability insurance • It must be renewed yearly

  26. Webinar 5-20-08 • Basic Financial Management • BOD responsibility • Audits • Budgeting • Monthly review • Procedures • IRS requirements • State tax requirements • Incorporation • Copy on Southeast Website

  27. BUDGETING Several Changes for 2008-09 • Education Materials • CPIM to be revised • CSCP is to be revised • New Lean series • New TTT • Financial workshop for Operations • Membership ???? • Need to look at Cash Flow

  28. Strategic Management Dwaine Raper

  29. Strategic Management Currently working with APICS Corporate to benchmark the findings from their recent strategic planning efforts We will also be looking to District Staff and Chapters for input/issues to be considered in strategic planning.

  30. Communications Scott Campbell

  31. Communications Newsletter My Chapter Nominations

  32. Secretary/Web Deb Hansford

  33. www.apicssoutheast.org

  34. Free! 4 Chapters

  35. Google

  36. www.apicssoutheastdistrict.blogspot.com

  37. Webinars Financials – May 20 7 attendees Financials – May 13 13 attendees CMS – Mar 11 17 attendees Kick off – Jan 8 24 attendees Website – Dec 19 36 attendees

  38. Education Jerry Kilty

  39. Education Lean Train the Trainer Charlotte 7-15 thru 7-17 Orlando 8-12 thru 8-14 Courseware update Qualified Instructor Program Regular TTT schedule

  40. Wrap Up Thanks for your time and participation! Don’t forget to complete the survey/feedback… Mark your calendar now Chattanooga, TN Oct 17-18 Reserve your room with hotel AND Register online with the District See you there!!!

  41. District Manager Kc. Questions & feedback from you… ?

  42. Chicago Move - Expenses

  43. 2009 District Meeting Locations Nashville, TN (any) New Orleans, LA (Feb) Atlanta, GA (Feb) Lexington, KY (Jun) Louisville, KY (Jun)* Cincinnati, OH (Jun) – Joint meeting Charleston, SC (Oct)* Asheville, NC (Oct) Charlotte, NC (Oct) San Juan, PR (Oct) – probably 2010 * Selected as location for 2009 • Tampa • Jacksonville FL (Feb)* • Savannah, GA • Birmingham, AL • Greenville, SC • Myrtle Beach

  44. Others… From the floor… Your turn!!!

  45. Wrap Up Thanks for your time and participation! Don’t forget to complete the survey/feedback… Mark your calendar now Chattanooga, TN Oct 17-18 Reserve your room with hotel AND Register online with the District See you there!!!

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