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History and Science Testing Strategies. Procedures: C.U.B. (Circle Dates, Underline Names, Box Events) In 1776, what document did Thomas Jefferson write during the Revolutionary War? W.I.F. (Write Important Facts) P.O.E. (Process of Elimination). 3 rd President of US 1801-1809
Procedures: • C.U.B. • (Circle Dates, Underline Names, Box Events) • In 1776, what document did Thomas Jefferson • write during the Revolutionary War? • W.I.F. (Write Important Facts) • P.O.E. (Process of Elimination) • 3rd President of US • 1801-1809 • 1st Secretary of State • Author of Dec. of Ind. • Pres. during purchase of Louisiana Territory • Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson • Common Sense, Thomas Paine • 1775-1783 • George Washington • was Commanding General
Process of Elimination (POE)… (again, write important facts during POE) In 1776, what document did Thomas Jefferson write during the Revolutionary War? A The Articles of Confederation- B. The Magna Carta- C. The Constitution- D. The Declaration of Independence- written 1777, ratified 1781, Shay’s reb proved weak, firm league of … 1215 limited King’s power, rep. govt for nobles, basic rights protected written 1787, ratified 1788, Philadelphia Convention, NJ, VA, GC Plans… 7/4/1776, written by T. Jefferson, Rev. war, 3 parts which are…
In 1854, Anthony Burns, a fugitive slave from Alexandria, Virginia, was arrested in Boston and returned to Virginia. Which federal legislation provided the basis for Burns’s arrest? • The Kansas-Nebraska Act • The Homestead Act • The Compromise of 1850 • The Gadsden Purchase Would use popular sovereignty to determine if they wanted to be slave/free state Passed in 1862, anyone who did not take up arms against the US would get 160 acres of land 5 parts of the Compromise; Fugitive Slave Act was 1 of them Purchased after the Mexican War to fulfill Manifest Destiny & build railroad
How did the disruption in Atlantic shipping prior to and during the War of 1812 significantly affect the U.S. economy? • Imports of raw materials increased in the Northeast. • Americans emigrated to Europe to find manufacturing jobs. • Cotton sales from southern states to Europe increased. D. American industries expanded to provide replacements for foreign goods. Most raw materials came from the Northeast. Manufacturing increased during War because of the Embargo Act Cotton sales would increase with the Industrial Revolution in Britain, 1815 The Embargo Act would force Americans to buy American goods because importing was banned; also nationalism would grow after the War.
Stop and use these strategies on History problems handouts. • Remember: • C.U.B. • (Circle Dates, Underline Names, Box Events) • W.I.F. (Write Important Facts) • P.O.E. (Process of Elimination)
Science Procedures: • C.U.B. • (Circle science terms, Underline what questions is asking , Box Identifiers (like most, least, not, and except..etc) • Ex. In the diagram, which best describes the competition relationship between seals and fish? • W.I.F. (Write Important Facts and analyze picture or diagram) • P.O.E. (Process of Elimination)
Process of Elimination (POE)… (again, write important facts during POE) A population of moths living in an area has changed over many years. Different groups with different characteristics have developed within the population. The weather in the area has also changed. Less rain has resulted in brown grass and weaker trees. Predict which characteristic would most likely help a group survive the change in the environment? A wings that are browner in color B wings that are greener in color C wings with a wider shape D wings with a narrower shape -browner wings look more like dead grass=less predators -green wings would stick out on brown grass= moths would get eaten -wider wings would possibly help fly, but nothing to do with less rain -possibly better camouflaged but nothing to do with less rain
The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram above can be used to classify stars. The celestial body Ridahas a temperature of about 9,600 K and a luminosity about 37 times as great as the Sun. Ridais best classified as a A main sequence star. B supergiant. C giant. D white dwarf. -get brighter (luminosity) as it gets hotter - -very bright, but not hot -somewhat bright, but not hot -very hot, but not bright
Show the next screen while using the strategies with the 5 science questions on paper!
Science Procedures: • C.U.B. • (Circle science terms, Underline what questions is asking , Box Identifiers (like most, least, not, and except..etc) • Ex. In the diagram, which best describes the competition relationship between seals and fish? • W.I.F. (Write Important Facts and analyze picture or diagram) • P.O.E. (Process of Elimination)
In the topographic map, over time what will happen • along the line indicated by the arrow? • AA mountain ridge will be pushed up. • B Water will erode a deeper stream. • C The slip fault will increase in size. • D There is unlikely to be any change along the line.
2. During one trial of an experiment, forces are applied to a box resting on a frictionless surface, as shown in the diagram. What is the Net Force acting on the box? A. 0 B. 13.2 C. 10.8 D. 11.7
3. Which of these best describes one of the subatomic particles that could be found at location X in the model of an atom shown above? AIt has mass but no charge. B It has no mass and a positive charge. C It has a large mass and a negative charge. D It has no mass and an equal number of positive and negative charges.