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Student Learning Objectives: Information for Teachers

Student Learning Objectives: Information for Teachers. Fall 2o12. Guiding Questions for SLO’s. What are the goals for student learning? How will we know that they were met?. If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. --Lawrence Peter.

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Student Learning Objectives: Information for Teachers

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  1. Student Learning Objectives:Information for Teachers Fall 2o12

  2. Guiding Questions for SLO’s • What are the goals for student learning? • How will we know that they were met?

  3. If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. --Lawrence Peter

  4. Teacher Evaluation Formula Student Learning Objectives

  5. What is a Student Learning Objective? • A goal statement for students’ learning • Measured by predetermined evidence • That results in a growth score for the teacher.

  6. Who Needs an SLO? • 4-8 ELA & Math Teachers will have their Growth Score provided by the State • ALL other teachers need SLO’s to be created

  7. Who is a Teacher? • Anyone whose subject requires teacher certification • Includes all subject areas, • Media specialists & librarians • Speech teachers- new clarification on this one, No unless a class is assigned to the teacher • AIS, ESL, Special Ed. • Does NOT include: • Guidance • PT/OT/Counselors/School Psychologists

  8. What Is an SLO Based On? • Teachers of subjects culminating in a State Assessment must use that assessment within their SLO • All other subjects have assessment options • Some teachers will need to have multiple SLO’s

  9. How Many SLO’s? • If teachers teach more than one group or class, their SLO’s must cover: • 50% or more of their students • Starting with their largest sections • Including every student in each class included • Teachers of multiple classes/subjects will need multiple SLO’s until they meet the 50% rule • K-3 teachers will need an SLO for both Literacy & Math

  10. Who Needs What Kind of SLO Guidance from NYSED

  11. Test Your Knowledge: State Provided Growth Measure or SLO? Test Your Knowledge: State Provided Growth Measure or SLO? Teacher State Provided Growth Measure or SLO? State Provided Growth 5 Grade Common Branch Teacher th 8 Grade ELA Teacher State Provided Growth th Elementary Art Teacher SLO: - Two 2 grade Art sections with 20 students each; 1 SLO for 4 grade Art sections nd • th - Two 4 grade Art sections with 25 students each; 1 SLO for 2 grade Art sections th • nd - One 5 grade Art section with 30 students. th 7 Grade Math and Science Teacher SLO: th - Two 7 grade Math sections with 30 students each; 1 SLO for 7 grade math (will th • th - Two 7 grade Science sections with 25 students each; receive State provided growth th - One Advanced 7 grade Science section with 20 students. SGP ) th 1 SLO for 7 grade Science • th High School CTE Teacher SLO: - 150 students across 5 sections of Cosmetology (all 1 SLO for Cosmetology • use same final assessment) sections 8 Grade Science Teacher SLO: th - One 8 grade Science section with 30 students; 1 SLO for 8 grade Advanced th • th - Four 8 grade Advanced Science sections with 28 students Science sections th each.

  12. HOW SLO’s ARE SET • District Office: • Has final authority over SLO’s • Determines guidelines for SLO development • (e.g. may require a writing portion; may stipulate that all SLO’s have a target of 85% students reaching proficiency) • Determines the assessments to be used for SLO’s • Determines HEDI bands

  13. How SLO’s Are Set, cont. • Teachers: • Pre-assess their students (in fall, or spring the year before) • Propose their SLO’s based on their pre-assessment results • Principals: • Approve &/or revise teachers’ SLO’s • Ensure comparability across content areas & grades

  14. Assessment Options • 3rd party purchased assessments – must be from the NYSED-approved list, OR • Regionally or district-created assessments & • May include performance tasks, products, as well as traditional examinations

  15. Pre-Assessments • The purpose of the pre-assessment is to give enough information to set a proficiency target for each class • It does not need to be identical to the post-assessment • The teacher (& district) chooses the pre-assessment • Pre-assessments are delivered in September-October (or at beginning of semester for semester-length courses)

  16. Post-Assessments • The same post-assessment must be used by every teacher of a particular course & level • Post-Assessments must be scored by someone other than the teacher of record

  17. The SLO Template What do SLO’s look like

  18. NYSED SLO Framework

  19. SLO’s are SMART Goals • Specific • Measureable • Attainable • Realistic • Timebound

  20. SLO Elements • Student Population • Must address all students in the class • Must have roster with names/ID’s attached • Learning Content • Should include most important learning outcomes • Specific and measureable • Addresses content area standards • Common Core Standards? National Standards?

  21. SLO Elements, cont. • Evidence • Describe assessment task(s) or reference specific assessment • Attach or reference rubric or scoring criteria • Baseline • Reference & submit student scores on specified pre-assessment • Rationale • Describes WHY for this • Learning Content, Evidence & Target

  22. Targets • Are set collaboratively by teachers & principals • After pre-assessment data has been reviewed (typically in the fall) • For each SLO

  23. Target Approach 1 - Growth • Target Example: 85% of students will grow by 60 percentage points or more on their post-test compared to their pre-test for the standards. This kind of target only works if the pre-test is the same as the post-test

  24. Target Approach 2 - Mastery • Example: 85% of students, including special populations, will score 75% or higher on the summative assessment.

  25. Target Approach 3: Individualized Target(s) • Example: 85% of students, including special populations, will meet or exceed their individualized target. Individualized targets are set based on multiple sources of baseline DATA. Cannot be based just on an IEP.

  26. Other Kinds of Targets • Bands, e.g.: • Those with baseline scores of 0-24 have targets of 65 • Those with baseline scores of 25-35 will have target of 75+ • Those with baseline scores of 36+ have target of 85+

  27. Matching HEDI Score to Targets • Districts create rules for HEDI scores. • The target set by the teacher & principal in September describes Effective • Performance.

  28. Example: Teacher with 3 SLO’s for 75 Students Overall

  29. What’s Next • Districts set guidelines for SLO development • Districts identify assessments for each subject area & grade level • Regional work will take place this fall to create assessments for: • Music K-12 • Art K-12 • Physical Education K-12 • Foreign Language • Social Studies 6-9 and all other subject areas

  30. The SLO Timeline for Teachers • September/October: • Verify students in your roster(s) • Administer & score pre-assessments • Set targets for each class & subject • Meet with principal for revision/approval • Midyear: • Meet collaboratively to analyze progress towards targets • Spring (or end of semester): • Administer post-assessment • Growth score is calculated • Meet with principal about results

  31. Keeping the Purpose In Sight: • What are the goals for student learning? • How will we know that they were met?

  32. For More Information… • http://engageny.org/resource/student-learning-objectives/

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