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MUMS API. CUEL IMAN MLIM 2010/11/18. CUEL Module. BOOL CUELCreateCustomEventLog(LPCWSTR SourceName, LPCWSTR LogName, LPCWSTR CategoryFile, LPCWSTR EventFile,
CUEL Module BOOL CUELCreateCustomEventLog(LPCWSTR SourceName, LPCWSTR LogName, LPCWSTR CategoryFile, LPCWSTR EventFile, PVOID LogContentInformation) • Function Description • This function allows the caller to request that the module name be added to the registry as an event source, a custom event log with the specified name be created, and then a handle to the new event log be retrieved and returned. • Parameter: • [in] SourceName–The name of the module requesting the new event log. • [in] LogName–Name of the new custom event log. • [in] CategoryFile–A pointer to a Category DLL file. • [in] EventFile–A pointer to a Event DLL file. • [in] LogContentInformation–A pointer to a structure or file on events to be recorded in the log.
CUEL Module HANDLE CUELRegisterEventSource(LPCTSTR SourceName) • Function Description: • Retrieves a registered handle to the specified event log. • Parameter: • [in] SourceName- The name of the event source whose handle is to be retrieved. The source name must be a subkey of a log under the Eventlog registry key.
CUEL Module • Function Description: • Closes a write handle to the specified event log. • Parameter: • [in] EventLogHandle- A handle to the event log. This handle is returned by the CUELRegisterEventSource function. BOOL CUELDeregisterEventSource(HANDLE EventLogHandle)
CUEL Module BOOL CUELReportEvent (HANDLE EventLogHandle, WORD Type, WORD Category, DWORD EventId, PSID UserSid, WORD NumberStrings, DWORD EventDataSize, LPCWSTR *StringsPointer, PVOID EventData) • Function Description: • Writes an entry at the end of the specified event log. • Parameter: • [in] EventLogHandle- A handle to the event log. This handle is returnedby the CUELRegisterEventSource function. • [in] Type- The type of event to be logged. • [in] Category- The event category. This is source-specific information;the category can have any value. • [in] EventId- The event identifier. The event identifier specifies the entry in the message file associated with the event source.
CUEL Module • [in] UserSid- A pointer to the current user's security identifier. This parameter can be NULL if the security identifier is not required. • [in] NumberStrings- The number of insert strings in the array pointed to by the stringsPointer parameter. A value of zero indicates that no strings are present. • [in] EventDataSize- The number of bytes of event-specific raw (binary) data to write to the log. If this parameter is zero, no event-specific data is present. • [in] StringsPointer- A pointer to a buffer containing an array of null-terminated strings that are merged into the message before Event Viewer displays the string to the user. This parameter must be a valid pointer (or NULL), even if numberStrings is zero. Each string has a limit of 32K characters. • [in] EventData- A pointer to the buffer containing the binary data. This parameter must be a valid pointer (or NULL), even if the eventDataSize parameter is zero.
iMAN Module BOOL iMANSendNotification(IMANNOTIFICATIONACTIONTYPES NoticationActionType, HANDLE EventHandle, PVOID ActionDescriptor, IMANASYNCRESULT* IMANAsyncResult ); • Function Description: • This function allows the caller to request a notification action of specified type to be carried out. • Parameter: • [in] NotificationActionType –A notification action type. • [in] EnentHandle- The event that will be signaled while the asynchronous function is done • [in] ActionDescriptor –An action descriptor of the specified action type. • [in] IMANAsyncResult- The data block storing the result returned by IMAN Module
MLIM Module • Function Description: • This function allows the caller to open a specified type of container on smart cabinet. • Parameter: • [in] EventHandle–The event that will be signaled while the asynchronous function is done • [in] MedicationID –The MedicationID that will be opened • [in] MLIMAsyncResult–The data block storing the result returned by MLIM Module BOOL MLIMOpenContainer( LPCTSTR MedicationID);
MLIM Module • Function Description: • This function will be called when the smart cabinet is in medication preparation status. • Parameter: • [in] EventHandle–The event that will be signaled while the asynchronous function is done • [in] MLIMAsyncResult–The data block storing the result returned by MLIM Module BOOL MLIMStartPrepareMedication(HANDLE EventHandle, MLIMASYNCRESULT* MLIMAsyncResult);
MLIM Module • Function Description: • This function will be called when the smart cabinet is finished medication preparation. • Parameter: • [in] EventHandle–The event that will be signaled while the asynchronous function is done • [in] MLIMAsyncResult–The data block storing the result returned by MLIM Module BOOL MLIMEndPrepareMedication(HANDLE EventHandle, MLIMASYNCRESULT* MLIMAsyncResult);
MLIM Module • Function Description: • This function will be called when the smart cabinet is in medication preparation status and create a mapping table. • Parameter: • [in] MedicationID–The MedicationID that will be mapped BOOL MLIMMapMedicationIDAndContainerID(LPCTSTR MedicationID);
MLIM Module • Function Description: • This function allows the caller to check if the medication is in the smart cabinet or not. • Parameter: • [in] MedicationID–The MedicationID that will be checked BOOL MLIMIsMedicationIDInCabinet(LPCTSTR MedicationID);